# This is basically the overall name of the project in Visual Studio this is the name of the Solution File # For every executable you have with a main method you should have an add_executable line below. # For every add executable line you should list every .cpp and .h file you have associated with that executable. # You shouldn't have to modify anything below this line ######################################################## INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${BULLET_PHYSICS_SOURCE_DIR}/src ${BULLET_PHYSICS_SOURCE_DIR}/Extras/ConvexHull ) ADD_LIBRARY(OpenGLSupport GLDebugFont.cpp GLDebugFont.h GL_DialogDynamicsWorld.cpp GL_DialogDynamicsWorld.h GL_DialogWindow.cpp GL_DialogWindow.h GL_ShapeDrawer.cpp GL_ShapeDrawer.h GL_Simplex1to4.cpp GL_Simplex1to4.h GLDebugDrawer.cpp GLDebugDrawer.h RenderTexture.cpp RenderTexture.h DemoApplication.cpp DemoApplication.h GlutDemoApplication.cpp GlutDemoApplication.h GlutStuff.cpp GlutStuff.h stb_image.cpp stb_image.h Win32DemoApplication.cpp Win32DemoApplication.h ) IF (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(OpenGLSupport BulletDynamics BulletCollision ${GLUT_glut_LIBRARY} ${OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY} ${OPENGL_glu_LIBRARY}) ENDIF (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) #INSTALL of other files requires CMake 2.6 IF (${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION}.${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION} GREATER 2.5) IF(INSTALL_EXTRA_LIBS) IF (APPLE AND BUILD_SHARED_LIBS AND FRAMEWORK) INSTALL(TARGETS OpenGLSupport DESTINATION .) ELSE (APPLE AND BUILD_SHARED_LIBS AND FRAMEWORK) INSTALL(TARGETS OpenGLSupport DESTINATION lib) INSTALL(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} DESTINATION include FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.h") ENDIF (APPLE AND BUILD_SHARED_LIBS AND FRAMEWORK) ENDIF (INSTALL_EXTRA_LIBS) ENDIF (${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION}.${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION} GREATER 2.5)