// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // @file AntTweakBar.h // // @brief AntTweakBar is a light and intuitive graphical user interface // that can be readily integrated into OpenGL and DirectX // applications in order to interactively tweak parameters. // // @author Philippe Decaudin - http://www.antisphere.com // // @doc http://www.antisphere.com/Wiki/tools:anttweakbar // // @license This file is part of the AntTweakBar library. // AntTweakBar is a free software released under the zlib license. // For conditions of distribution and use, see License.txt // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if !defined TW_INCLUDED #define TW_INCLUDED #define TW_STATIC 1 //no dynamic link library (DLL) hell #define TW_NO_LIB_PRAGMA 1 //no magic linking nonsense, thank you #include #define TW_VERSION 115 // Version Mmm : M=Major mm=minor (e.g., 102 is version 1.02) #ifdef __cplusplus # if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable: 4995 4530) # include # pragma warning(pop) # else # include # endif extern "C" { #endif // __cplusplus // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OS specific definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if (defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)) && !defined(TW_STATIC) # define TW_CALL __stdcall # define TW_CDECL_CALL __cdecl # define TW_EXPORT_API __declspec(dllexport) # define TW_IMPORT_API __declspec(dllimport) #else # define TW_CALL # define TW_CDECL_CALL # define TW_EXPORT_API # define TW_IMPORT_API #endif #if defined TW_EXPORTS # define TW_API TW_EXPORT_API #elif defined TW_STATIC # define TW_API # if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(TW_NO_LIB_PRAGMA) # ifdef _WIN64 # pragma comment(lib, "AntTweakBarStatic64") # else # pragma comment(lib, "AntTweakBarStatic") # endif # endif #else # define TW_API TW_IMPORT_API # if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(TW_NO_LIB_PRAGMA) # ifdef _WIN64 # pragma comment(lib, "AntTweakBar64") # else # pragma comment(lib, "AntTweakBar") # endif # endif #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bar functions and definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct CTwBar TwBar; // structure CTwBar is not exposed. TW_API TwBar * TW_CALL TwNewBar(const char *barName); TW_API int TW_CALL TwDeleteBar(TwBar *bar); TW_API int TW_CALL TwDeleteAllBars(); TW_API int TW_CALL TwSetTopBar(const TwBar *bar); TW_API TwBar * TW_CALL TwGetTopBar(); TW_API int TW_CALL TwSetBottomBar(const TwBar *bar); TW_API TwBar * TW_CALL TwGetBottomBar(); TW_API const char * TW_CALL TwGetBarName(TwBar *bar); TW_API int TW_CALL TwGetBarCount(); TW_API TwBar * TW_CALL TwGetBarByIndex(int barIndex); TW_API TwBar * TW_CALL TwGetBarByName(const char *barName); TW_API int TW_CALL TwRefreshBar(TwBar *bar); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Var functions and definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum ETwType { TW_TYPE_UNDEF = 0, #ifdef __cplusplus TW_TYPE_BOOLCPP = 1, #endif // __cplusplus TW_TYPE_BOOL8 = 2, TW_TYPE_BOOL16, TW_TYPE_BOOL32, TW_TYPE_CHAR, TW_TYPE_INT8, TW_TYPE_UINT8, TW_TYPE_INT16, TW_TYPE_UINT16, TW_TYPE_INT32, TW_TYPE_UINT32, TW_TYPE_FLOAT, TW_TYPE_DOUBLE, TW_TYPE_COLOR32, // 32 bits color. Order is RGBA if API is OpenGL or Direct3D10, and inversed if API is Direct3D9 (can be modified by defining 'colorOrder=...', see doc) TW_TYPE_COLOR3F, // 3 floats color. Order is RGB. TW_TYPE_COLOR4F, // 4 floats color. Order is RGBA. TW_TYPE_CDSTRING, // Null-terminated C Dynamic String (pointer to an array of char dynamically allocated with malloc/realloc/strdup) #ifdef __cplusplus # if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER > 1500) TW_TYPE_STDSTRING = (0x2ffe0000+sizeof(std::string)), // VS2010 or higher C++ STL string (std::string) # else TW_TYPE_STDSTRING = (0x2fff0000+sizeof(std::string)), // C++ STL string (std::string) # endif #endif // __cplusplus TW_TYPE_QUAT4F = TW_TYPE_CDSTRING+2, // 4 floats encoding a quaternion {qx,qy,qz,qs} TW_TYPE_QUAT4D, // 4 doubles encoding a quaternion {qx,qy,qz,qs} TW_TYPE_DIR3F, // direction vector represented by 3 floats TW_TYPE_DIR3D // direction vector represented by 3 doubles } TwType; #define TW_TYPE_CSSTRING(n) ((TwType)(0x30000000+((n)&0xfffffff))) // Null-terminated C Static String of size n (defined as char[n], with n<2^28) typedef void (TW_CALL * TwSetVarCallback)(const void *value, void *clientData); typedef void (TW_CALL * TwGetVarCallback)(void *value, void *clientData); typedef void (TW_CALL * TwButtonCallback)(void *clientData); TW_API int TW_CALL TwAddVarRW(TwBar *bar, const char *name, TwType type, void *var, const char *def); TW_API int TW_CALL TwAddVarRO(TwBar *bar, const char *name, TwType type, const void *var, const char *def); TW_API int TW_CALL TwAddVarCB(TwBar *bar, const char *name, TwType type, TwSetVarCallback setCallback, TwGetVarCallback getCallback, void *clientData, const char *def); TW_API int TW_CALL TwAddButton(TwBar *bar, const char *name, TwButtonCallback callback, void *clientData, const char *def); TW_API int TW_CALL TwAddSeparator(TwBar *bar, const char *name, const char *def); TW_API int TW_CALL TwRemoveVar(TwBar *bar, const char *name); TW_API int TW_CALL TwRemoveAllVars(TwBar *bar); typedef struct CTwEnumVal { int Value; const char * Label; } TwEnumVal; typedef struct CTwStructMember { const char * Name; TwType Type; size_t Offset; const char * DefString; } TwStructMember; typedef void (TW_CALL * TwSummaryCallback)(char *summaryString, size_t summaryMaxLength, const void *value, void *clientData); TW_API int TW_CALL TwDefine(const char *def); TW_API TwType TW_CALL TwDefineEnum(const char *name, const TwEnumVal *enumValues, unsigned int nbValues); TW_API TwType TW_CALL TwDefineEnumFromString(const char *name, const char *enumString); TW_API TwType TW_CALL TwDefineStruct(const char *name, const TwStructMember *structMembers, unsigned int nbMembers, size_t structSize, TwSummaryCallback summaryCallback, void *summaryClientData); typedef void (TW_CALL * TwCopyCDStringToClient)(char **destinationClientStringPtr, const char *sourceString); TW_API void TW_CALL TwCopyCDStringToClientFunc(TwCopyCDStringToClient copyCDStringFunc); TW_API void TW_CALL TwCopyCDStringToLibrary(char **destinationLibraryStringPtr, const char *sourceClientString); #ifdef __cplusplus typedef void (TW_CALL * TwCopyStdStringToClient)(std::string& destinationClientString, const std::string& sourceString); TW_API void TW_CALL TwCopyStdStringToClientFunc(TwCopyStdStringToClient copyStdStringToClientFunc); TW_API void TW_CALL TwCopyStdStringToLibrary(std::string& destinationLibraryString, const std::string& sourceClientString); #endif // __cplusplus typedef enum ETwParamValueType { TW_PARAM_INT32, TW_PARAM_FLOAT, TW_PARAM_DOUBLE, TW_PARAM_CSTRING // Null-terminated array of char (ie, c-string) } TwParamValueType; TW_API int TW_CALL TwGetParam(TwBar *bar, const char *varName, const char *paramName, TwParamValueType paramValueType, unsigned int outValueMaxCount, void *outValues); TW_API int TW_CALL TwSetParam(TwBar *bar, const char *varName, const char *paramName, TwParamValueType paramValueType, unsigned int inValueCount, const void *inValues); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Management functions and definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum ETwGraphAPI { TW_OPENGL = 1, TW_DIRECT3D9 = 2, TW_DIRECT3D10 = 3, TW_DIRECT3D11 = 4, TW_OPENGL_CORE = 5 } TwGraphAPI; TW_API int TW_CALL TwInit(TwGraphAPI graphAPI, void *device); TW_API int TW_CALL TwTerminate(); TW_API int TW_CALL TwDraw(); TW_API int TW_CALL TwWindowSize(int width, int height); TW_API int TW_CALL TwSetCurrentWindow(int windowID); // multi-windows support TW_API int TW_CALL TwGetCurrentWindow(); TW_API int TW_CALL TwWindowExists(int windowID); typedef enum ETwKeyModifier { TW_KMOD_NONE = 0x0000, // same codes as SDL keysym.mod TW_KMOD_SHIFT = 0x0003, TW_KMOD_CTRL = 0x00c0, TW_KMOD_ALT = 0x0100, TW_KMOD_META = 0x0c00 } TwKeyModifier; typedef enum EKeySpecial { TW_KEY_BACKSPACE = '\b', TW_KEY_TAB = '\t', TW_KEY_CLEAR = 0x0c, TW_KEY_RETURN = '\r', TW_KEY_PAUSE = 0x13, TW_KEY_ESCAPE = 0x1b, TW_KEY_SPACE = ' ', TW_KEY_DELETE = 0x7f, TW_KEY_UP = 273, // same codes and order as SDL 1.2 keysym.sym TW_KEY_DOWN, TW_KEY_RIGHT, TW_KEY_LEFT, TW_KEY_INSERT, TW_KEY_HOME, TW_KEY_END, TW_KEY_PAGE_UP, TW_KEY_PAGE_DOWN, TW_KEY_F1, TW_KEY_F2, TW_KEY_F3, TW_KEY_F4, TW_KEY_F5, TW_KEY_F6, TW_KEY_F7, TW_KEY_F8, TW_KEY_F9, TW_KEY_F10, TW_KEY_F11, TW_KEY_F12, TW_KEY_F13, TW_KEY_F14, TW_KEY_F15, TW_KEY_LAST } TwKeySpecial; TW_API int TW_CALL TwKeyPressed(int key, int modifiers); TW_API int TW_CALL TwKeyTest(int key, int modifiers); typedef enum ETwMouseAction { TW_MOUSE_RELEASED, TW_MOUSE_PRESSED } TwMouseAction; typedef enum ETwMouseButtonID { TW_MOUSE_LEFT = 1, // same code as SDL_BUTTON_LEFT TW_MOUSE_MIDDLE = 2, // same code as SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE TW_MOUSE_RIGHT = 3 // same code as SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT } TwMouseButtonID; TW_API int TW_CALL TwMouseButton(TwMouseAction action, TwMouseButtonID button); TW_API int TW_CALL TwMouseMotion(int mouseX, int mouseY); TW_API int TW_CALL TwMouseWheel(int pos); TW_API const char * TW_CALL TwGetLastError(); typedef void (TW_CALL * TwErrorHandler)(const char *errorMessage); TW_API void TW_CALL TwHandleErrors(TwErrorHandler errorHandler); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper functions to translate events from some common window management // frameworks to AntTweakBar. // They call TwKeyPressed, TwMouse* and TwWindowSize for you (implemented in // files TwEventWin.c TwEventSDL*.c TwEventGLFW.c TwEventGLUT.c) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For Windows message proc #ifndef _W64 // Microsoft specific (detection of 64 bits portability issues) # define _W64 #endif // _W64 #ifdef _WIN64 TW_API int TW_CALL TwEventWin(void *wnd, unsigned int msg, unsigned __int64 _W64 wParam, __int64 _W64 lParam); #else TW_API int TW_CALL TwEventWin(void *wnd, unsigned int msg, unsigned int _W64 wParam, int _W64 lParam); #endif #define TwEventWin32 TwEventWin // For compatibility with AntTweakBar versions prior to 1.11 // For libSDL event loop TW_API int TW_CALL TwEventSDL(const void *sdlEvent, unsigned char sdlMajorVersion, unsigned char sdlMinorVersion); // For GLFW event callbacks // You should define GLFW_CDECL before including AntTweakBar.h if your version of GLFW uses cdecl calling convensions #ifdef GLFW_CDECL TW_API int TW_CDECL_CALL TwEventMouseButtonGLFWcdecl(int glfwButton, int glfwAction); TW_API int TW_CDECL_CALL TwEventKeyGLFWcdecl(int glfwKey, int glfwAction); TW_API int TW_CDECL_CALL TwEventCharGLFWcdecl(int glfwChar, int glfwAction); TW_API int TW_CDECL_CALL TwEventMousePosGLFWcdecl(int mouseX, int mouseY); TW_API int TW_CDECL_CALL TwEventMouseWheelGLFWcdecl(int wheelPos); # define TwEventMouseButtonGLFW TwEventMouseButtonGLFWcdecl # define TwEventKeyGLFW TwEventKeyGLFWcdecl # define TwEventCharGLFW TwEventCharGLFWcdecl # define TwEventMousePosGLFW TwEventMousePosGLFWcdecl # define TwEventMouseWheelGLFW TwEventMouseWheelGLFWcdecl #else TW_API int TW_CALL TwEventMouseButtonGLFW(int glfwButton, int glfwAction); TW_API int TW_CALL TwEventKeyGLFW(int glfwKey, int glfwAction); TW_API int TW_CALL TwEventCharGLFW(int glfwChar, int glfwAction); # define TwEventMousePosGLFW TwMouseMotion # define TwEventMouseWheelGLFW TwMouseWheel #endif // For GLUT event callbacks (Windows calling convention for GLUT callbacks is cdecl) #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) # define TW_GLUT_CALL TW_CDECL_CALL #else # define TW_GLUT_CALL #endif TW_API int TW_GLUT_CALL TwEventMouseButtonGLUT(int glutButton, int glutState, int mouseX, int mouseY); TW_API int TW_GLUT_CALL TwEventMouseMotionGLUT(int mouseX, int mouseY); TW_API int TW_GLUT_CALL TwEventKeyboardGLUT(unsigned char glutKey, int mouseX, int mouseY); TW_API int TW_GLUT_CALL TwEventSpecialGLUT(int glutKey, int mouseX, int mouseY); TW_API int TW_CALL TwGLUTModifiersFunc(int (TW_CALL *glutGetModifiersFunc)(void)); typedef void (TW_GLUT_CALL *GLUTmousebuttonfun)(int glutButton, int glutState, int mouseX, int mouseY); typedef void (TW_GLUT_CALL *GLUTmousemotionfun)(int mouseX, int mouseY); typedef void (TW_GLUT_CALL *GLUTkeyboardfun)(unsigned char glutKey, int mouseX, int mouseY); typedef void (TW_GLUT_CALL *GLUTspecialfun)(int glutKey, int mouseX, int mouseY); // For SFML event loop TW_API int TW_CALL TwEventSFML(const void *sfmlEvent, unsigned char sfmlMajorVersion, unsigned char sfmlMinorVersion); // For X11 event loop #if defined(_UNIX) TW_API int TW_CDECL_CALL TwEventX11(void *xevent); #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Make sure the types have the right sizes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define TW_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(name, x) typedef int TW_DUMMY_ ## name[(x) * 2 - 1] TW_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(TW_CHAR, sizeof(char) == 1); TW_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(TW_SHORT, sizeof(short) == 2); TW_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(TW_INT, sizeof(int) == 4); TW_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(TW_FLOAT, sizeof(float) == 4); TW_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(TW_DOUBLE, sizeof(double) == 8); // Check pointer size on Windows #if !defined(_WIN64) && defined(_WIN32) // If the following assert failed, the platform is not 32-bit and _WIN64 is not defined. // When targetting 64-bit Windows platform, _WIN64 must be defined. TW_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(TW_PTR32, sizeof(void*) == 4); #elif defined(_WIN64) // If the following assert failed, _WIN64 is defined but the targeted platform is not 64-bit. TW_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(TW_PTR64, sizeof(void*) == 8); #endif // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef __cplusplus } // extern "C" #endif // __cplusplus #endif // !defined TW_INCLUDED