/**************************************************************************** GLUI User Interface Toolkit --------------------------- glui_radio.cpp - GLUI_RadioGroup and GLUI_RadioButton control classes -------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1998 Paul Rademacher WWW: http://sourceforge.net/projects/glui/ Forums: http://sourceforge.net/forum/?group_id=92496 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *****************************************************************************/ #include "glui_internal_control.h" #include /****************************** GLUI_RadioGroup::GLUI_RadioGroup() **********/ GLUI_RadioGroup::GLUI_RadioGroup(GLUI_Node *parent, int *value_ptr, int id, GLUI_CB cb) { common_init(); GLUI_String buf; set_ptr_val( value_ptr ); if ( value_ptr ) { int_val = *value_ptr; /** Can't call set_int_val(), b/c that function will try to call the callback, etc */ /** Actually, maybe not **/ last_live_int = *value_ptr; } user_id = id; glui_format_str( buf, "RadioGroup: %p", this ); set_name( buf.c_str() ); callback = cb; parent->add_control( this ); init_live(); } /****************************** GLUI_RadioGroup::draw() **********/ void GLUI_RadioGroup::draw( int x, int y ) { if ( NOT can_draw() ) return; draw_group(false); } /********************* GLUI_RadioGroup::draw_group(int translate) **********/ void GLUI_RadioGroup::draw_group( int translate ) { GLUI_DRAWINGSENTINAL_IDIOM GLUI_RadioButton *button; this->int_val = int_val; glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW ); button = (GLUI_RadioButton*) first_child(); while( button != NULL ) { glPushMatrix(); if (translate) { button->translate_to_origin(); } else { glTranslatef(button->x_abs-x_abs, button->y_abs-y_abs,0.0); } if ( button->int_val ) button->draw_checked(); else button->draw_unchecked(); glPopMatrix(); button = (GLUI_RadioButton*) button->next(); } } /****************************** GLUI_RadioGroup::set_name() **********/ void GLUI_RadioGroup::set_name( const char *text ) { name = text; if ( glui ) glui->refresh(); } /********************************* GLUI_RadioGroup::set_selected() **********/ void GLUI_RadioGroup::set_selected( int int_val ) { GLUI_RadioButton *button; this->int_val = int_val; button = (GLUI_RadioButton*) first_child(); while( button != NULL ) { if ( int_val == -1 ) { /*** All buttons in group are deselected ***/ button->set_int_val(0); } else if ( int_val == button->user_id ) { /*** This is selected button ***/ button->set_int_val(1); } else { /*** This is NOT selected button ***/ button->set_int_val(0); } button = (GLUI_RadioButton*) button->next(); } redraw(); } /************************ GLUI_RadioButton::GLUI_RadioButton() **********/ GLUI_RadioButton::GLUI_RadioButton( GLUI_RadioGroup *grp, const char *name ) { common_init(); set_int_val( 0 ); /** A radio button's user id is always its ordinal number (zero-indexed) within the group */ user_id = grp->num_buttons; set_name( name ); group = grp; group->num_buttons++; /* Increments radiogroup's button count */ group->add_control( this ); /*** Now update button states ***/ group->set_int_val( group->int_val ); /* This tells the group to reset itself to its current value, thereby updating all its buttons */ } /************************ GLUI_RadioButton::mouse_down_handler() **********/ int GLUI_RadioButton::mouse_down_handler( int local_x, int local_y ) { if ( NOT group ) return false; orig_value = group->int_val; currently_inside = true; group->set_selected( this->user_id ); redraw(); return false; } /********************** GLUI_RadioButton::mouse_held_down_handler() ******/ int GLUI_RadioButton::mouse_held_down_handler( int local_x, int local_y, bool inside) { if (inside != currently_inside) { if (inside) group->set_selected( this->user_id ); else group->set_selected( orig_value ); currently_inside = inside; redraw(); } return false; } /*************************** GLUI_RadioButton::mouse_up_handler() **********/ int GLUI_RadioButton::mouse_up_handler( int local_x, int local_y, bool inside ) { if ( NOT group ) return false; if ( NOT inside ) { group->set_selected( orig_value ); redraw(); } else { /** Now we update the radio button group. We tell the group handler to set the currently-selected item to this button, which is reference by its user_id/ordinal number within group **/ group->set_selected( this->user_id ); redraw(); /*** Now update the linked variable, and call the callback, but ONLY if the value of the radio group actually changed ***/ if ( group->int_val != orig_value ) { group->output_live(true); /** Output live and update gfx ***/ group->execute_callback(); } } return false; } /****************************** GLUI_RadioButton::draw() **********/ void GLUI_RadioButton::draw( int x, int y ) { GLUI_DRAWINGSENTINAL_IDIOM if ( NOT group OR NOT can_draw() ) return; /*** See if we're the currently-selected button. If so, draw ***/ if ( group->int_val == this->user_id ) { if ( enabled ) glui->std_bitmaps.draw( GLUI_STDBITMAP_RADIOBUTTON_ON, 0, 0 ); else glui->std_bitmaps.draw( GLUI_STDBITMAP_RADIOBUTTON_ON_DIS, 0, 0 ); } else { if ( enabled ) glui->std_bitmaps.draw( GLUI_STDBITMAP_RADIOBUTTON_OFF, 0, 0 ); else glui->std_bitmaps.draw( GLUI_STDBITMAP_RADIOBUTTON_OFF_DIS, 0, 0 ); } draw_active_area(); draw_name( text_x_offset, 10 ); } /************************************ GLUI_RadioButton::draw_checked() ******/ void GLUI_RadioButton::draw_checked( void ) { GLUI_DRAWINGSENTINAL_IDIOM if ( enabled ) glui->std_bitmaps.draw( GLUI_STDBITMAP_RADIOBUTTON_ON, 0, 0 ); else glui->std_bitmaps.draw( GLUI_STDBITMAP_RADIOBUTTON_ON_DIS, 0, 0 ); draw_active_area(); } /*********************************** GLUI_RadioButton::draw_unchecked() ******/ void GLUI_RadioButton::draw_unchecked( void ) { GLUI_DRAWINGSENTINAL_IDIOM if ( enabled ) glui->std_bitmaps.draw( GLUI_STDBITMAP_RADIOBUTTON_OFF, 0, 0 ); else glui->std_bitmaps.draw( GLUI_STDBITMAP_RADIOBUTTON_OFF_DIS, 0, 0 ); draw_active_area(); } /**************************************** GLUI_RadioButton::draw_O() ********/ void GLUI_RadioButton::draw_O( void ) { GLUI_DRAWINGSENTINAL_IDIOM int i, j; glBegin( GL_POINTS ); for(i=3; i<=GLUI_RADIOBUTTON_SIZE-3; i++ ) for(j=3; j<=GLUI_RADIOBUTTON_SIZE-3; j++ ) glVertex2i(i,j); glEnd(); } /******************************** GLUI_RadioButton::update_size() **********/ void GLUI_RadioButton::update_size( void ) { int text_size; if ( NOT glui ) return; text_size = _glutBitmapWidthString( glui->font, name.c_str() ); /* if ( w < text_x_offset + text_size + 6 ) */ w = text_x_offset + text_size + 6 ; } /************************* GLUI_RadioButton::draw_active_area() **************/ void GLUI_RadioButton::draw_active_area( void ) { GLUI_DRAWINGSENTINAL_IDIOM int text_width, left, right; text_width = _glutBitmapWidthString( glui->font, name.c_str() ); left = text_x_offset-3; right = left + 7 + text_width; if ( active ) { glEnable( GL_LINE_STIPPLE ); glLineStipple( 1, 0x5555 ); glColor3f( 0., 0., 0. ); } else { glColor3ub( glui->bkgd_color.r, glui->bkgd_color.g, glui->bkgd_color.b ); } glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP ); glVertex2i(left,0); glVertex2i( right,0); glVertex2i(right,h+1); glVertex2i( left,h+1); glEnd(); glDisable( GL_LINE_STIPPLE ); } /********************************* GLUI_RadioGroup::set_int_val() **********/ void GLUI_RadioGroup::set_int_val( int new_val ) { if ( new_val == int_val ) return; set_selected( new_val ); redraw(); output_live(true); }