291 lines
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291 lines
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* Copyright 2011-2012 Computer Graphics Group RWTH Aachen University. *
* All rights reserved. *
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License (see LICENSE.TXT). *
* This FrameBufferObject class encapsulates an OpenGL frame buffer object (FBO).
* A FrameBufferObject is a target for rendering and thus consists of different "layers":
* one or no depthbuffer
* one or no stencilbuffer
* one (OpenGL ES) to many (hardware dependent limit) colorbuffers
* These buffers get attached to the FrameBufferObject.
* There exists one system-provided frame buffer object for rendering to the screen
* and optionaly multiple user defined frame buffer objects for offscreen rendering.
* This class does not encapsulate the system-provided FBO.
#include <ACGL/ACGL.hh>
#include <ACGL/Base/Macros.hh>
#include <ACGL/Utils/StringHelpers.hh>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/GL.hh>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/Tools.hh>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/Objects/RenderBuffer.hh>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/Objects/Texture.hh>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/Data/LocationMappings.hh>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
namespace ACGL{
namespace OpenGL{
class FrameBufferObject
// ==================================================================================================== \/
// ============================================================================================ STRUCTS \/
// ==================================================================================================== \/
//! defines a clear color per color buffer
struct ClearColor {
ClearColor() {
mType = Float;
mColor.floatColor[0] = mColor.floatColor[1] = mColor.floatColor[2] = mColor.floatColor[3] = 0.0f;
enum Type { Integer, UnsignedInteger, Float };
union Data {
GLint intColor[4];
GLuint uintColor[4];
GLfloat floatColor[4];
} mColor;
Type mType; // defines which of the data types of the union to use
//! An attachment can be a texture or a render buffer
struct Attachment
std::string name; // user defined name that matches the fragment shader out
ConstSharedTextureBase texture; // attached color texture, or:
ConstSharedRenderBuffer renderBuffer; // attached renderbuffer - only this or the texture should be set!
GLuint location; // the frag data location that maps to this attachment
Image image; // in case of a texture the image will define which part of the texture to use
ClearColor clearColor; // clear color of the attachement
// ===================================================================================================== \/
// ============================================================================================ TYPEDEFS \/
// ===================================================================================================== \/
typedef std::vector< Attachment > AttachmentVec;
// ========================================================================================================= \/
// ============================================================================================ CONSTRUCTORS \/
// ========================================================================================================= \/
: mObjectName(0),
mObjectName = 0;
glGenFramebuffers(1, &mObjectName);
mDepthAttachment.texture = ConstSharedTextureBase();
mDepthAttachment.renderBuffer = ConstSharedRenderBuffer();
mDepthAttachment.name = ""; // not useful here
mDepthAttachment.location = 0; // not useful here
virtual ~FrameBufferObject(void)
// buffer 0 will get ignored by OpenGL
glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &mObjectName);
// ==================================================================================================== \/
// ============================================================================================ GETTERS \/
// ==================================================================================================== \/
inline GLuint getObjectName (void) const { return mObjectName; }
inline const AttachmentVec& getColorAttachments (void) const { return mColorAttachments; }
inline const Attachment& getDepthAttachment (void) const { return mDepthAttachment; }
// ===================================================================================================== \/
// ============================================================================================ WRAPPERS \/
// ===================================================================================================== \/
int_t getColorAttachmentIndexByName(const std::string& _name) const;
void validate (void) const;
* Per default a FrameBufferObject gets used for read/write operations, but we can
* bind two different FrameBufferObjects for these operations!
inline void bind(GLenum _type = GL_FRAMEBUFFER) const
glBindFramebuffer(_type, mObjectName);
//! let OpenGL validate the completeness
bool isFrameBufferObjectComplete() const;
* Attach another RenderBuffer as a render target. If the name already exists the old target will get replaced.
inline bool attachColorRenderBuffer(const std::string &_name, const ConstSharedRenderBuffer& _renderBuffer)
Attachment a = {_name, SharedTextureBase(), _renderBuffer, 0xFFFFFFFF, Image(), ClearColor()};
return attachColorAttachment( a );
inline bool attachColorTexture(const std::string &_name, const ConstSharedTextureBase& _texture, const Image _image = Image() )
Attachment a = {_name, _texture, SharedRenderBuffer(), 0xFFFFFFFF, _image, ClearColor()};
return attachColorAttachment( a );
inline bool attachColorRenderBuffer(const std::string &_name, const ConstSharedRenderBuffer& _renderBuffer, GLuint _location )
Attachment a = {_name, SharedTextureBase(), _renderBuffer, _location, Image(), ClearColor()};
return attachColorAttachment( a );
inline bool attachColorTexture(const std::string &_name, const ConstSharedTextureBase& _texture, GLuint _location, const Image _image = Image() )
Attachment a = {_name, _texture, SharedRenderBuffer(), _location, _image, ClearColor()};
return attachColorAttachment( a );
// if the location within the attachment is larger than the possible number of attachments,
// attachColorAttachment will try to find a non-colliding attachment point.
// this can be used to say "i don't care about the actual attachment number used"
bool attachColorAttachment( const Attachment &_attachment );
void remapAttachments();
inline bool setDepthRenderBuffer(const ConstSharedRenderBuffer& _renderBuffer)
glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, _renderBuffer->getObjectName() );
if( _renderBuffer->getInternalFormat() == GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_OES ||
_renderBuffer->getInternalFormat() == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_OES)
glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, _renderBuffer->getObjectName() );
if( _renderBuffer->getInternalFormat() == GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8 ||
_renderBuffer->getInternalFormat() == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL)
glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, _renderBuffer->getObjectName() );
mDepthAttachment.renderBuffer = _renderBuffer;
return true;
//! todo: support mipmap levels
inline bool setDepthTexture(const ConstSharedTextureBase& _texture)
glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, _texture->getTarget(), _texture->getObjectName(), 0);
if( _texture->getInternalFormat() == GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_OES ||
_texture->getInternalFormat() == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_OES)
glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, _texture->getTarget(), _texture->getObjectName(), 0);
if( _texture->getInternalFormat() == GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8 ||
_texture->getInternalFormat() == GL_DEPTH_STENCIL)
glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, _texture->getTarget(), _texture->getObjectName(), 0);
mDepthAttachment.texture = _texture;
return true;
//! x,y coordinate is the FBO size in pixels, z coordinate the number of color attachments. x,y are both 0 if the FBO has no useful size
//! todo: support mipmap levels
glm::uvec3 getSize() const
glm::uvec3 size;
if (mDepthAttachment.texture) {
// use the size of the depth texture
size = mDepthAttachment.texture->getSize();
} else if (mDepthAttachment.renderBuffer) {
// use the size of the depth render buffer
size = glm::uvec3( mDepthAttachment.renderBuffer->getSize(), 0 );
} else if ( mColorAttachments.size() > 0 ) {
if (mColorAttachments[0].texture) {
// use the size of the first texture:
size = mColorAttachments[0].texture->getSize();
} else if (mColorAttachments[0].renderBuffer) {
// use the size of the first renderBuffer:
size = glm::uvec3( mColorAttachments[0].renderBuffer->getSize(), 0 );
} else {
size = glm::uvec3(0);
size.z = mColorAttachments.size();
return size;
// =================================================================================================== \/
// =========================================================================================== METHODS \/
// =================================================================================================== \/
//! sets the attachment locations of this FBO where they match the names specified in _locationMappings
void setAttachmentLocations(ConstSharedLocationMappings _locationMappings);
//! get a list of attachment locations and names that can be used to set up a ShaderProgram
SharedLocationMappings getAttachmentLocations() const;
//! returns the current contents of the default FrameBuffer
//! the format of the returned TextureData will be GL_RGB, the type will be GL_UNSIGNED_INT
//! _readBuffer = GL_INVALID_ENUM will read out the default read buffer
static SharedTextureData getImageData(GLsizei _width, GLsizei _height, GLint _x = 0, GLint _y = 0, GLenum _readBuffer = GL_INVALID_ENUM);
//! get the part of the framebuffer thats part of the current viewport
static SharedTextureData getImageData();
// clear buffer functions:
//! clear only the depth buffer:
void clearDepthBuffer();
//! clear one specific color buffer:
void clearBuffer( const std::string &_name );
//! clear all buffers, color and depth:
void clearBuffers();
//! sets the clear color for one buffer:
void setClearColor( const std::string &_name, const glm::vec4 &_color );
//! sets the clear color for one buffer:
void setClearColor( const std::string &_name, const glm::ivec4 &_color );
//! sets the clear color for one buffer:
void setClearColor( const std::string &_name, const glm::uvec4 &_color );
//! sets the clear color for all color buffers:
void setClearColor( const glm::vec4 &_color );
//! sets the clear color for all color buffers:
void setClearColor( const glm::ivec4 &_color );
//! sets the clear color for all color buffers:
void setClearColor( const glm::uvec4 &_color );
// =================================================================================================== \/
// ============================================================================================ FIELDS \/
// =================================================================================================== \/
GLuint mObjectName;
AttachmentVec mColorAttachments;
Attachment mDepthAttachment; // depth and stencil are combined
} // OpenGL
} // ACGL