/*********************************************************************** * Copyright 2011-2012 Computer Graphics Group RWTH Aachen University. * * All rights reserved. * * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License (see LICENSE.TXT). * **********************************************************************/ #ifndef ACGL_OPENGL_OBJECTS_SHADERPROGRAM_HH #define ACGL_OPENGL_OBJECTS_SHADERPROGRAM_HH /** * A ShaderProgram is a wrapper around an OpenGL Program: A combination of Shaders * that are linked together to controll the programmable pipeline stages. * * A ShaderProgram is still quite low-level and just wraps the OpenGL object itself. * * One note on uniforms: * There are basically four ways to set uniform values here: * * setUniform( GLint _location, VALUE ); * setUniform( std::string _location, VALUE ); * setProgramUniform( GLint _location, VALUE ); * setProgramUniform( std::string _location, VALUE ); * * The versions with a std::string as a location are easy to use, just provide the name * the uniform is called in the shaderfile. But it will have to query the uniform location * each call and thus is inefficient! It would be faster to query the location once using * getUniformLocation( std::string ); and use the returned value in combination with the * set*Uniform( GLint, ...) versions. * * Both are provided as setUniform and setProgramUniform: * In order for setUniform(...) to work as intendet the ShaderProgram has to be active ( use() ), * setProgramUniform(...) does not have this limitation and is based on direct state access * (via an extension or a basic simulation of the extension). * Use setProgramUniform if you can't know which program is in use right now, setUniform should * be prefered for performance critical parts of your app. * * In short: setProgramUniform( std::string _location, VALUE ); is the most error proof option * and good for testing out new stuff * setUniform( GLint _location, VALUE ); is best for performance critical code thats * well tested * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace ACGL{ namespace OpenGL{ class ShaderProgram { ACGL_NOT_COPYABLE(ShaderProgram) // ===================================================================================================== \/ // ============================================================================================ TYPEDEFS \/ // ===================================================================================================== \/ public: typedef std::vector< ConstSharedShader > ConstSharedShaderVec; // ========================================================================================================= \/ // ============================================================================================ CONSTRUCTORS \/ // ========================================================================================================= \/ public: ShaderProgram(void) : mObjectName(0), mShaders() { mObjectName = glCreateProgram(); } virtual ~ShaderProgram(void) { // "DeleteProgram will silently ignore the value zero." - GL Spec glDeleteProgram(mObjectName); } // ==================================================================================================== \/ // ============================================================================================ GETTERS \/ // ==================================================================================================== \/ public: inline GLuint getObjectName(void) const { return mObjectName; } inline const ConstSharedShaderVec& getShaders (void) const { return mShaders; } // ===================================================================================================== \/ // ============================================================================================ WRAPPERS \/ // ===================================================================================================== \/ public: //! use, or activate it for rendering, also needed to set uniforms: inline void use(void) const { glUseProgram(mObjectName); } //! attach a single shader, don't forget to relink! inline void attachShader(const ConstSharedShader& _shader) { mShaders.push_back(_shader); glAttachShader( mObjectName, _shader->getObjectName() ); } //! link the program, has to be redone after changing input or output locations: bool link (void) const; #if (ACGL_OPENGL_VERSION >= 41) //! set the program separable to be used in a program pipeline object inline bool setSeparable( GLboolean _b = GL_TRUE ) { glProgramParameteri( mObjectName, GL_PROGRAM_SEPARABLE, _b ); return link(); } #endif // ===================================================================================================== \/ // =========================================================================================== LOCATIONS \/ // ===================================================================================================== \/ public: //////////// uniform (block) locations: inline GLint getUniformLocation (const std::string& _nameInShader) const { return glGetUniformLocation (mObjectName, _nameInShader.c_str()); } #if (ACGL_OPENGL_VERSION >= 31) //! if the block name does not exist, GL_INVALID_INDEX will get returned inline GLuint getUniformBlockIndex (const std::string& _nameInShader) const { return glGetUniformBlockIndex(mObjectName, _nameInShader.c_str()); } //! binds a uniform block, the string version will ignore a non-existent block inline void setUniformBlockBinding( GLuint _blockIndex, GLuint _bindingPoint ) const { glUniformBlockBinding( mObjectName, _blockIndex, _bindingPoint ); openGLCommonError(); } inline void setUniformBlockBinding( const std::string& _blockName, GLuint _bindingPoint ) const { GLuint blockIndex = getUniformBlockIndex(_blockName); if (blockIndex != GL_INVALID_INDEX) glUniformBlockBinding( mObjectName, blockIndex, _bindingPoint ); } GLint getUniformBlockBinding( const std::string& _blockName ) const { return getUniformBlockBinding( getUniformBlockIndex(_blockName)); } GLint getUniformBlockBinding( GLuint _blockIndex ) const { GLint bindingPoint; glGetActiveUniformBlockiv( mObjectName, _blockIndex, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_BINDING, &bindingPoint ); return bindingPoint; } //! returns a mapping from the uniforms in a given block to the offset within the block SharedLocationMappings getUniformOffsetsOfBlock( const std::string &_blockName ) const { return getUniformOffsetsOfBlock(getUniformBlockIndex(_blockName)); } SharedLocationMappings getUniformOffsetsOfBlock( GLuint _blockIndex ) const; //! returns the size in bytes of the uniform block, can be used to allocate the right amount of memory GLsizeiptr getUniformBlockSize( const std::string &_blockName ) const { return getUniformBlockSize(getUniformBlockIndex(_blockName)); } GLsizeiptr getUniformBlockSize( GLuint _blockIndex ) const ; #endif // OpenGL >= 3.1 //////////// attribute locations: inline GLint getAttributeLocation (const std::string& _nameInShader) const { return glGetAttribLocation (mObjectName, _nameInShader.c_str()); } inline void bindAttributeLocation (const std::string& _nameInShader, GLuint _location) const { glBindAttribLocation (mObjectName, _location, _nameInShader.c_str()); } //! Sets the attribute locations of this ShaderProgram according to the mappings specified in _locationMappings void setAttributeLocations( ConstSharedLocationMappings _locationMappings ); //! Get all attribute names with there locations: SharedLocationMappings getAttributeLocations() const; //////////// fragdata locations: #if (ACGL_OPENGL_VERSION >= 30) //! if the location does not exist, -1 will get returned inline GLint getFragmentDataLocation (const std::string& _nameInShader) const { return glGetFragDataLocation(mObjectName, _nameInShader.c_str()); } inline void bindFragmentDataLocation (const std::string& _nameInShader, GLuint _location) const { glBindFragDataLocation (mObjectName, _location, _nameInShader.c_str()); } //! Sets the fragment data locations of this ShaderProgram according to the mappings specified in void setFragmentDataLocations( ConstSharedLocationMappings _locationMappings ); //! Get all fragdata names with there locations: SharedLocationMappings getFragmentDataLocations(); #endif // OpenGL >= 3.0 // ===================================================================================================== \/ // ============================================================================================ UNIFORMS \/ // ===================================================================================================== \/ public: // int by location inline void setUniform (GLint _location, GLint _v) const { glUniform1i (_location, _v); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, GLsizei _n, GLint *_v)const { glUniform1iv(_location, _n, _v); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::ivec2& _v) const { glUniform2iv(_location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::ivec3& _v) const { glUniform3iv(_location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::ivec4& _v) const { glUniform4iv(_location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } #if (ACGL_OPENGL_VERSION >= 30) // unsigned int by location inline void setUniform (GLint _location, GLuint _v) const { glUniform1ui (_location, _v); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, GLsizei _n, GLuint*_v)const { glUniform1uiv(_location, _n, _v); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::uvec2& _v) const { glUniform2uiv(_location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::uvec3& _v) const { glUniform3uiv(_location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::uvec4& _v) const { glUniform4uiv(_location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } #endif // OpenGL >= 3.0 // float by location inline void setUniform (GLint _location, GLfloat _v) const { glUniform1f (_location, _v); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, GLsizei _n, GLfloat*_v)const{ glUniform1fv(_location, _n, _v); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::vec2& _v) const { glUniform2fv(_location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::vec3& _v) const { glUniform3fv(_location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::vec4& _v) const { glUniform4fv(_location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } #if (ACGL_OPENGL_VERSION >= 40) // double by location inline void setUniform (GLint _location, GLdouble _v) const { glUniform1d (_location, _v); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, GLsizei _n, GLdouble*_v)const{ glUniform1dv(_location, _n, _v); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dvec2& _v) const { glUniform2dv(_location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dvec3& _v) const { glUniform3dv(_location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dvec4& _v) const { glUniform4dv(_location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } #endif // OpenGL >= 4.0 // float matrix by location #ifndef ACGL_OPENGLES_VERSION_20 // ES 2 only has square matrices, so omit these: inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat2x3& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix2x3fv(_location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat2x4& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix2x4fv(_location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat3x2& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix3x2fv(_location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat3x4& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix3x4fv(_location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat4x2& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix4x2fv(_location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat4x3& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix4x3fv(_location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } #endif inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat2& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix2fv (_location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat3& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix3fv (_location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat4& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix4fv (_location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } // float matrix array by location #ifndef ACGL_OPENGLES_VERSION_20 // ES 2 only has square matrices, so omit these: inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat2x3* _v, GLsizei _n, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix2x3fv(_location, _n, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(*_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat2x4* _v, GLsizei _n, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix2x4fv(_location, _n, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(*_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat3x2* _v, GLsizei _n, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix3x2fv(_location, _n, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(*_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat3x4* _v, GLsizei _n, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix3x4fv(_location, _n, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(*_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat4x2* _v, GLsizei _n, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix4x2fv(_location, _n, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(*_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat4x3* _v, GLsizei _n, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix4x3fv(_location, _n, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(*_v)); } #endif inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat2* _v, GLsizei _n, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix2fv (_location, _n, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(*_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat3* _v, GLsizei _n, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix3fv (_location, _n, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(*_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat4* _v, GLsizei _n, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix4fv (_location, _n, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(*_v)); } #if (ACGL_OPENGL_VERSION >= 40) // double matrix by location inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dmat2& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix2dv(_location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dmat2x3& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix2x3dv(_location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dmat2x4& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix2x4dv(_location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dmat3x2& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix3x2dv(_location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dmat3& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix3dv (_location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dmat3x4& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix3x4dv(_location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dmat4x2& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix4x2dv(_location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dmat4x3& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix4x3dv(_location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dmat4& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glUniformMatrix4dv (_location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } #endif // OpenGL >= 4.0 //! sets a texture uniform to a given texture unit and also binds the texture to the same unit inline void setTexture (GLint _location, const ConstSharedTextureBase& _texture, GLint _unit) const { glUniform1i(_location, _unit); _texture->bind(_unit); } inline void setTexture (const std::string& _nameInShader, const ConstSharedTextureBase& _texture, GLint _unit) const { setUniform( getUniformLocation(_nameInShader), (GLint) _unit); _texture->bind(_unit); } #if (ACGL_OPENGL_VERSION >= 41) // DSA versions: // int DSA by location inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, GLint _v) const { glProgramUniform1i (mObjectName, _location, _v); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, GLsizei _n, GLint *_v)const { glProgramUniform1iv(mObjectName, _location, _n, _v); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::ivec2& _v) const { glProgramUniform2iv(mObjectName, _location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::ivec3& _v) const { glProgramUniform3iv(mObjectName, _location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::ivec4& _v) const { glProgramUniform4iv(mObjectName, _location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } // unsigned int DSA by location inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, GLuint _v) const { glProgramUniform1ui (mObjectName, _location, _v); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, GLsizei _n, GLuint*_v)const { glProgramUniform1uiv(mObjectName, _location, _n, _v); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::uvec2& _v) const { glProgramUniform2uiv(mObjectName, _location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::uvec3& _v) const { glProgramUniform3uiv(mObjectName, _location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::uvec4& _v) const { glProgramUniform4uiv(mObjectName, _location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } // float DSA by location inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, GLfloat _v) const { glProgramUniform1f (mObjectName, _location, _v); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, GLsizei _n, GLfloat*_v)const{ glProgramUniform1fv(mObjectName, _location, _n, _v); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::vec2& _v) const { glProgramUniform2fv(mObjectName, _location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::vec3& _v) const { glProgramUniform3fv(mObjectName, _location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::vec4& _v) const { glProgramUniform4fv(mObjectName, _location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } // double DSA by location inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, GLdouble _v) const { glProgramUniform1d (mObjectName, _location, _v); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, GLsizei _n, GLdouble*_v)const{glProgramUniform1dv(mObjectName, _location, _n, _v); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dvec2& _v) const { glProgramUniform2dv(mObjectName, _location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dvec3& _v) const { glProgramUniform3dv(mObjectName, _location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dvec4& _v) const { glProgramUniform4dv(mObjectName, _location, 1, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } // float matrix DSA by location inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat2& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glProgramUniformMatrix2fv (mObjectName, _location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat2x3& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv(mObjectName, _location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat2x4& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv(mObjectName, _location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat3x2& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv(mObjectName, _location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat3& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glProgramUniformMatrix3fv (mObjectName, _location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat3x4& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv(mObjectName, _location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat4x2& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv(mObjectName, _location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat4x3& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv(mObjectName, _location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::mat4& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glProgramUniformMatrix4fv (mObjectName, _location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } // double matrix DSA by location inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dmat2& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glProgramUniformMatrix2dv (mObjectName, _location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dmat2x3& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv(mObjectName, _location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dmat2x4& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv(mObjectName, _location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dmat3x2& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv(mObjectName, _location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dmat3& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glProgramUniformMatrix3dv (mObjectName, _location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dmat3x4& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv(mObjectName, _location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dmat4x2& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv(mObjectName, _location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dmat4x3& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv(mObjectName, _location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramUniform (GLint _location, const glm::dmat4& _v, GLboolean _transpose = GL_FALSE) const { glProgramUniformMatrix4dv (mObjectName, _location, 1, _transpose, glm::value_ptr(_v)); } inline void setProgramTexture (GLint _location, const ConstSharedTextureBase& _texture, GLint _unit) const { glProgramUniform1i(mObjectName, _location, _unit); _texture->bind(_unit); } inline void setProgramTexture (const std::string& _nameInShader, const ConstSharedTextureBase& _texture, GLint _unit) const { setProgramUniform( getUniformLocation(_nameInShader), (GLint) _unit); _texture->bind(_unit); } #endif // ======================================================================================================= \/ // ============================================================================================ HIGH LEVEL \/ // ======================================================================================================= \/ public: // normal: template inline void setUniform (const std::string& _nameInShader, T _v) const { setUniform( getUniformLocation(_nameInShader), _v); } // DSA: template inline void setProgramUniform (const std::string& _nameInShader, T _v) const { setProgramUniform( getUniformLocation(_nameInShader), _v); } // normal for arrays: template inline void setUniform (const std::string& _nameInShader, GLsizei _n, T _v) const { setUniform( getUniformLocation(_nameInShader), _n, _v); } // DSA for arrays: template inline void setProgramUniform (const std::string& _nameInShader, GLsizei _n, T _v) const { setProgramUniform( getUniformLocation(_nameInShader), _n, _v); } // normal for matrices with additional transpose parameter template inline void setUniform (const std::string& _nameInShader, T _v, GLboolean _transpose) const { setUniform( getUniformLocation(_nameInShader), _v, _transpose); } // DSA for matrices with additional transpose parameter template inline void setProgramUniform (const std::string& _nameInShader, T _v, GLboolean _transpose) const { setProgramUniform( getUniformLocation(_nameInShader), _v, _transpose); } // =================================================================================================== \/ // ============================================================================================ FIELDS \/ // =================================================================================================== \/ protected: GLuint mObjectName; ConstSharedShaderVec mShaders; }; ACGL_SMARTPOINTER_TYPEDEFS(ShaderProgram) } // OpenGL } // ACGL #endif // ACGL_OPENGL_OBJECTS_SHADERPROGRAM_HH