added inital rotation to physics, had the springs fixed (was NOT my fault)
This commit is contained in:
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ void Level::load() {
directionalLight = Light(glm::vec3(xOffset,yOffset,zOffset), glm::vec3(rColour,gColour,bColour), intensity);
//load Objects
std::vector<std::vector<int>> objectIdentifiers = std::vector<std::vector<int>>(); //The first entry is the index in objects, the others are idGreen, idBlue and objectNum.
std::vector<std::vector<int>> objectIdentifiers = std::vector<std::vector<int>>(); //The first entry is the index in objects, the second one the index in physicObjects, the others are idGreen, idBlue and objectNum.
XMLDocument* compositions = new XMLDocument();
const char* compositionsFile = "../Levels/ObjectSetups/Compositions.xml";
@ -232,16 +232,6 @@ void Level::load() {
Object* object = new Object(model, material, objectPosition, compRot+objectRot);
//create an identifier for this object
std::vector<int> objectIdentifier = std::vector<int>(4);
objectIdentifier[0] = objects.size()-1;
int idGreen, idBlue;
objectIdentifier[1] = idGreen;
objectIdentifier[2] = idBlue;
objectIdentifier[3] = objectNum;
const char* charPhysicType = objectData->FirstChildElement("physicType")->GetText();
@ -249,6 +239,20 @@ void Level::load() {
printf("XMLError: No physicType found.\n");
//create an identifier for this object
std::vector<int> objectIdentifier = std::vector<int>(5);
objectIdentifier[0] = objects.size()-1;
objectIdentifier[1] = physicObjects.size()-1;
int idGreen, idBlue;
objectIdentifier[2] = idGreen;
objectIdentifier[3] = idBlue;
objectIdentifier[4] = objectNum;
std::string physicType = charPhysicType;
//add object to physics
float mass;
@ -276,6 +280,9 @@ void Level::load() {
this->physics.addButton(width, height, length, *object, mass, dampningL, dampningA, physicObjects.size(), rotate);
}else if ("TriangleMesh") == 0){
this->physics.addTriangleMeshBody(*object, modelPath, mass, dampningL, dampningA, physicObjects.size(),objectScale, rotate);
}else if ("OuterSwitch") == 0){
} else{
printf("XMLError: Not a valid physicType.\n");
@ -380,7 +387,7 @@ void Level::load() {
Object* object=0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i<objectIdentifiers.size(); i++){
if (objectIdentifiers[i][1]==idGreen && objectIdentifiers[i][2]==idBlue && objectIdentifiers[i][3]==objectNum){
if (objectIdentifiers[i][2]==idGreen && objectIdentifiers[i][3]==idBlue && objectIdentifiers[i][4]==objectNum){
object = objects[objectIdentifiers[i][0]];
@ -396,7 +403,7 @@ void Level::load() {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i<objectIdentifiers.size(); i++){
if (objectIdentifiers[i][1]==toChangeIdGreen && objectIdentifiers[i][2]==toChangeIdBlue && objectIdentifiers[i][3]==toChangeObjNum){
if (objectIdentifiers[i][2]==toChangeIdGreen && objectIdentifiers[i][3]==toChangeIdBlue && objectIdentifiers[i][4]==toChangeObjNum){
objectToChange = objectIdentifiers[i][0];
@ -426,10 +433,20 @@ void Level::load() {
bool ok = false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i<objectIdentifiers.size(); i++){
if (objectIdentifiers[i][1]==idGreen && objectIdentifiers[i][2]==idBlue && objectIdentifiers[i][3]==objectNum){
objectIndex = objectIdentifiers[i][0];
if (objectIdentifiers[i][2]==idGreen && objectIdentifiers[i][3]==idBlue && objectIdentifiers[i][4]==objectNum){
objectIndex = objectIdentifiers[i][1];
printf("2 objects have the same ID while loading constraints.");
ok = true;
printf("No index found for a trigger object.");
glm::vec3 position = glm::vec3(xPos, yPos, zPos);
physics.addPositionConstraint(objectIndex, strength, position);
@ -462,7 +479,6 @@ void Level::update(float runTime, glm::vec2 mouseDelta, bool wPressed, bool aPre
strength = 50;
@ -20,28 +20,35 @@ void Physics::init() //prepares bullet by creating all initial classes
void Physics::takeUpdateStep(float timeDiff)
world->stepSimulation(timeDiff); //allows the world to be simmulated correctly indipendant of the timedifferences between frames
for(unsigned i = 0; i < allPositionConstraints.size();i++) //this handles the spring constraints
if(allPositionConstraints[i].position != allPositionConstraints[i].body->getCenterOfMassPosition()) //if constraint != position of the body because otherwise dir = 0
btVector3 dir = allPositionConstraints[i].position - allPositionConstraints[i].body->getCenterOfMassPosition();
dir = dir*allPositionConstraints[i].strength;
allPositionConstraints[i].body->applyCentralForce(dir*allPositionConstraints[i].strength); //apply a foce upon the object pushing it towards the constraint position
btVector3 position = cameraBody->getCenterOfMassPosition() - playerBall->getCenterOfMassPosition(); //gets a vector from the player to the camera
position *=5;
position *= 5;
position += playerBall->getCenterOfMassPosition(); //is the position 5 units away from the player in the direction of the camera
btVector3 dir = cameraBody->getCenterOfMassPosition() - position;
float str = cameraBody->getInvMass()*10 * dir.length();
float str = cameraBody->getInvMass()*30 * dir.length();
cameraBody->applyCentralForce(-dir*str);//scale the force by camera mass
cameraBody->applyCentralForce(btVector3(0,12,0)); //we leave gravity in because by contrasting gravity to this force we force the camera slightly higher than the ball when still, but it follows more closer to the level of the ball (though still slightly higher) when it is moving.
cameraBody->applyCentralForce(btVector3(0,96,0)); //we leave gravity in because by contrasting gravity to this force we force the camera slightly higher than the ball when still, but it follows more closer to the level of the ball (though still slightly higher) when it is moving.
void Physics::removePositionConstraint(int bodyIndice) //remover function for deleting all pos constraints on one body
@ -77,12 +84,14 @@ void Physics::addPlayer(float friction, float rad, Entity entity, float mass, fl
sphere->calculateLocalInertia((btScalar)mass,inertia); //from this shape we can then calculate the innertia, as long as the mass != 0 (otherwise inertia = 0)
btDefaultMotionState* motion = new btDefaultMotionState(btTransform(btQuaternion(0,0,0,1),btVector3(entity.getPosition().x,entity.getPosition().y,entity.getPosition().z))); //next we define the motionstate, wich describes the innital position and rotation
glm::quat glmQuat = glm::quat_cast(entity.getRotation());
btDefaultMotionState* motion = new btDefaultMotionState(btTransform(btQuaternion(glmQuat.x,glmQuat.y,glmQuat.z,glmQuat.w),btVector3(entity.getPosition().x,entity.getPosition().y,entity.getPosition().z))); //next we define the motionstate, wich describes the innital position and rotation
btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo info(mass,motion,sphere,inertia); //next we process all data for the rigid body into info
info.m_friction = friction*2; //here we modify the friction and restitution (bounciness) of the object
info.m_restitution = 0.8f;
info.m_restitution = 0;
playerBall = new btRigidBody(info); //finally we create the rigid body using the info
@ -120,7 +129,10 @@ void Physics::addTerrain(int width, int length, float** heightData) //The terria
btHeightfieldTerrainShape* terrianShape = new btHeightfieldTerrainShape(length,width,heightfield,highest,1,true,false);
btRigidBody* tBody = new btRigidBody(0,new btDefaultMotionState(),terrianShape);
btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo info(0,new btDefaultMotionState(),terrianShape,btVector3(0,0,0)); //next we process all data for the rigid body into info
info.m_restitution = 0;
btRigidBody* tBody = new btRigidBody(info);
tBody->getWorldTransform().setOrigin(btVector3(0,((float)highest)/2,0)); //we have to move the origin of our rigid body down, because bullet sets the origin (0,0,0) at (width/2, height/2, length/2) in the map the x and z are correct in our level, but y needs to be addapted
@ -174,7 +186,11 @@ void Physics::addTriangleMeshBody(Entity entity, std::string path, float mass, f
btBvhTriangleMeshShape* shape = new btBvhTriangleMeshShape(triMesh,true);
shape->setLocalScaling(btVector3(scaling,scaling,scaling)); //we need to add a scaling here because the objects seem to have diffrent sizes when loaded (no clue why, see composition.xml for exact scaling factors)
btDefaultMotionState* motion = new btDefaultMotionState(btTransform(btQuaternion(0,0,0,1),btVector3(entity.getPosition().x,entity.getPosition().y,entity.getPosition().z)));
glm::quat glmQuat = glm::quat_cast(entity.getRotation());
btDefaultMotionState* motion = new btDefaultMotionState(btTransform(btQuaternion(glmQuat.x,glmQuat.y,glmQuat.z,glmQuat.w),btVector3(entity.getPosition().x,entity.getPosition().y,entity.getPosition().z)));
btVector3 inertia(0,0,0);
if(mass != 0.0 && rotate) //&& rotate lets certain objects get inertia (0,0,0) (not rotateable)
@ -205,7 +221,9 @@ void Physics::addButton(float width, float height, float length, Entity entity,
btBoxShape* box = new btBoxShape(btVector3(width/2,height/2,length/2));
btDefaultMotionState* motion = new btDefaultMotionState(btTransform(btQuaternion(0,0,0,1),btVector3(entity.getPosition().x,entity.getPosition().y,entity.getPosition().z)));
glm::quat glmQuat = glm::quat_cast(entity.getRotation());
btDefaultMotionState* motion = new btDefaultMotionState(btTransform(btQuaternion(glmQuat.x,glmQuat.y,glmQuat.z,glmQuat.w),btVector3(entity.getPosition().x,entity.getPosition().y,entity.getPosition().z)));
btVector3 inertia(0,0,0);
if(mass != 0.0 && rotate) //&& rotate lets certain objects get inertia (0,0,0) (not rotateable)
@ -232,8 +250,9 @@ void Physics::addBox(float width, float height, float length, Entity entity, flo
if(bodies.size() == indice)
throw std::invalid_argument( "Bodies out of Sync" );
glm::quat glmQuat = glm::quat_cast(entity.getRotation());
btBoxShape* box = new btBoxShape(btVector3(width/2,height/2,length/2));
btDefaultMotionState* motion = new btDefaultMotionState(btTransform(btQuaternion(0,0,0,1),btVector3(entity.getPosition().x,entity.getPosition().y,entity.getPosition().z)));
btDefaultMotionState* motion = new btDefaultMotionState(btTransform(btQuaternion(glmQuat.x,glmQuat.y,glmQuat.z,glmQuat.w),btVector3(entity.getPosition().x,entity.getPosition().y,entity.getPosition().z)));
btVector3 inertia(0,0,0);
if(mass != 0.0)
@ -268,7 +287,9 @@ void Physics::addSphere(float rad, Entity entity, float mass, float dampningL, f
btDefaultMotionState* motion = new btDefaultMotionState(btTransform(btQuaternion(0,0,0,1),btVector3(entity.getPosition().x,entity.getPosition().y,entity.getPosition().z)));
glm::quat glmQuat = glm::quat_cast(entity.getRotation());
btDefaultMotionState* motion = new btDefaultMotionState(btTransform(btQuaternion(glmQuat.x,glmQuat.y,glmQuat.z,glmQuat.w),btVector3(entity.getPosition().x,entity.getPosition().y,entity.getPosition().z)));
btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo info(mass,motion,sphere,inertia);
@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ class Physics {
glm::vec3 getPos(int i);
glm::mat4 getRotation(int i);
void addStaticGroundPlane();
void addCamera(); //Do NOT impliment before Player has been created;
void updateCameraPos(glm::vec2 mouseMovement, float strength);
glm::vec3 getCameraPosition();
void addRigidBodyFromFile(Entity entity, float mass, float dampningL, float dampningA, std::string modelLocation, unsigned indice);
@ -68,6 +67,7 @@ class Physics {
void addButton(float width, float height, float length, Entity entity, float mass, float dampningL, float dampningA, unsigned indice,bool rotate);
glm::vec3 getCameraToPlayer();
void kill();
void addButtonFrame(Entity entity);
struct positionConstraint{btRigidBody* body; float strength; btVector3 position;};
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ class Physics {
std::vector<btRigidBody*> bodies; //list of all bodies. bodies are also in world, but save again to ease cleaning up process.
btRigidBody* staticGroundBody;
std::vector<positionConstraint> allPositionConstraints;
void addCamera(); //Do NOT impliment before Player has been created;
btDynamicsWorld* world; //contains physical attributes of the world.
btDispatcher* dispatcher; //
@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ class Physics {
int objectsPhysicsCollision = 1 | 2 | 4;
int specialPhysicsCollision = 2 | 4;
int terrainPhysicsCollision = 2;
int counter = 0;
Reference in New Issue
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