local global = require( "global" ) if(global.triggeredSCRIPTNAME == nil) then global.triggeredSCRIPTNAME = false end if(global.triggeredSCRIPTNAMEUndo == nil) then global.triggeredSCRIPTNAMEUndo = false end function trigger(objectToChange) if(global.triggeredSCRIPTNAME == false) then if(not level) then print("No level found in Lua!") return end --enter the scripts code here and replace all occurences of SCRIPTNAME with the name of the script. global.triggeredSCRIPTNAME = true print("SCRIPTNAME") end end function triggerUndo(objectToChange) if(global.triggeredSCRIPTNAMEUndo == false) then if(not level) then print("No level found in Lua!") return end --enter the scripts undo code here global.triggeredSCRIPTNAMEUndo = true print("SCRIPTNAMEUndo") end end