twitch() { livestreamer "$1" & } sysupgrade(){ old_kernel=$(pacman -Q linux-raspberrypi 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $2 }') LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 sudo pacmatic -Syu new_kernel=$(pacman -Q linux-raspberrypi 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $2 }') if [[ $old_kernel != $new_kernel && $(uname -m) == 'armv7l' ]] then sudo mkinitcpio -k "$new_kernel-ARCH" -g /boot/initrd fi cower -u } copy_img_to_usb(){ if [[ $1 = "" ]] then return 1 fi FILE=$1 FILESIZE=$(stat -c%s "$1") TARGET=$2 lsblk echo "Are you sure you want to copy $FILE to $TARGET?" read if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] then sudo umount $TARGET?* dd bs=4M if=$FILE | pv -s $FILESIZE | sudo dd of=$TARGET && sync fi } cdtemp(){ local tmpfolder=$(mktemp -d) cd $tmpfolder aliasstring="change_dir $tmpfolder " #delete folder if cd out of it alias cd=$aliasstring } #belongs to the cdtemp function change_dir(){ #If no dir is specified go to home directory as expected if [[ $2 = "" ]] then cd else cd "$2" fi if [ ! $(expr match $(pwd) '\(/tmp/tmp.[a-zA-Z0-9]*\)') ] then echo "Deleting tmp folder $1." rm -rf "$1" unalias cd fi } #from arch wiki pacman_disowned(){ tmp=${TMPDIR-/tmp}/pacman-disowned-$UID-$$ db=$tmp/db fs=$tmp/fs mkdir "$tmp" trap 'rm -rf "$tmp"' EXIT pacman -Qlq | sort -u > "$db" #I added: #/etc/ssl/certs #/usr/lib/python #/usr/share/mime find /bin /etc /sbin /usr \ ! -name lost+found\ ! -path "/etc/ssl/certs/*"\ ! -path "/usr/lib/python*"\ ! -path "/usr/share/mime/*"\ \( -type d -printf '%p/\n' -o -print \) | sort > "$fs" comm -23 "$fs" "$db" } virtual_env_prompt() { REPLY=${VIRTUAL_ENV+(${VIRTUAL_ENV:t}) } } delete-old-archives() { sudo tarsnap --fsck archives=$(sudo tarsnap --list-archives | sort) del_archives=$(echo $archives | head -n $(($(echo $archives | wc -l) - 3))) del_archives=("${(@f)del_archives}") for archive in $del_archives do read -q "reply?Do you want to delete '$archive' ? " echo "" if [[ $reply == "y" ]] then echo "Deleting '$archive' ..." sudo tarsnap -d -f "$archive" fi done } update-mirrors() { if [[ $(uname -m) != "x86_64" ]] then echo "Not supported on this architecture." else sudo sh -c "reflector -p http -l 50 --sort rate | tee /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist_" sudo sed -i 's/mirrorlist$/mirrorlist_/g' /etc/pacman.conf fi } old-abi() { for i in $(pacman -Qqm); do if pacman -Qql $i | xargs readelf -d 2>/dev/null | grep -q; then echo $i; fi; done }