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2014-10-20 15:31:26 +00:00
* Copyright 2011-2013 Computer Graphics Group RWTH Aachen University. *
* All rights reserved. *
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License (see LICENSE.TXT). *
#pragma once
#include <ACGL/ACGL.hh>
#include <ACGL/Math/Math.hh>
#include <glm/gtx/quaternion.hpp>
#include "CameraBase.hh"
#include "MoveableObject.hh"
* What you definitly want to set:
* - a position in 3D space (a vec3)
* - a viewing direction, this can be defined by:
* - roll/pitch/jaw rotations
* - up/left/forward vectors
* - the aspect ratio (width/height)
* What you maybe want to change:
* - a lookAtDistance, this is internaly only used for the orthographic
* projection, can be be used externaly e.g. for field of view effects
* (if no focal distance is given, a default will be used, but often this
* value is not used at all), also a lookAt point can be calculated with this
* - Stereo settings:
* - the eyedistance
* - the StereoMode
* - Horizontal/Vertical FoV
* - near- and far-clipping plane
* A Camera can calculate:
* - a ViewMatrix
* - a ProjectionMatrix for Mono view
* - ProjectionMatrices for Stereo view
* - etc.
* Note: To get from world to camera space, the translation is applied first, then the
* rotation. getViewMatrix() provides one matrix for this.
* Other camera models rotate first and translate later (e.g. bundler)! The rotation
* is the same, the translation differs.
* TODO: support more stereo modes!
namespace ACGL{
namespace Scene{
class GenericCamera : public CameraBase, public MoveableObject
// Helping enums:
enum ProjectionMode
enum StereoMode
MONO = 0,
enum Eye
// Constructor / Destructor / save&store
* Default Constructor of a camera.
* Constructs a camera from a string which holds all camera parameters. Note that this sets the viewport which
* might not fix the currect screen!
GenericCamera( const std::string &_state );
* Destructor of a camera.
~GenericCamera() {}
/// Writes all internal state to one string
std::string storeStateToString() const;
/// Sets all internal state from a string
void setStateFromString( const std::string &_state );
// Set / Get basic camera properties:
* Set the distance between the pupils (only needed for stereo rendering).
* @param _interpupillaryDistance Inter pupil distance in meter(!) (distance between the centers of the eyes)
void setInterpupillaryDistance( float _interpupillaryDistance ) { mInterpupillaryDistance = _interpupillaryDistance; }
float getInterpupillaryDistance() const { return mInterpupillaryDistance; }
* Set the projection mode of the camera.
* @param _projection New projection mode of the camera.
void setProjectionMode( ProjectionMode _projection ) { mProjectionMode = _projection; }
ProjectionMode getProjectionMode() const { return mProjectionMode; }
* Set the stereo mode of the camera. In mode MONO the set eye will get ignored (see below).
* @param _stereoMode New stereo mode of the camera.
void setStereoMode( StereoMode _stereoMode ) { mStereoMode = _stereoMode; }
StereoMode getStereoMode() const { return mStereoMode; }
* Sets the currently active eye. In stereo mode MONO this setting is ignored.
* In the stereo modes (PARALLEL_SHIFT, OFF_AXIS, TOE_IN) it is used to
* define the default eye that is assumed for the generic get*Matrix() functions.
* (Matrices for specific eyes can still get queried directly without setting the
* eye explicitly before each call).
void setEye( Eye _eye ) { mCurrentEye = _eye; }
Eye getEye() const { return mCurrentEye; }
* Set the horizontal field of view of the camera in degree.
* vertical FoV will get (implicitly) changed!
* @param _fovh New horizontal field of view of the camera.
void setHorizontalFieldOfView( float _fovh );
float getHorizontalFieldOfView() const { return mHorizontalFieldOfView; }
* Set the vertical field of view of the camera in degree.
* Horizontal FoV will get changed!
* @param _fovv New vertical field of view of the camera.
void setVerticalFieldOfView( float _fovv );
float getVerticalFieldOfView() const;
* Set the aspect ratio of the camera. The horizontal FoV stays the same, the
* vertical FoV gets updated.
* @param aspectRatio New aspect ratio (width/height)
void setAspectRatio( float _aspectRatio ) { mAspectRatio = _aspectRatio; }
float getAspectRatio() const { return mAspectRatio; }
* Set the near clipping plane of the camera.
* The plane is defined only by a distance from the camera.
* @param _plane New near clipping plane of the camera.
void setNearClippingPlane( float _plane );
/// Gets the near clip distance
float getNearClippingPlane() const { return mNearClippingPlane; }
* Set the far clipping plane of the camera.
* The plane is defined only by a distance from the camera.
* @param _plane New far clipping plane of the camera.
void setFarClippingPlane( float _plane );
/// Gets the far clip distance
float getFarClippingPlane() const { return mFarClippingPlane; }
/// Gets size of the viewport
virtual glm::uvec2 getViewportSize() const { return mViewportSize; }
/// Gets width of the viewport
unsigned int getViewportWidth() const { return mViewportSize.x; }
/// Gets height of the viewport
unsigned int getViewportHeight() const { return mViewportSize.y; }
/// Sets size of the viewport. NOTE: DOES NOT CHANGE THE ASPECT RATIO! Use resize() if you want to change that as well!
void setViewportSize( glm::uvec2 _size ) { mViewportSize = _size; }
/// Sets size of the viewport. NOTE: DOES NOT CHANGE THE ASPECT RATIO! Use resize() if you want to change that as well!
void setViewportSize( unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height ) { setViewportSize(glm::uvec2(_width, _height)); }
/// Sets new viewport size and calculates new aspect ratio
void resize(int _newWidth, int _newHeight) { setViewportSize(_newWidth, _newHeight); setAspectRatio(_newWidth / (float)_newHeight); }
/// The focal length is coupled to the sensor size in real cameras. As this camera does not model a
/// sensor size in mm, the focal length is given in pixels and is in relation to the viewports resolution.
/// This model is also used by bundler.
/// Note that this gives only useful results if the viewports aspect ratio is the same as the
/// projections aspect ratio!
float getFocalLenghtInPixel() const;
/// Sets the focal length in pixel relative to the viewport dimension. This will change the FoV.
/// See getFocalLenghtInPixel() for more information.
void setFocalLengthInPixel( float _focalLengthInPixel );
// Set / Get the matrices:
// Generic rotation and translation matrices: In mono rendering these represent the camera.
// In stereo rendering these represent the virtual camera position between the two cameras
// actually used.
/// forward to MovableObject to implement the full CameraBase interface:
glm::vec3 getPosition() const { return MoveableObject::getPosition(); }
// Generic view and projection matrices. These obey the set stereo/eye settings.
// (When in doubt, use these!)
/// Gets the currently active view matrix (depends on stereo mode and current eye)
virtual glm::mat4 getViewMatrix() const;
/// Gets the currently active view matrix (depends on stereo mode and current eye)
glm::mat4 getInverseViewMatrix() const;
/// Gets the currently active projection matrix (depends on stereo mode and current eye)
virtual glm::mat4 getProjectionMatrix() const;
// Explicit view and projection matrices. These DON'T obey the set stereo/eye settings.
/// Gets the view matrix for non-stereo rendering EVEN IF A STEREO MODE IS SET!
glm::mat4 getMonoViewMatrix() const;
glm::mat4 getMonoInverseViewMatrix() const;
* Compute a camera view matrix for stereo rendering.
* In stereo mode, the view matrix is the mono view matrix but also the shift
* by half the eye distance to the left/right and a small rotation inwards in
* case of toe in mode.
* These methods get the stereo matrix independent of the set mode for this camera.
glm::mat4 getStereoViewMatrix( bool _leftEye, StereoMode _stereoMode = OFF_AXIS ) const;
glm::mat4 getLeftStereoViewMatrix() const { return getStereoViewMatrix(true, mStereoMode); }
glm::mat4 getRightStereoViewMatrix()const { return getStereoViewMatrix(false, mStereoMode); }
glm::mat4 getLeftParallelShiftStereoViewMatrix() const { return getStereoViewMatrix(true, PARALLEL_SHIFT); }
glm::mat4 getRightParallelShiftStereoViewMatrix()const { return getStereoViewMatrix(false, PARALLEL_SHIFT); }
glm::mat4 getLeftOffAxisStereoViewMatrix() const { return getStereoViewMatrix(true, OFF_AXIS); }
glm::mat4 getRightOffAxisStereoViewMatrix() const { return getStereoViewMatrix(false, OFF_AXIS); }
glm::mat4 getLeftToeInStereoViewMatrix() const { return getStereoViewMatrix(true, TOE_IN); }
glm::mat4 getRightToeInStereoViewMatrix() const { return getStereoViewMatrix(false, TOE_IN); }
/// Gets the projection matrix for non-stereo rendering EVEN IF A STEREO MODE IS SET!
glm::mat4 getMonoProjectionMatrix() const;
* Compute a camera projection matrix for stereo rendering.
* In stereo mode, the Cameras position is the point in the middle between the two eyes.
* So we just need one additional info to calculate two matrices:
glm::mat4 getStereoProjectionMatrix( bool _leftEye, StereoMode _stereoMode = OFF_AXIS ) const;
glm::mat4 getLeftStereoProjectionMatrix() const { return getStereoProjectionMatrix(true, mStereoMode); }
glm::mat4 getRightStereoProjectionMatrix() const { return getStereoProjectionMatrix(false, mStereoMode); }
glm::mat4 getLeftParallelShiftStereoProjectionMatrix() const { return getStereoProjectionMatrix(true, PARALLEL_SHIFT); }
glm::mat4 getRightParallelShiftStereoProjectionMatrix()const { return getStereoProjectionMatrix(false, PARALLEL_SHIFT); }
glm::mat4 getLeftOffAxisStereoProjectionMatrix() const { return getStereoProjectionMatrix(true, OFF_AXIS); }
glm::mat4 getRightOffAxisStereoProjectionMatrix() const { return getStereoProjectionMatrix(false, OFF_AXIS); }
glm::mat4 getLeftToeInStereoProjectionMatrix() const { return getStereoProjectionMatrix(true, TOE_IN); }
glm::mat4 getRightToeInStereoProjectionMatrix() const { return getStereoProjectionMatrix(false, TOE_IN); }
// Set / Get properties that move the camera around (or rotate etc.)
* Look around with a mouse, works like a FPS camera:
* No roll possible.
* Up/down is limited to 90 degree.
* This method assumes there is no roll in the current camera rotation, if
* there is a roll component, it will get destroyed -> don't mix this
* way to stear with other, more flexible methods!
* @param _deltaX How much the mouse moved on the viewport (0..1, 1 = full viewport width)
* @param _deltaY How much the mouse moved on the viewport (0..1, 1 = full viewport height)
void FPSstyleLookAround( float _deltaX, float _deltaY );
/// States: update the storeStateToString() & setStateFromString() functions whenever adding a new state!
/// Current camera projection mode
ProjectionMode mProjectionMode;
/// stereo view mode
StereoMode mStereoMode;
/// Current eye
Eye mCurrentEye;
/// Current camera horizontal field of view
float mHorizontalFieldOfView;
/// Current aspect ratio: width/height.
float mAspectRatio;
/// Distance of the eyes for stereo projection. In that case, the left eye is 0.5*InterpupillaryDistance
/// shifted to the left of position and the right eye is 0.5*InterpupillaryDistance to the right shifted.
/// We assume that 1 unit equals 1 meter. The mean eye distance is 6.5 cm == 0.065 units
float mInterpupillaryDistance;
/// Current camera near clipping plane
float mNearClippingPlane;
/// Current camera far clipping plane
float mFarClippingPlane;
/// viewport in pixel:
glm::uvec2 mViewportSize;
} // Scene
} // ACGL