This commit is contained in:
sfroitzheim 2014-11-17 15:44:31 +01:00
commit 8f64f75b67
40 changed files with 14536 additions and 358 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
binaries binaries
build build
Makefile Makefile

Levels/Geometry/Block.obj Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,720 @@
# Blender v2.71 (sub 0) OBJ File: 'ruins_block.blend'
o Block_Cube
v -1.000000 -1.000000 1.000000
v -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000
v -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
v -1.000000 1.000000 -1.000000
v -1.000000 -1.000000 1.000000
v -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000
v -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
v -1.000000 1.000000 -1.000000
v 1.000000 -0.973911 -0.973911
v 0.973911 -1.000000 -1.000000
v 0.973911 -1.000000 -1.000000
v 0.999735 -0.977624 -0.975900
v 0.998943 -0.981261 -0.978115
v 0.997642 -0.984749 -0.980509
v 0.995859 -0.988016 -0.983034
v 0.993628 -0.990996 -0.985640
v 0.990996 -0.993628 -0.988272
v 0.988016 -0.995859 -0.990877
v 0.984749 -0.997642 -0.993402
v 0.981261 -0.998943 -0.995797
v 0.977624 -0.999735 -0.998011
v 0.977624 -0.998011 -0.999734
v 0.981261 -0.995797 -0.998943
v 0.984749 -0.993402 -0.997642
v 0.988016 -0.990877 -0.995858
v 0.990996 -0.988272 -0.993628
v 0.993628 -0.985640 -0.990996
v 0.995859 -0.983034 -0.988016
v 0.997642 -0.980509 -0.984749
v 0.998943 -0.978115 -0.981261
v 0.999735 -0.975900 -0.977624
v 0.973911 -1.000000 1.000000
v 1.000000 -0.973911 0.973911
v 0.973911 -1.000000 1.000000
v 0.977624 -0.999735 0.998011
v 0.981261 -0.998943 0.995797
v 0.984749 -0.997642 0.993402
v 0.988016 -0.995859 0.990877
v 0.990996 -0.993628 0.988272
v 0.993628 -0.990996 0.985640
v 0.995859 -0.988016 0.983034
v 0.997642 -0.984749 0.980509
v 0.998943 -0.981261 0.978115
v 0.999735 -0.977624 0.975900
v 0.999735 -0.975900 0.977624
v 0.998943 -0.978115 0.981261
v 0.997642 -0.980509 0.984749
v 0.995859 -0.983034 0.988016
v 0.993628 -0.985640 0.990996
v 0.990996 -0.988272 0.993628
v 0.988016 -0.990877 0.995859
v 0.984749 -0.993402 0.997642
v 0.981261 -0.995797 0.998943
v 0.977624 -0.998011 0.999735
v 1.000000 0.973911 -0.973911
v 0.973912 1.000000 -0.999999
v 0.973912 1.000000 -0.999999
v 0.999735 0.975900 -0.977623
v 0.998944 0.978115 -0.981261
v 0.997643 0.980509 -0.984748
v 0.995859 0.983034 -0.988015
v 0.993628 0.985640 -0.990995
v 0.990996 0.988272 -0.993627
v 0.988016 0.990877 -0.995858
v 0.984749 0.993402 -0.997642
v 0.981262 0.995797 -0.998943
v 0.977625 0.998011 -0.999734
v 0.977625 0.999735 -0.998010
v 0.981262 0.998943 -0.995796
v 0.984749 0.997642 -0.993402
v 0.988016 0.995859 -0.990876
v 0.990996 0.993628 -0.988271
v 0.993628 0.990996 -0.985639
v 0.995859 0.988016 -0.983034
v 0.997643 0.984749 -0.980508
v 0.998944 0.981261 -0.978114
v 0.999735 0.977624 -0.975900
v 0.973911 1.000000 1.000001
v 0.999999 0.973911 0.973912
v 0.973911 1.000000 1.000001
v 0.977623 0.998011 0.999735
v 0.981261 0.995797 0.998944
v 0.984748 0.993402 0.997643
v 0.988015 0.990877 0.995859
v 0.990995 0.988272 0.993628
v 0.993627 0.985640 0.990996
v 0.995858 0.983034 0.988017
v 0.997642 0.980509 0.984750
v 0.998942 0.978115 0.981262
v 0.999734 0.975900 0.977625
v 0.999734 0.977624 0.975901
v 0.998942 0.981261 0.978115
v 0.997642 0.984749 0.980510
v 0.995858 0.988016 0.983035
v 0.993627 0.990996 0.985640
v 0.990995 0.993628 0.988272
v 0.988015 0.995859 0.990878
v 0.984748 0.997642 0.993403
v 0.981261 0.998943 0.995797
v 0.977623 0.999735 0.998011
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v -2.973616 -1.000000 0.999999
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v -2.998648 -0.981262 0.978114
v -2.997347 -0.984749 0.980508
v -2.995563 -0.988016 0.983034
v -2.993332 -0.990996 0.985639
v -2.990700 -0.993628 0.988271
v -2.987720 -0.995859 0.990876
v -2.984453 -0.997643 0.993402
v -2.980966 -0.998944 0.995796
v -2.977329 -0.999735 0.998010
v -2.977329 -0.998011 0.999734
v -2.980966 -0.995797 0.998943
v -2.984453 -0.993403 0.997642
v -2.987720 -0.990877 0.995858
v -2.990700 -0.988272 0.993627
v -2.993332 -0.985640 0.990995
v -2.995563 -0.983035 0.988015
v -2.997347 -0.980509 0.984748
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v -2.973615 -1.000000 -1.000001
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v -2.973615 -1.000000 -1.000001
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v -2.980965 -0.998944 -0.995798
v -2.984453 -0.997643 -0.993403
v -2.987720 -0.995859 -0.990878
v -2.990700 -0.993628 -0.988273
v -2.993332 -0.990996 -0.985640
v -2.995562 -0.988016 -0.983035
v -2.997346 -0.984749 -0.980510
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v -2.999438 -0.977624 -0.975901
v -2.999438 -0.975901 -0.977625
v -2.998647 -0.978115 -0.981262
v -2.997346 -0.980509 -0.984750
v -2.995562 -0.983035 -0.988017
v -2.993332 -0.985640 -0.990997
v -2.990700 -0.988272 -0.993629
v -2.987720 -0.990877 -0.995859
v -2.984453 -0.993403 -0.997643
v -2.980965 -0.995797 -0.998944
v -2.977328 -0.998011 -0.999735
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v -2.973616 1.000000 0.999999
v -2.973616 1.000000 0.999999
v -2.999439 0.975900 0.977623
v -2.998648 0.978114 0.981260
v -2.997347 0.980509 0.984748
v -2.995563 0.983034 0.988015
v -2.993333 0.985639 0.990995
v -2.990700 0.988271 0.993627
v -2.987721 0.990877 0.995858
v -2.984454 0.993402 0.997642
v -2.980966 0.995796 0.998942
v -2.977329 0.998011 0.999734
v -2.977329 0.999734 0.998010
v -2.980966 0.998943 0.995796
v -2.984454 0.997642 0.993402
v -2.987721 0.995858 0.990876
v -2.990700 0.993628 0.988271
v -2.993333 0.990996 0.985639
v -2.995563 0.988016 0.983034
v -2.997347 0.984749 0.980508
v -2.998648 0.981261 0.978114
v -2.999439 0.977624 0.975900
v -2.973616 1.000000 -1.000000
v -2.999704 0.973911 -0.973912
v -2.973616 1.000000 -1.000000
v -2.977329 0.998011 -0.999735
v -2.980966 0.995796 -0.998944
v -2.984453 0.993402 -0.997643
v -2.987720 0.990877 -0.995859
v -2.990700 0.988271 -0.993628
v -2.993332 0.985639 -0.990996
v -2.995563 0.983034 -0.988016
v -2.997347 0.980509 -0.984749
v -2.998648 0.978114 -0.981262
v -2.999439 0.975900 -0.977625
v -2.999439 0.977624 -0.975901
v -2.998648 0.981261 -0.978115
v -2.997347 0.984749 -0.980509
v -2.995563 0.988016 -0.983035
v -2.993332 0.990996 -0.985640
v -2.990700 0.993628 -0.988272
v -2.987720 0.995858 -0.990877
v -2.984453 0.997642 -0.993403
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vt 0.158972 0.987950
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vt 0.159075 -0.000994
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vt 0.159075 1.000994
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vt 0.003734 1.000000
vt 0.927508 1.000000
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vn 0.870700 0.347700 -0.347800
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vn 0.997800 0.046500 0.046500
vn 0.982200 0.132800 0.132800
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vn -0.997800 -0.046400 -0.046500
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vn 0.800500 0.599300 0.000000
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vn -0.599300 -0.800500 -0.000000
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s off
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f 116/138/159 157/137/159 156/135/159 117/136/159
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f 143/136/174 176/135/174 175/137/174 144/138/174
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f 163/136/182 189/135/182 188/133/182 164/134/182
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Levels/Geometry/Column.obj Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,936 @@
# Blender v2.71 (sub 0) OBJ File: 'ruins_column.blend'
o Cube
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s off
f 4/1/1 3/2/1 22/3/1 21/4/1
f 187/5/2 192/6/2 14/7/2 17/8/2
f 16/9/3 11/10/3 5/11/3 20/12/3 26/13/3 32/14/3 38/15/3 44/16/3 50/17/3 56/18/3 62/19/3 68/20/3 74/21/3 80/22/3 86/23/3 92/24/3 98/25/3 104/26/3 110/27/3 116/28/3 122/29/3 128/30/3 134/31/3 140/32/3 146/33/3 152/34/3 158/35/3 164/36/3 170/37/3 176/38/3 182/39/3 188/40/3
f 25/41/4 30/42/4 34/43/4 33/44/4
f 31/45/5 36/46/5 40/47/5 39/48/5
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Levels/Geometry/Marble.obj Normal file

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Levels/Geometry/Sphere.obj Normal file

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Levels/Geometry/torch.obj Normal file
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f 51/54/26 52/53/26 54/55/26 53/56/26
f 53/56/27 54/55/27 56/57/27 55/58/27
f 55/58/28 56/57/28 58/59/28 57/60/28
f 57/60/29 58/59/29 60/61/29 59/62/29
f 59/62/30 60/61/30 62/63/30 61/64/30
f 4/65/31 2/66/31 64/67/31 62/68/31 60/69/31 58/70/31 56/71/31 54/72/31 52/73/31 50/74/31 48/75/31 46/76/31 44/77/31 42/78/31 40/79/31 38/80/31 36/81/31 34/82/31 32/83/31 30/84/31 28/85/31 26/86/31 24/87/31 22/88/31 20/89/31 18/90/31 16/91/31 14/92/31 12/93/31 10/94/31 8/95/31 6/96/31
f 63/97/32 64/98/32 2/2/32 1/1/32
f 61/64/33 62/63/33 64/98/33 63/97/33
f 1/99/34 3/100/34 5/101/34 7/102/34 9/103/34 11/104/34 13/105/34 15/106/34 17/107/34 19/108/34 21/109/34 23/110/34 25/111/34 27/112/34 29/113/34 31/114/34 33/115/34 35/116/34 37/117/34 39/118/34 41/119/34 43/120/34 45/121/34 47/122/34 49/123/34 51/124/34 53/125/34 55/126/34 57/127/34 59/128/34 61/129/34 63/130/34

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 13 MiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 11 MiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 11 MiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.1 MiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 344 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 100 KiB

View File


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 35 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 35 KiB

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ uniform mat4 modelMatrix;
uniform mat4 viewMatrix; uniform mat4 viewMatrix;
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix; uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
in vec3 aNormal;
in vec3 aPosition; in vec3 aPosition;
in vec3 aNormal;
in vec2 aTexCoord; in vec2 aTexCoord;
out vec3 vNormal; out vec3 vNormal;

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
#include "camera.hh" #include "camera.hh"
Camera::Camera(glm::vec3 rotation, float distance) { Camera::Camera(glm::vec2 rotation, float distance) {
this->rotation = rotation; this->rotation = rotation;
this->distance = distance; this->distance = distance;
} }
Camera::Camera() { Camera::Camera() {
rotation = glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); rotation = glm::vec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
distance = 1.0f; distance = 1.0f;
} }
@ -19,16 +19,56 @@ float Camera::getDistance() {
void Camera::setDistance(float distance) { void Camera::setDistance(float distance) {
this->distance = distance; this->distance = distance;
} }
glm::vec3 Camera::getRotation() { glm::vec2 Camera::getRotation() {
return rotation; return rotation;
} }
void Camera::setRotation(glm::vec3 rotation) { void Camera::setRotation(glm::vec2 rotation) {
this->rotation = rotation; this->rotation = rotation;
} }
void Camera::updateRotation(glm::vec3 rotation) { void Camera::updateRotation(glm::vec2 rotation) {
this->rotation += rotation;; this->rotation += rotation;
if((this->rotation.x + rotation.x) >= 1.57f) {
this->rotation.x = 1.57;
this->rotation.y += rotation.y;
else if ((this->rotation.x + rotation.x) <= -1.57f) {
this->rotation.x = -1.57f;
this->rotation.y += rotation.y;
else {
this-> rotation += rotation;
} }
void Camera:: updateDistance(float distance) {
if (this->distance + distance <= 1.0f) {
this->distance = 1.0f;
else if (this->distance + distance >= 30.0f) {
this->distance = 30.f;
else {
this->distance += distance;
void Camera::updatePosition() {
glm::vec4 cameraVector = glm::vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, distance, 0.0f);
// rotate vector
glm::mat4 rotationMatrix =
glm::rotate<float>(rotation[1], glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)) * glm::rotate<float>(rotation[0], glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
this->vector = glm::vec3(rotationMatrix * cameraVector);
glm::vec3 Camera::getVector() {
return vector;

View File

@ -5,17 +5,21 @@
class Camera { class Camera {
public: public:
Camera(glm::vec3 rotation, float distance); Camera(glm::vec2 rotation, float distance);
Camera(); Camera();
~Camera(); ~Camera();
float getDistance(); float getDistance();
void setDistance(float distance); void setDistance(float distance);
glm::vec3 getRotation(); void updateDistance(float distance); //adds to current distance
void setRotation(glm::vec3 rotation); glm::vec2 getRotation();
void updateRotation(glm::vec3 rotation); //adds to current rotation void setRotation(glm::vec2 rotation);
void updateRotation(glm::vec2 rotation); //adds to current rotation
glm::vec3 getVector();
private: private:
void updatePosition();
float distance; float distance;
glm::vec3 rotation; glm::vec2 rotation;
glm::vec3 vector;
}; };
#endif #endif

View File

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
#include "entity.hh" #include "entity.hh"
Entity::Entity(glm::vec3 position, glm::vec3 rotation) { Entity::Entity(glm::vec3 position, glm::vec3 rotation) {
this->position = position;
Entity::Entity(glm::vec3 position, glm::mat4 rotation) {
this->position = position; this->position = position;
this->rotation = rotation; this->rotation = rotation;
} }
@ -15,7 +20,7 @@ glm::vec3 Entity::getPosition() {
return position; return position;
} }
glm::vec3 Entity::getRotation() { glm::mat4 Entity::getRotation() {
return rotation; return rotation;
} }
@ -24,5 +29,11 @@ void Entity::setPosition(glm::vec3 position) {
} }
void Entity::setRotation(glm::vec3 rotation) { void Entity::setRotation(glm::vec3 rotation) {
this->rotation = glm::rotate(rotation.x, glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))
* glm::rotate(rotation.y, glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f))
* glm::rotate(rotation.z, glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
void Entity::setRotation(glm::mat4 rotation) {
this->rotation = rotation; this->rotation = rotation;
} }

View File

@ -6,15 +6,17 @@
class Entity { class Entity {
public: public:
Entity(glm::vec3 position, glm::vec3 rotation); Entity(glm::vec3 position, glm::vec3 rotation);
Entity(glm::vec3 position, glm::mat4 rotation);
Entity(); Entity();
~Entity(); ~Entity();
void setPosition(glm::vec3 positon); void setPosition(glm::vec3 positon);
void setRotation(glm::vec3 rotation); void setRotation(glm::vec3 rotation);
void setRotation(glm::mat4 rotation);
glm::vec3 getPosition(); glm::vec3 getPosition();
glm::vec3 getRotation(); glm::mat4 getRotation();
private: private:
glm::vec3 position; glm::vec3 position;
glm::vec3 rotation; glm::mat4 rotation;
}; };
#endif #endif

View File

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ subject to the following restrictions:
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#include "btScalar.h" // has definitions like SIMD_FORCE_INLINE #include "btScalar.h" // has definitions like SIMD_FORCE_INLINE
#include "btAlignedAllocator.h" #include "btAlignedAllocator.h"

View File

@ -1,100 +1,148 @@
#include "graphics.hh" #include "graphics.hh"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/glloaders/extensions.hh>
#include <ACGL/Utils/FileHelpers.hh>
#include <ACGL/Utils/StringHelpers.hh>
#include "model.hh" #include "model.hh"
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/Creator/ShaderProgramCreator.hh>
using namespace std; using namespace std;
ACGL::OpenGL::SharedShaderProgram shader; Graphics::Graphics() {
Level level;
// gets called after the OpenGL window is prepared:
void initCustomResources()
// define where shaders and textures can be found:
// load Model to give shader correct Attribute locations
// TODO look up if this is really necessary, since this looks really stupid.
Model model = Model("Bunny.obj");
// look up all shader files starting with 'phong' and build a ShaderProgram from it:
shader = ACGL::OpenGL::ShaderProgramCreator("phong").attributeLocations(
// load Level
// just in case: check for errors
} }
void deleteCustomResources() GLFWwindow* Graphics::getWindow() {
{ return window;
// we have memory management via reference counting, so nothing to do here
} }
void draw(float runTime) glm::uvec2 Graphics::getWindowSize() {
{ return windowSize;
// update Level first TODO: move this with the rest of the stuff that doesn't belong here to main }
void Graphics::setGLFWHintsForOpenGLVersion( unsigned int _version )
#ifdef __APPLE__
// request OpenGL 3.2, will return a 4.1 context on Mavericks
// non-apple
glfwWindowHint( GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, _version / 10 );
glfwWindowHint( GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, _version % 10 );
bool Graphics::createWindow()
// Initialise GLFW
if ( !glfwInit() )
ACGL::Utils::error() << "Failed to initialize GLFW" << endl;
exit( -1 );
// Configure OpenGL context
// activate multisampling (second parameter is the number of samples):
//glfwWindowHint( GLFW_SAMPLES, 8 );
// request an OpenGL debug context:
glfwWindowHint( GLFW_OPENGL_DEBUG_CONTEXT, true );
// define whether the window can get resized:
glfwWindowHint(GLFW_RESIZABLE, true);
// non-decorated windows can be used as splash screens:
//glfwWindowHint( GLFW_DECORATED, false );
// try to create an OpenGL context in a window and check the supported OpenGL version:
// R,G,B,A, Depth,Stencil
window = glfwCreateWindow(windowSize.x, windowSize.y, "SWP MarbleGame Group C", NULL, NULL);
if (!getWindow()) {
ACGL::Utils::error() << "Failed to open a GLFW window - requested OpenGL: " << ACGL_OPENGL_VERSION << endl;
return false;
return true;
Graphics::Graphics(glm::uvec2 windowSize, float nearPlane, float farPlane) {
this->windowSize = windowSize;
this->nearPlane = nearPlane;
this->farPlane = farPlane;
void Graphics::render(Level* level, ACGL::OpenGL::SharedShaderProgram shader)
// clear the framebuffer: // clear the framebuffer:
//set view and projection matrix //set view and projection matrix
shader->setUniform("projectionMatrix", buildFrustum(75.0, 0.1, 100.0, (float)g_windowSize.x/(float)g_windowSize.y) ); shader->setUniform("projectionMatrix", buildFrustum(75.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f, (float)windowSize.x/(float)windowSize.y) );
// the + (0,1,0) compensates bunny doesn't have its center at it's center shader->setUniform("viewMatrix", buildViewMatrix(level));
shader->setUniform("viewMatrix", buildViewMatrix());
//set lighting parameters //set lighting parameters
if (level.getLights().size() > 0) { if (level->getLights().size() > 0) {
shader->setUniform("lightCount", (int) level.getLights().size()); shader->setUniform("lightCount", (int) level->getLights().size());
// TODO look into doing this less often // TODO look into doing this less often
// Build light position array // Build light position array
glm::vec3 lightSources[level.getLights().size()]; glm::vec3 lightSources[level->getLights().size()];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i<level.getLights().size(); i++) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i<level->getLights().size(); i++) {
lightSources[i] = level.getLights()[i].getPosition(); lightSources[i] = level->getLights()[i].getPosition();
} }
glUniform3fv(shader->getUniformLocation("lightSources"), glUniform3fv(shader->getUniformLocation("lightSources"),
sizeof(lightSources), (GLfloat*) lightSources); sizeof(lightSources), (GLfloat*) lightSources);
// Build light colour array // Build light colour array
glm::vec3 lightColours[level.getLights().size()]; glm::vec3 lightColours[level->getLights().size()];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i<level.getLights().size(); i++) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i<level->getLights().size(); i++) {
lightColours[i] = level.getLights()[i].getColour(); lightColours[i] = level->getLights()[i].getColour();
} }
glUniform3fv(shader->getUniformLocation("lightColors"), glUniform3fv(shader->getUniformLocation("lightColors"),
sizeof(lightColours), (GLfloat*) lightColours); sizeof(lightColours), (GLfloat*) lightColours);
// Build light attenuation array // Build light attenuation array
float lightIntensities[level.getLights().size()]; float lightIntensities[level->getLights().size()];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i<level.getLights().size(); i++) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i<level->getLights().size(); i++) {
lightIntensities[i] = level.getLights()[i].getIntensity(); lightIntensities[i] = level->getLights()[i].getIntensity();
} }
glUniform1fv(shader->getUniformLocation("lightIntensities"), glUniform1fv(shader->getUniformLocation("lightIntensities"),
sizeof(lightIntensities), (GLfloat*) lightIntensities); sizeof(lightIntensities), (GLfloat*) lightIntensities);
} }
// set Material Parameters // set Material Parameters
shader->setUniform("ambientColor", level.getAmbientLight()); shader->setUniform("ambientColor", level->getAmbientLight());
shader->setUniform("camera", glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); shader->setUniform("camera", glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
// render the level(currently only a bunny): // render the level(currently only a bunny):
level.render(); level->render();
} }
void resizeCallback( GLFWwindow *, int newWidth, int newHeight ) void Graphics::setWindowSize(glm::uvec2 windowSize) {
{ this->windowSize = windowSize;
// store the new window size and adjust the viewport:
g_windowSize = glm::uvec2( newWidth, newHeight);
glViewport( 0, 0, g_windowSize.x, g_windowSize.y );
} }
glm::mat4 buildFrustum( float phiInDegree, float _near, float _far, float aspectRatio) { glm::mat4 Graphics::buildFrustum( float phiInDegree, float _near, float _far, float aspectRatio) {
float phiHalfInRadians = 0.5*phiInDegree * (M_PI/180.0); float phiHalfInRadians = 0.5*phiInDegree * (M_PI/180.0);
float top = _near * tan( phiHalfInRadians ); float top = _near * tan( phiHalfInRadians );
@ -105,12 +153,8 @@ glm::mat4 buildFrustum( float phiInDegree, float _near, float _far, float aspect
return glm::frustum(left, right, bottom, top, _near, _far); return glm::frustum(left, right, bottom, top, _near, _far);
} }
glm::mat4 buildViewMatrix() { glm::mat4 Graphics::buildViewMatrix(Level* level) {
glm::vec4 cameraVector = glm::vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, level.getCamera().getDistance(), 0.0f);
// rotate vector
glm::mat4 rotationMatrix = glm::rotate<float>(level.getCamera().getRotation()[0], glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) *
glm::rotate<float>(level.getCamera().getRotation()[1], glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)) * glm::rotate<float>(level.getCamera().getRotation()[2], glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
cameraVector = rotationMatrix * cameraVector;
//construct lookAt (cameraPosition = cameraCenter + cameraVector //construct lookAt (cameraPosition = cameraCenter + cameraVector
return glm::lookAt(level.getCameraCenter()->getPosition() + glm::vec3(cameraVector), level.getCameraCenter()->getPosition(), glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); return glm::lookAt((level->getCameraCenter()->getPosition() + level->getCamera()->getVector()),
level->getCameraCenter()->getPosition(), glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
} }

View File

@ -1,26 +1,29 @@
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/GL.hh>
#include "main.hh" #include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#include <ACGL/Base/Settings.hh>
#include <ACGL/Math/Math.hh> #include <ACGL/Math/Math.hh>
#include "level.hh"
// gets called after the OpenGL window is prepared, init of example specific stuff: class Graphics {
void initCustomResources(); public:
Graphics(glm::uvec2 windowSize, float nearPlane, float farPlane);
// gets called at application shutdown: Graphics();
void deleteCustomResources(); void render(Level* level, ACGL::OpenGL::SharedShaderProgram shader);
// to build the projection matrix:
// gets called ech frame, runTime is in seconds: glm::mat4 buildFrustum( float phiInDegree, float near, float far, float aspectRatio);
void draw(float runTime); glm::mat4 buildViewMatrix(Level* level);
glm::uvec2 getWindowSize();
// gets called at window resize: bool createWindow();
void resizeCallback( GLFWwindow *, int newWidth, int newHeight ); GLFWwindow* getWindow();
void setWindowSize(glm::uvec2 windowSize);
// to build the projection matrix: private:
glm::mat4 buildFrustum( float phiInDegree, float near, float far, float aspectRatio); void setGLFWHintsForOpenGLVersion( unsigned int _version );
glm::uvec2 windowSize;
glm::mat4 buildViewMatrix(); float nearPlane;
float farPlane;
GLFWwindow* window;
#endif #endif

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#include "level.hh" #include "level.hh"
Level::Level(std::string filePath){ Level::Level(std::string filePath){
this->filePath = filePath; this->filePath = filePath;
this->terrain = Terrain(filePath + "/terrain"); this->terrain = Terrain(filePath + "/terrain");
@ -12,38 +14,99 @@ Level::~Level() {
} }
void Level::load(ACGL::OpenGL::SharedShaderProgram shader) { void Level::load(ACGL::OpenGL::SharedShaderProgram shader) {
this->physics = Physics();
// currently hard coded should later read this stuff out of a file // currently hard coded should later read this stuff out of a file
this->camera = Camera(glm::vec3(-0.8f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 3.0f); this->camera = Camera(glm::vec2(-0.8f, 0.0f), 3.0f);
// load the geometry of the stanford bunny and build a VAO: // load the geometry of the stanford bunny and build a VAO:
Model model = Model("Bunny.obj", 0.25f); Model model = Model("Marble.obj", 0.75f);
// load a texture: // load a texture:
Material material = Material("clownfishBunny.png", 0.1f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 3.0f); Material material = Material("marbleTexture.png", 0.1f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 3.0f);
//Create object //Create object
Object object = Object(model, material, glm::vec3(0.0f, -1.0f, -2.0f), Object object = Object(model, material, glm::vec3(0.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f),
glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), shader);
//add player to phy
Model torchModel = Model("torch.obj", 0.75f);
Material torchMaterial = Material("torchTexture.png", 0.1f, 0.3f, 0.7f, 10.0f);
//Create object
Object torchObject = Object(torchModel, torchMaterial, glm::vec3(-3.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f),
glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0472f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0472f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), shader); glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), shader);
objects.push_back(object); objects.push_back(torchObject);
cameraCenter = &objects[0];
Model blockModel = Model("Block.obj", 1.0f);
Material blockMaterial = Material("blockTexture.png", 0.1f, 0.6, 0.4f, 2.0f);
Object blockObject = Object(blockModel, blockMaterial, glm::vec3(2.0f, 5.0f, 2.0f),
glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
Model columnModel = Model("Column.obj", 1.0f);
Material columnMaterial = Material("columnTexture.png", 0.1f, 0.6, 0.4f, 2.0f);
Object columnObject = Object(columnModel, columnMaterial, glm::vec3(-2.0f, 5.0f, -2.0f),
glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
//set lighting parameters //set lighting parameters
ambientLight = glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); ambientLight = glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
Light light = Light(glm::vec3(-3.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 2.0f); Light light = Light(glm::vec3(-3.0f, 6.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 10.0f);
lights.push_back(light); lights.push_back(light);
Light light2 = Light(glm::vec3(3.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), 2.0f); Light light2 = Light(glm::vec3(3.0f, 6.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 10.0f);
lights.push_back(light2); lights.push_back(light2);
Light light3 = Light(glm::vec3(0.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f), 4.0f);
// load terrain // load terrain
this->terrain.load(); this->terrain.load();
Model terrainModel = Model(this->terrain.getModel());
// load a texture:
Material terrainMaterial = Material("terrainTexture.png", 0.1f, 0.8f, 0.2f, 3.0f);
//Create object
Object terrainObject = Object(terrainModel, terrainMaterial,
glm::vec3(-0.5f*(float)this->terrain.getHeightmapHeight(), 0.0f, -0.5f*(float)this->terrain.getHeightmapWidth()),
glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), shader);
cameraCenter = &objects[0];
} }
void Level::render() { void Level::render() {
for(unsigned int i = 0; i<objects.size(); i++) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i<objects.size(); i++) {
objects[i].render(); objects[i].render();
} }
} }
void Level::update(float runTime) { void Level::update(float runTime, glm::vec2 mouseDelta, bool wPressed, bool aPressed, bool dPressed, bool sPressed) {
// rotate bunny // rotate bunny
cameraCenter->setRotation(glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0472f * runTime, 0.0f)); //cameraCenter->setRotation(glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0472f * runTime, 0.0f));
// Ignore first two mouse updates, because they are incorrect
static int i = 0;
if (i <2) {
else {
} }
glm::vec3 Level::getAmbientLight() { glm::vec3 Level::getAmbientLight() {
@ -54,8 +117,8 @@ std::vector<Light> Level::getLights() {
return lights; return lights;
} }
Camera Level::getCamera() { Camera* Level::getCamera() {
return camera; return &camera;
} }
Object* Level::getCameraCenter() { Object* Level::getCameraCenter() {

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "terrain.hh" #include "terrain.hh"
#include "material.hh" #include "material.hh"
#include "camera.hh" #include "camera.hh"
#include "physics.hh"
class Level { class Level {
public: public:
@ -15,18 +16,19 @@ class Level {
Level(); Level();
~Level(); ~Level();
void load(ACGL::OpenGL::SharedShaderProgram shader); // Shader is necessary for correct texture assigning void load(ACGL::OpenGL::SharedShaderProgram shader); // Shader is necessary for correct texture assigning
void update(float runTime); void update(float runTime, glm::vec2 mouseDelta,bool wPressed, bool aPressed,bool sPressed, bool dPressed);
void render(); void render();
glm::vec3 getAmbientLight(); glm::vec3 getAmbientLight();
std::vector<Light> getLights(); std::vector<Light> getLights();
Object* getCameraCenter(); Object* getCameraCenter();
Camera getCamera(); Camera* getCamera();
private: private:
std::string filePath; std::string filePath;
std::vector<Object> objects; std::vector<Object> objects;
std::vector<Light> lights; std::vector<Light> lights;
glm::vec3 ambientLight; glm::vec3 ambientLight;
Object* cameraCenter; Object* cameraCenter;
Physics physics;
Camera camera; Camera camera;
Terrain terrain; Terrain terrain;
}; };

lodepng.cpp Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

lodepng.h Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -10,107 +10,61 @@
#include <ACGL/Math/Math.hh> #include <ACGL/Math/Math.hh>
#include <ACGL/Utils/FileHelpers.hh> #include <ACGL/Utils/FileHelpers.hh>
#include <ACGL/Utils/StringHelpers.hh> #include <ACGL/Utils/StringHelpers.hh>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/Objects/VertexArrayObject.hh>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/Creator/ShaderProgramCreator.hh>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/glloaders/extensions.hh> #include <ACGL/OpenGL/glloaders/extensions.hh>
#include <ACGL/Base/Settings.hh>
using namespace std; Application::Application() {
using namespace ACGL::OpenGL; graphics = Graphics(glm::uvec2(1024, 786), 0.1f, 100.0f);
using namespace ACGL::Base;
using namespace ACGL::Utils;
glm::uvec2 g_windowSize( 1024, 786 );
float g_nearPlane = 0.1f;
float g_farPlane = 100.0f;
bool glfwWindowClosed = false;
GLFWwindow* g_window;
void setGLFWHintsForOpenGLVersion( unsigned int _version )
#ifdef __APPLE__
// request OpenGL 3.2, will return a 4.1 context on Mavericks
// non-apple
glfwWindowHint( GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, _version / 10 );
glfwWindowHint( GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, _version % 10 );
} }
/********************************************************************************************************************** Graphics* Application::getGraphics() {
* Returns true if a window with the desired context could get created. return &graphics;
* Requested OpenGL version gets set by ACGL defines. }
bool createWindow() Level* Application::getLevel() {
return &level;
ACGL::OpenGL::SharedShaderProgram Application::getShader() {
return shader;
void Application::init()
{ {
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // define where shaders and textures can be found:
// Initialise GLFW ACGL::Base::Settings::the()->setResourcePath("../");
// ACGL::Base::Settings::the()->setShaderPath("Shader/");
if ( !glfwInit() ) ACGL::Base::Settings::the()->setTexturePath("Levels/Textures/");
{ ACGL::Base::Settings::the()->setGeometryPath("Levels/Geometry/");
error() << "Failed to initialize GLFW" << endl;
exit( -1 );
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // construct VAO to give shader correct Attribute locations
// Configure OpenGL context ACGL::OpenGL::SharedArrayBuffer ab = std::make_shared<ACGL::OpenGL::ArrayBuffer>();
// ab->defineAttribute("aPosition", GL_FLOAT, 3);
setGLFWHintsForOpenGLVersion( ACGL_OPENGL_VERSION ); ab->defineAttribute("aTexCoord", GL_FLOAT, 2);
ab->defineAttribute("aNormal", GL_FLOAT, 3);
ACGL::OpenGL::SharedVertexArrayObject vao = std::make_shared<ACGL::OpenGL::VertexArrayObject>();
// activate multisampling (second parameter is the number of samples): // look up all shader files starting with 'phong' and build a ShaderProgram from it:
//glfwWindowHint( GLFW_SAMPLES, 8 ); shader = ACGL::OpenGL::ShaderProgramCreator("phong").attributeLocations(
// request an OpenGL debug context: // load Level
glfwWindowHint( GLFW_OPENGL_DEBUG_CONTEXT, true ); level.load(shader);
// define whether the window can get resized: // just in case: check for errors
//glfwWindowHint( GLFW_RESIZABLE, true ); openGLCriticalError();
// non-decorated windows can be used as splash screens: void resizeCallback(GLFWwindow* window, int newWidth, int newHeight)
//glfwWindowHint( GLFW_DECORATED, false ); {
// store the new window size and adjust the viewport:
// request an sRGB framebuffer: app.getGraphics()->setWindowSize(glm::uvec2( newWidth, newHeight));
//glfwWindowHint( GLFW_SRGB_CAPABLE, true ); glViewport( 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
//glfwWindowHint( , true );
//glfwWindowHint( , true );
//glfwWindowHint( , true );
//glfwWindowHint( , true );
// try to create an OpenGL context in a window and check the supported OpenGL version:
// R,G,B,A, Depth,Stencil
g_window = glfwCreateWindow( g_windowSize.x, g_windowSize.y, "ACGL GLFWExamples", NULL, NULL);
if (!g_window) {
error() << "Failed to open a GLFW window - requested OpenGL: " << ACGL_OPENGL_VERSION << endl;
return false;
// Init debug-extension
if (ACGL_ARB_debug_output()) {
//debug() << "GL_ARB_DEBUG_OUTPUT is supported, register callback" << endl;
//glDebugMessageCallbackARB( debugCallback, NULL);
// filter out the strange performance warnings about shader recompiles:
} else {
//debug() << "GL_ARB_DEBUG_OUTPUT is missing!" << endl;
return true;
} }
static void keyCallback(GLFWwindow* _window, int _key, int, int _action, int) static void keyCallback(GLFWwindow* _window, int _key, int, int _action, int)
@ -120,16 +74,19 @@ static void keyCallback(GLFWwindow* _window, int _key, int, int _action, int)
} }
} }
static void scrollCallback(GLFWwindow* window, double xoffset, double yoffset) {
* Generic main for different example apps
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
{ {
//Application app = Application();
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Create OpenGL capable window: // Create OpenGL capable window:
// //
if ( !createWindow() ) { if ( !app.getGraphics()->createWindow() ) {
glfwTerminate(); glfwTerminate();
exit( -1 ); exit( -1 );
} }
@ -137,12 +94,15 @@ int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Set window title to binary name (without the path): // Set window title to binary name (without the path):
// //
std::vector<std::string> tmp = StringHelpers::split( std::string( argv[0] ), '/' ); std::vector<std::string> tmp = ACGL::Utils::StringHelpers::split( std::string( argv[0] ), '/' );
glfwSetWindowTitle( g_window, tmp[tmp.size()-1].c_str() ); glfwSetWindowTitle(app.getGraphics()->getWindow(), tmp[tmp.size()-1].c_str() );
// Ensure we can capture the escape key being pressed below // Ensure we can capture the escape key being pressed below
glfwSetInputMode( g_window, GLFW_STICKY_KEYS, 1 ); glfwSetInputMode(app.getGraphics()->getWindow(), GLFW_STICKY_KEYS, 1);
glfwSetWindowSizeCallback( g_window, resizeCallback ); // Hide mouse cursor
glfwSetKeyCallback( g_window, keyCallback ); glfwSetInputMode(app.getGraphics()->getWindow(), GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_HIDDEN);
glfwSetWindowSizeCallback(app.getGraphics()->getWindow(), resizeCallback);
glfwSetKeyCallback(app.getGraphics()->getWindow(), keyCallback );
glfwSetScrollCallback(app.getGraphics()->getWindow(), scrollCallback );
// Enable vertical sync (on cards that support it) with parameter 1 - 0 means off // Enable vertical sync (on cards that support it) with parameter 1 - 0 means off
glfwSwapInterval( 0 ); glfwSwapInterval( 0 );
@ -152,7 +112,7 @@ int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
// //
glClearColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); glClearColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST ); glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
initCustomResources(); app.init();
int frameCount = 0; int frameCount = 0;
@ -160,30 +120,46 @@ int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
double startTimeInSeconds = glfwGetTime(); double startTimeInSeconds = glfwGetTime();
double showNextFPS = startTimeInSeconds + FPSdelay; double showNextFPS = startTimeInSeconds + FPSdelay;
double lastUpdate=0.0f;
int stateW = glfwGetKey(app.getGraphics()->getWindow(), GLFW_KEY_W);
int stateA = glfwGetKey(app.getGraphics()->getWindow(), GLFW_KEY_A);
int stateS = glfwGetKey(app.getGraphics()->getWindow(), GLFW_KEY_S);
int stateD = glfwGetKey(app.getGraphics()->getWindow(), GLFW_KEY_D);
do { do {
double now = glfwGetTime();
double now = glfwGetTime()- startTimeInSeconds;
if (showNextFPS <= now) { if (showNextFPS <= now) {
stringstream sstream (stringstream::in | stringstream::out); std::stringstream sstream (std::stringstream::in | std::stringstream::out);
sstream << setprecision(1) << std::fixed sstream << std::setprecision(1) << std::fixed
<< tmp[tmp.size()-1] << " - FPS: " << frameCount / (now-showNextFPS + FPSdelay) << " " << 1000 * (now-showNextFPS + FPSdelay)/frameCount << " msec"; << tmp[tmp.size()-1] << " - FPS: " << frameCount / (now-showNextFPS + FPSdelay) << " " << 1000 * (now-showNextFPS + FPSdelay)/frameCount << " msec";
glfwSetWindowTitle( g_window, sstream.str().c_str() ); glfwSetWindowTitle(app.getGraphics()->getWindow(), sstream.str().c_str() );
showNextFPS = now + FPSdelay; showNextFPS = now + FPSdelay;
frameCount = 0; frameCount = 0;
} }
draw( now - startTimeInSeconds ); double xpos, ypos;
glfwGetCursorPos(app.getGraphics()->getWindow(), &xpos, &ypos);
glfwSetCursorPos(app.getGraphics()->getWindow(), app.getGraphics()->getWindowSize().x/2, app.getGraphics()->getWindowSize().y/2);
app.getLevel()->update(now - lastUpdate,
stateW == GLFW_PRESS,stateA == GLFW_PRESS,stateS == GLFW_PRESS,stateD == GLFW_PRESS);
lastUpdate = now;
app.getGraphics()->render(app.getLevel(), app.getShader());
openGLCriticalError(); openGLCriticalError();
// MacOS X will not swap correctly is another FBO is bound: // MacOS X will not swap correctly is another FBO is bound:
glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 ); glBindFramebuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0 );
glfwSwapBuffers( g_window ); glfwSwapBuffers(app.getGraphics()->getWindow());
glfwPollEvents(); glfwPollEvents();
frameCount++; frameCount++;
} // Check if the window was closed } // Check if the window was closed
while( !glfwWindowShouldClose( g_window ) ); while( !glfwWindowShouldClose(app.getGraphics()->getWindow()) );
glfwTerminate(); glfwTerminate();
exit(0); exit(0);

View File

@ -1,27 +1,29 @@
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef MAIN_HH_INCLUDED
// headers needed:
#include <ACGL/Math/Math.hh>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/GL.hh> #include <ACGL/OpenGL/GL.hh>
#include <ACGL/Math/Math.hh>
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h> #include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/Objects/ArrayBuffer.hh> #include <ACGL/OpenGL/Objects/ArrayBuffer.hh>
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include "physics.hh" #include "physics.hh"
#include "graphics.hh" #include "graphics.hh"
#include "level.hh" #include "level.hh"
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// class Application {
// implement the following functions: public:
// Application();
Graphics* getGraphics();
Level* getLevel();
ACGL::OpenGL::SharedShaderProgram getShader();
void init();
Graphics graphics;
Level level;
ACGL::OpenGL::SharedShaderProgram shader;
// global variables exported by the generic main: Application app;
extern glm::uvec2 g_windowSize; #endif
extern float g_nearPlane;
extern float g_farPlane;

View File

@ -2,14 +2,12 @@
Model::Model(std::string filePath, float scale) { Model::Model(std::string filePath, float scale) {
reference = ACGL::OpenGL::VertexArrayObjectCreator(filePath).create(); reference = ACGL::OpenGL::VertexArrayObjectCreator(filePath).create();
this->scale = scale; this->scale = scale;
} }
Model::Model(std::string filePath) { Model::Model(ACGL::OpenGL::SharedVertexArrayObject vao, float scale){
reference = ACGL::OpenGL::VertexArrayObjectCreator(filePath).create(); reference = vao;
reference->bind(); this->scale = scale;
this->scale = 1.0f;
} }
Model::Model(){ Model::Model(){

View File

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
class Model { class Model {
public: public:
Model(std::string filePath, float scale); Model(std::string filePath, float scale=1.0f);
Model(std::string filePath); Model(ACGL::OpenGL::SharedVertexArrayObject vao, float scale=1.0f);
Model(); Model();
~Model(); ~Model();
ACGL::OpenGL::SharedVertexArrayObject getReference(); ACGL::OpenGL::SharedVertexArrayObject getReference();

View File

@ -24,9 +24,7 @@ void Object::render() {
shader->setUniform("shininess", material.getShininess()); shader->setUniform("shininess", material.getShininess());
shader->setTexture("uTexture", material.getReference(), 0); shader->setTexture("uTexture", material.getReference(), 0);
// set model matrix // set model matrix
glm::mat4 rotationMatrix = glm::rotate<float>(this->getRotation()[0], glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) * glm::mat4 modelMatrix = glm::translate(getPosition()) * getRotation() * glm::scale<float>(glm::vec3(model.getScale()));
glm::rotate<float>(this->getRotation()[1], glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)) * glm::rotate<float>(this->getRotation()[2], glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
glm::mat4 modelMatrix = glm::translate(this->getPosition()) * rotationMatrix * glm::scale<float>(glm::vec3(model.getScale()));
shader->setUniform( "modelMatrix", modelMatrix); shader->setUniform( "modelMatrix", modelMatrix);
// draw // draw
model.getReference()->render(); model.getReference()->render();

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
#include "physics.hh" #include "physics.hh"
#include <vector>
btDynamicsWorld* world; //contains physical attributes of the world. btDynamicsWorld* world; //contains physical attributes of the world.
btDispatcher* dispatcher; // btDispatcher* dispatcher; //
@ -12,8 +10,16 @@ btConstraintSolver* solver; //solver for forces and impulses.
std::vector<btRigidBody*> bodies; //list of all bodies. bodies are also in world, but save again to ease cleaning up process. std::vector<btRigidBody*> bodies; //list of all bodies. bodies are also in world, but save again to ease cleaning up process.
btRigidBody* playerBall; btRigidBody* playerBall;
btRigidBody* terrainBody; btRigidBody* terrainBody;
btRigidBody* staticGroundBody;
void init()
Physics::Physics() {
Physics::~Physics() {
void Physics::init()
{ {
colConfig = new btDefaultCollisionConfiguration(); colConfig = new btDefaultCollisionConfiguration();
dispatcher = new btCollisionDispatcher(colConfig); dispatcher = new btCollisionDispatcher(colConfig);
@ -22,16 +28,14 @@ void init()
world = new btDiscreteDynamicsWorld(dispatcher,broadphase,solver,colConfig); world = new btDiscreteDynamicsWorld(dispatcher,broadphase,solver,colConfig);
world->setGravity(btVector3(0,-10,-0)); world->setGravity(btVector3(0,-10,-0));
} }
void takeUpdateStep(float timeDiff) void Physics::takeUpdateStep(float timeDiff)
{ {
world->stepSimulation(timeDiff); world->stepSimulation(timeDiff);
} }
void addTerrain(int width, int length, float** heightData) void Physics::addTerrain(int width, int length, float** heightData)
{ {
float* heightfield = new float[width * length]; float* heightfield = new float[width * length];
int highest = -999999, j = 0, i = 0; int highest = -999999, j = 0, i = 0;
@ -70,14 +74,52 @@ void addTerrain(int width, int length, float** heightData)
} }
void addSphere(float rad, float x, float y, float z, float mass, int indice) //TODO add indice check void Physics::addStaticGroundPlane()
{ {
btCollisionShape* groundShape = new btStaticPlaneShape(btVector3(0, 1, 0), 0);
btDefaultMotionState* groundMotionState = new btDefaultMotionState(btTransform(btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1), btVector3(0, 0, 0)));
btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo groundRigidBodyCI(0, groundMotionState, groundShape, btVector3(0, 0, 0));
staticGroundBody = new btRigidBody(groundRigidBodyCI);
void Physics::addPlayer(float rad, float x, float y, float z, float mass, unsigned indice)
if(bodies.size() != indice)
throw std::invalid_argument( "Bodies out of Sync" );
btSphereShape* sphere = new btSphereShape(rad); btSphereShape* sphere = new btSphereShape(rad);
btVector3 inertia(0,0,0); btVector3 inertia(0,0,0);
if(mass == 0.0) if(mass != 0.0)
{ {
} }
btDefaultMotionState* motion = new btDefaultMotionState(btTransform(btQuaternion(0,0,0,1),btVector3(x,y,z)));
btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo info(mass,motion,sphere,inertia);
playerBall = new btRigidBody(info);
if(bodies.size() == indice)
throw std::invalid_argument( "Bodies out of Sync" );
void Physics::addSphere(float rad, float x, float y, float z, float mass, unsigned indice)
if(bodies.size() != indice)
throw std::invalid_argument( "Bodies out of Sync" );
btSphereShape* sphere = new btSphereShape(rad);
btVector3 inertia(0,0,0);
if(mass != 0.0)
{ {
sphere->calculateLocalInertia((btScalar)mass,inertia); sphere->calculateLocalInertia((btScalar)mass,inertia);
} }
@ -91,23 +133,41 @@ void addSphere(float rad, float x, float y, float z, float mass, int indice) //T
world->addRigidBody(body); world->addRigidBody(body);
bodies.push_back(body); bodies.push_back(body);
if(bodies.size() == indice)
throw std::invalid_argument( "Bodies out of Sync" );
} }
glm::vec3 getPos(int i) glm::vec3 Physics::getPos(int i)
{ {
btVector3 origin = bodies[i]->getCenterOfMassPosition(); btVector3 origin = bodies[i]->getCenterOfMassPosition();
glm::vec3 save(origin.getX(),origin.getY(),origin.getZ()); glm::vec3 save(origin.getX(),origin.getY(),origin.getZ());
return save; return save;
} }
void getRotation(int i) glm::mat4 Physics::getRotation(int i)
{ {
btQuaternion rotQuantrino = bodies[i]->getOrientation(); //TODO return orientation in gl format btQuaternion quat = bodies[i]->getOrientation();
glm::mat4 matrix = glm::rotate(
glm::vec3(quat.getAxis().getX(), quat.getAxis().getY(), quat.getAxis().getZ())
return matrix;
} }
void rollForward() void Physics::rollForward(glm::vec3 camPos)
{ {
//bodies[k].applyTorque(btVector3); btVector3 pos(camPos.x,camPos.y,camPos.z);
pos -= playerBody->getCenterOfMassPosition();
/* glm::vec3 saveVector= glm::vec3(1,0,0) * rotCamera;
saveVector = glm::cross(glm::vec3(0,1,0),saveVector);
} }
/* /*

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include "extern/bullet/src/BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btSphereShape.h" #include "extern/bullet/src/BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btSphereShape.h"
#include "extern/bullet/src/BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btHeightfieldTerrainShape.h" #include "extern/bullet/src/BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btHeightfieldTerrainShape.h"
#include "extern/bullet/src/BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btStaticPlaneShape.h"
#include "extern/bullet/src/BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btConstraintSolver.h" #include "extern/bullet/src/BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btConstraintSolver.h"
#include "extern/bullet/src/BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver.h"//YAY! #include "extern/bullet/src/BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver.h"//YAY!
@ -26,24 +27,29 @@
#include "extern/bullet/src/LinearMath/btMotionState.h" #include "extern/bullet/src/LinearMath/btMotionState.h"
#include "extern/bullet/src/LinearMath/btDefaultMotionState.h" #include "extern/bullet/src/LinearMath/btDefaultMotionState.h"
#include "extern/bullet/src/LinearMath/btQuaternion.h" #include "extern/bullet/src/LinearMath/btQuaternion.h"
#include "extern/bullet/src/LinearMath/btVector3.h"
#include "extern/bullet/src/LinearMath/btMatrix3x3.h"
class Physics { class Physics {
public: public:
Physics(); Physics();
~Physics(); ~Physics();
void init(); void init();
void takeUpdateStep(float timeDiff); void takeUpdateStep(float timeDiff);
void rollForward(glm::vec3 camPos, float strength); void rollForward(glm::vec3 camPos, float strength);
glm::vec3 getPos(int i); glm::vec3 getPos(int i);
void getRotation(int i); glm::mat4 getRotation(int i);
void rollForward(); void rollForward(glm::vec3 camPos);
void addStaticGroundPlane();
void addTerrain(int width, int length, float** heightData); void addTerrain(int width, int length, float** heightData);
void addSphere(float rad, float x, float y, float z, float mass, int indice); void addPlayer(float rad, float x, float y, float z, float mass, unsigned indice);
void addSphere(float rad, float x, float y, float z, float mass, unsigned indice);
private: private:
btRigidBody* playerBody; btRigidBody* playerBody;
btRigidBody* terrainBody; btRigidBody* terrainBody;
std::vector<btRigidBody*> bodies; //list of all bodies. bodies are also in world, but save again to ease cleaning up process. std::vector<btRigidBody*> bodies; //list of all bodies. bodies are also in world, but save again to ease cleaning up process.
btRigidBody* staticGroundBody;
btDynamicsWorld* world; //contains physical attributes of the world. btDynamicsWorld* world; //contains physical attributes of the world.

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "terrain.hh" #include "terrain.hh"
#include "lodepng.h"
Terrain::Terrain(std::string filePath){ Terrain::Terrain(std::string filePath){
this->filePath = filePath; this->filePath = filePath;
@ -12,25 +13,18 @@ Terrain::~Terrain() {
void Terrain::load() { void Terrain::load() {
this->filePath = "../Levels/LevelTest/terrain"; //TODO remove this, its only for testing filePath = "../Levels/heightmapLvlTest.png"; //TODO remove this, its only for testing
std::ifstream terrain_png(this->filePath + "/heightmap.png"); std::vector<unsigned char> image; //the raw pixels
unsigned int rowNum, columnNum, heightmapValue; unsigned error = lodepng::decode(image, heightmapWidth, heightmapHeight, filePath);
if (error) {
terrain_png.seekg(16); //skip part of the header std::cout << "decoder error " << error << ": " << lodepng_error_text(error) << std::endl;
char temp[4]; this->heightmap = new float*[this->heightmapHeight]; //initialize the heightmap, 4); //read width for(unsigned int rowNum = 0; rowNum < this->heightmapHeight; rowNum++){ //read in the heightmap
this->heightmapWidth = (temp[3]<<0) | (temp[2]<<8) | (temp[1]<<16) | (temp[0]<<24); //convert from network to host byte order this->heightmap[rowNum] = new float[this->heightmapWidth];, 4); //read height for(unsigned int columnNum = 0; columnNum < this->heightmapWidth; columnNum++){
this->heightmapHeight = (temp[3]<<0) | (temp[2]<<8) | (temp[1]<<16) | (temp[0]<<24); //convert from network to host byte order this->heightmap[rowNum][columnNum] = (float)(image[(rowNum*heightmapWidth+columnNum)*4]) / 32;
heightmap = new float*[this->heightmapHeight]; //initialize the heightmap
for(rowNum = 0; rowNum < this->heightmapHeight; rowNum++){ //read in the heightmap
heightmap[rowNum] = new float[this->heightmapWidth];
for(columnNum = 0; columnNum < this->heightmapWidth; columnNum++){ *)&heightmapValue, 1);
heightmap[rowNum][columnNum] = (float)heightmapValue / 256;
} }
} }
@ -42,56 +36,53 @@ void Terrain::load() {
void Terrain::makeTriangleMesh(){ void Terrain::makeTriangleMesh(){
ACGL::OpenGL::SharedArrayBuffer ab = std::make_shared<ACGL::OpenGL::ArrayBuffer>(); ACGL::OpenGL::SharedArrayBuffer ab = std::make_shared<ACGL::OpenGL::ArrayBuffer>();
ab->defineAttribute("pos", GL_FLOAT, 3); //TODO: ArrayBuffer for the texture coordinates // Do NOT change the order of this!
ab->defineAttribute("aPosition", GL_FLOAT, 3);
ab->defineAttribute("aTexCoord", GL_FLOAT, 2);
ab->defineAttribute("aNormal", GL_FLOAT, 3);
unsigned int rowNum=0, columnNum=0, dataCount=0; //initializing: unsigned int rowNum=0, columnNum=0, dataCount=0, floatsPerVertex=8; //initializing:
bool movingRight = true, isUp = true; bool movingRight = true, isUp = true;
int numVertices = (this->heightmapHeight - 1) * (this->heightmapWidth * 2 + 1) + 1; int numVertices = (this->heightmapHeight - 1) * (this->heightmapWidth * 2 + 1) + 1;
float* abData = new float[numVertices * 3]; float* abData = new float[numVertices * floatsPerVertex];
while(rowNum < this->heightmapHeight){ //traversing the Triangle Strip! while(rowNum < this->heightmapHeight){ //traversing the Triangle Strip!
abData[dataCount] = (float)rowNum; set_abData(abData, dataCount, rowNum, columnNum);
abData[dataCount+1] = heightmap[rowNum][columnNum]; dataCount += floatsPerVertex;
abData[dataCount+2] = (float)columnNum;
dataCount += 3;
if (isUp){ if (isUp){
rowNum = rowNum + 1; rowNum = rowNum + 1;
isUp = false; isUp = false;
}else if (movingRight){
if (columnNum == this->heightmapWidth - 1){
abData[dataCount] = (float)rowNum;
abData[dataCount+1] = heightmap[rowNum][columnNum];
abData[dataCount+2] = (float)columnNum;
dataCount += 3;
abData[dataCount] = (float)rowNum;
abData[dataCount+1] = heightmap[rowNum][columnNum];
abData[dataCount+2] = (float)columnNum;
dataCount += 3;
movingRight = false;
rowNum = rowNum + 1;
} else{
rowNum = rowNum - 1;
columnNum = columnNum + 1;
isUp = true;
if (columnNum == 0){
abData[dataCount] = (float)rowNum;
abData[dataCount+1] = heightmap[rowNum][columnNum];
abData[dataCount+2] = (float)columnNum;
dataCount += 3;
abData[dataCount] = (float)rowNum;
abData[dataCount+1] = heightmap[rowNum][columnNum];
abData[dataCount+2] = (float)columnNum;
dataCount += 3;
movingRight = true;
rowNum = rowNum + 1;
rowNum = rowNum - 1;
columnNum = columnNum - 1;
isUp = true;
} }
else if (movingRight) {
if (columnNum == this->heightmapWidth - 1) {
set_abData(abData, dataCount, rowNum, columnNum);
dataCount += floatsPerVertex;
set_abData(abData, dataCount, rowNum, columnNum);
dataCount += floatsPerVertex;
movingRight = false;
rowNum = rowNum + 1;
else {
rowNum = rowNum - 1;
columnNum = columnNum + 1;
isUp = true;
else {
if (columnNum == 0){
set_abData(abData, dataCount, rowNum, columnNum);
dataCount += floatsPerVertex;
set_abData(abData, dataCount, rowNum, columnNum);
dataCount += floatsPerVertex;
movingRight = true;
rowNum = rowNum + 1;
else {
rowNum = rowNum - 1;
columnNum = columnNum - 1;
isUp = true;
} }
ab->setDataElements(numVertices, abData); ab->setDataElements(numVertices, abData);
@ -99,39 +90,58 @@ void Terrain::makeTriangleMesh(){
this->triangleMesh->bind(); this->triangleMesh->bind();
this->triangleMesh->setMode(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); this->triangleMesh->setMode(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
this->triangleMesh->attachAllAttributes(ab); this->triangleMesh->attachAllAttributes(ab);
//TODO unbind? }
//TODO remove this TestCode (that doesnt even work yet...): void Terrain::set_abData(float* abData, unsigned int dataCount, unsigned int rowNum, unsigned int columnNum){
/* ACGL::OpenGL::SharedArrayBuffer tex = std::make_shared<ACGL::OpenGL::ArrayBuffer>(); //set Position
tex->defineAttribute("color", GL_FLOAT, 3); abData[dataCount] = (float)rowNum;
float* texData = new float[numVertices*3]; abData[dataCount+1] = heightmap[rowNum][columnNum];
for (int i=0; i<numVertices*3; i++){ abData[dataCount+2] = (float)columnNum;
texData[i] = 1.0;
//set Texture Coordinate
abData[dataCount+3] = (float)(rowNum % 2);
abData[dataCount+4] = (float)(columnNum % 2);
if (rowNum==0 || rowNum==(this->heightmapHeight-1) || columnNum==0 || columnNum==(this->heightmapWidth-1)){
abData[dataCount+5] = 0.0;
abData[dataCount+6] = 1.0;
abData[dataCount+7] = 0.0;
else {
glm::vec3 sumNormals = glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
for (int i=-1; i<2; i+=2) {
for (int j=-1; j<2; j+=2) {
glm::vec3 vecA, vecB, normal;
vecA = glm::vec3((float)i, (heightmap[rowNum+i][columnNum] - heightmap[rowNum][columnNum]), 0.0f);
vecB = glm::vec3(0.0f, (heightmap[rowNum][columnNum+j] - heightmap[rowNum][columnNum]), (float)j);
normal = glm::normalize(glm::cross(vecA, vecB));
normal = normal*(-1.0f);
sumNormals += normal;
sumNormals = glm::normalize(sumNormals);
abData[dataCount+5] = sumNormals[0];
abData[dataCount+6] = sumNormals[1];
abData[dataCount+7] = sumNormals[2];
} }
tex->setDataElements(numVertices, texData);
} }
void Terrain::render() { Model Terrain::getModel(){
if (heightmapChanged) return Model(this->triangleMesh);
} }
float** Terrain::getHeightmap(){
return this->heightmap;
unsigned int Terrain::getHeightmapHeight(){
return this->heightmapHeight;
unsigned int Terrain::getHeightmapWidth(){
return this->heightmapWidth;

View File

@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
#include <string> #include <string>
#include "material.hh" #include "material.hh"
#include <fstream>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/Objects/VertexArrayObject.hh> #include <ACGL/OpenGL/Objects/VertexArrayObject.hh>
#include "model.hh"
class Terrain { class Terrain {
public: public:
Terrain(std::string filePath); Terrain(std::string filePath);
@ -13,15 +12,21 @@ class Terrain {
~Terrain(); ~Terrain();
void load(); void load();
void render(); void render();
Model getModel();
float** getHeightmap();
unsigned int getHeightmapHeight();
unsigned int getHeightmapWidth();
private: private:
Material material; Material material;
std::string filePath; std::string filePath;
unsigned int heightmapWidth, heightmapHeight; unsigned int heightmapHeight, heightmapWidth;
float** heightmap; //can be accessed like 'float[][]' float** heightmap; //can be accessed like 'float[][]'
bool heightmapChanged; bool heightmapChanged;
ACGL::OpenGL::SharedVertexArrayObject triangleMesh; ACGL::OpenGL::SharedVertexArrayObject triangleMesh;
void makeTriangleMesh(); void makeTriangleMesh();
void set_abData(float* abData, unsigned int dataCount, unsigned int rowNum, unsigned int columnNum);
}; };
#endif #endif