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2014-10-20 15:31:26 +00:00
* Copyright 2011-2012 Computer Graphics Group RWTH Aachen University. *
* All rights reserved. *
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License (see LICENSE.TXT). *
#include <ACGL/ACGL.hh>
#include <ACGL/Base/Macros.hh>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/GL.hh>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/Tools.hh>
#include <ACGL/Math/Math.hh>
namespace ACGL{
namespace OpenGL{
* OpenGL Sampler Objects (needs OpenGL 3.3)
* A Sampler holds information about how to sample in textures (bi-linear, anisotrophic, wrap modes etc).
* Instead of setting these informations for each texture, a sampler object can be used and bound to
* the texture units, this will overwrite the sampling information in the texture object itself.
* This way, one texture can be bound to two texture units and two different samplers can be bound to those
* units to provide different sampling behavior from the same texture in one shaderpass.
* Similar, different textures can use the same sampler so only one object has to be changed if for example
* the number of anisotrophic filter-samples should get changed (instead of changing all texture objects).
* All default parameters of the setters used to change the sampling behavior are the OpenGL defaults as well.
* If needed, getters could be added that query the settings from GL, so no caching is needed here (that might
* be something for a derived class with larger memory footprint but faster access to the settings).
class Sampler {
// ==================================================================================================== \/
// ============================================================================================ GETTERS \/
// ==================================================================================================== \/
inline GLuint getObjectName(void) const { return mObjectName; }
// ===================================================================================================== \/
// ============================================================================================ WRAPPERS \/
// ===================================================================================================== \/
//! _textureUnit is in the range 0..n (not GL_TEXTURE0..GL_TEXTUREn)
inline void bind(GLuint _textureUnit) const
glBindSampler( _textureUnit, mObjectName ); // yes, no adding of GL_TEXTURE0 !
//! unbinds the texture sampler (if there is one bound) from _textureUnit
inline static void unBind( GLuint _textureUnit ) { glBindSampler( _textureUnit, 0 ); }
//! generic parameter setting
inline void parameter( GLenum _parameterName, GLint _parameter ) { glSamplerParameteri( mObjectName, _parameterName, _parameter ); }
inline void parameter( GLenum _parameterName, GLfloat _parameter ) { glSamplerParameterf( mObjectName, _parameterName, _parameter ); }
inline void setBorderColor( glm::vec4 _color = glm::vec4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f) ) {
glSamplerParameterfv( mObjectName, GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, glm::value_ptr(_color) );
inline void setMinFilter(GLenum _value = GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR) { glSamplerParameteri( mObjectName, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, _value); }
inline void setMagFilter(GLenum _value = GL_LINEAR) { glSamplerParameteri( mObjectName, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, _value); }
void setWrap( GLenum _wrapS );
void setWrap( GLenum _wrapS, GLenum _wrapT );
void setWrap( GLenum _wrapS, GLenum _wrapT, GLenum _wrapR );
inline void setWrapS( GLenum _wrapS = GL_REPEAT ) { glSamplerParameteri( mObjectName, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, _wrapS); }
inline void setWrapT( GLenum _wrapT = GL_REPEAT ) { glSamplerParameteri( mObjectName, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, _wrapT); }
inline void setWrapR( GLenum _wrapR = GL_REPEAT ) { glSamplerParameteri( mObjectName, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, _wrapR); }
inline void setMinLOD( GLint _lod = -1000 ) { glSamplerParameteri( mObjectName, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD, _lod); }
inline void setMaxLOD( GLint _lod = 1000 ) { glSamplerParameteri( mObjectName, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD, _lod); }
inline void setLODBias( GLfloat _bias = 0.0f ) { glSamplerParameterf( mObjectName, GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS, _bias); }
inline void setCompareMode( GLenum _mode = GL_NONE ) { glSamplerParameteri( mObjectName, GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE, _mode); }
inline void setCompareFunc( GLenum _func = GL_LEQUAL ) { glSamplerParameteri( mObjectName, GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC, _func); }
//! _sampleCount = 1.0 to deactivate anisotrop filtering, maximum is often 16. If a value is too high it will get clamped to the maximum
void setMaxAnisotropy( GLfloat _sampleCount = 1.0f );
// getter
//! generic getter
GLint getParameterI( GLenum _parameterName );
GLfloat getParameterF( GLenum _parameterName );
GLenum getMinFilter() { return (GLenum) getParameterI( GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER ); }
GLenum getMagFilter() { return (GLenum) getParameterI( GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER ); }
GLenum getWrapS() { return (GLenum) getParameterI( GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S ); }
GLenum getWrapT() { return (GLenum) getParameterI( GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T ); }
GLenum getWrapR() { return (GLenum) getParameterI( GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R ); }
GLfloat getMinLOD() { return getParameterF( GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD ); }
GLfloat getMaxLOD() { return getParameterF( GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD ); }
GLfloat getLODBias() { return getParameterF( GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS ); }
GLint getCompareMode() { return getParameterI( GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE ); }
GLint getCompareFunc() { return getParameterI( GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC ); }
glm::vec4 getBorderColor();
GLuint mObjectName;
} // OpenGL
} // ACGL
#endif // OpenGL >= 3.3