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* Copyright 2013 Computer Graphics Group RWTH Aachen University. *
* All rights reserved. *
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License (see LICENSE.TXT). *
#pragma once
#include <ACGL/ACGL.hh>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/GL.hh>
namespace ACGL{
namespace OpenGL{
//! converts a KHR debug source enum to a human readable string
const char *debugSourceName( GLenum _source );
//! converts a KHR debug type enum to a human readable string
const char *debugTypeName( GLenum _type );
//! converts a KHR debug severity enum to a human readable string
const char *debugSeverityName( GLenum _type );
//! tries to register the default debug callback:
//! applications can register alternative callbacks with glDebugMessageCallback !
void ACGLRegisterDefaultDebugCallback();
//! default debug callback
void APIENTRY ACGL_KHR_default_debug_callback( GLenum _source, GLenum _type, GLuint _id, GLenum _severity, GLsizei _length, const GLchar *_message, void *_userParam);
} // OpenGL
} // ACGL