2015-03-09 14:28:09 +01:00

659 lines
36 KiB

#include "loader.hh"
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/Objects/VertexArrayObject.hh>
using namespace tinyxml2;
Loader::Loader() {
void Loader::loadConfig(Application* application) {
XMLDocument* config = new XMLDocument();
const char* xmlFile = "../data/config.xml";
if (config->ErrorID()!=0){
printf("Could not open config.xml!\n");
XMLElement* resolution = config->FirstChildElement("resolution");
application->setWindowWidth(queryInt(resolution, "width"));
application->setWindowHeight(queryInt(resolution, "height"));
application->setShadowCubeSize(queryInt(config, "shadowCubeSize"));
application->setFarPlane(queryFloat(config, "farPlane"));
application->setMaxShadowRenderCount(queryInt(config, "maxShadowRenderCount"));
application->setCompositionsPath(queryString(config, "compositionsPath"));
application->setShaderPath(queryString(config, "shaderPath"));
application->setGeometryPath(queryString(config, "geometryPath"));
std::string texturePath = queryString(config, "texturePath");
application->setScriptPath(queryString(config, "scriptPath"));
application->setHeightmapPath(queryString(config, "heightmapPath"));
application->setLevelXmlPath(queryString(config, "levelXmlPath"));
XMLElement* loadingScreen = config->FirstChildElement("loadingScreen");
if (loadingScreen != NULL) {
std::string screenPath = queryString(loadingScreen, "screenPath");
std::string screenContinuePath = queryString(loadingScreen, "screenContinuePath");
std::string screenCheckPath = "../" + texturePath + screenPath;
std::string screenContinueCheckPath = "../" + texturePath + screenPath;
struct stat buf;
if(stat(screenCheckPath.c_str(), &buf) != 0){
std::cout << "The texture file " << screenCheckPath << " does not exist." << std::endl;
if(stat(screenContinueCheckPath.c_str(), &buf) != 0){
std::cout << "The texture file " << screenContinueCheckPath << " does not exist." << std::endl;
else {
printf("Could not find loading screen settings in config.xml. Exiting.\n");
void Loader::load(std::string filePath, Level* level, std::string compositionsPath, std::string scriptPath, std::string globalGeometryPath, std::string globalTexturePath) {
//Loading from xml:
XMLDocument* doc = new XMLDocument();
const char* xmlFile = filePath.c_str();
if (doc->ErrorID()!=0){
printf("Could not open ObjectSetupXml!\n");
//load global physic parameter
XMLElement* physicsElement = doc->FirstChildElement("physics");
float strength = queryFloat(physicsElement, "strength");
float friction = queryFloat(physicsElement, "friction");
// load the terrain
Model terrainModel = Model(level->getTerrain()->getModel());
XMLElement* terrainElement = doc->FirstChildElement("terrain");
std::string terrainTexture = queryString(terrainElement, "texture");
float terrainAmbientFactor = queryFloat(terrainElement, "ambientFactor");
float terrainDiffuseFactor = queryFloat(terrainElement, "diffuseFactor");
float terrainSpecularFactor = queryFloat(terrainElement, "specularFactor");
float terrainShininess = queryFloat(terrainElement, "shininess");
struct stat buf;
std::string terrainTexturePath = "../" + globalTexturePath + terrainTexture;
if(stat(terrainTexturePath.c_str(), &buf) != 0){
std::cout << "The texture file " << terrainTexturePath << " does not exist." << std::endl;
Material terrainMaterial = Material(terrainTexture, terrainAmbientFactor, terrainDiffuseFactor, terrainSpecularFactor, terrainShininess);
Object* terrainObject = new Object(terrainModel, terrainMaterial,
glm::vec3(-0.5*((float)level->getTerrain()->getHeightmapHeight()-1), 0.0f, -0.5f*((float)level->getTerrain()->getHeightmapWidth()-1)),
glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), true);
level->getPhysics()->addTerrain(level->getTerrain()->getHeightmapWidth(), level->getTerrain()->getHeightmapHeight(), level->getTerrain()->getHeightmap());
//load the skydome
XMLElement* skydomeElement = doc->FirstChildElement("skydome");
std::string skydomeModelFileName = queryString(skydomeElement, "model");
std::string skydomePath = "../" + globalGeometryPath + skydomeModelFileName;
if(stat(skydomePath.c_str(), &buf) != 0){
std::cout << "The object file " << skydomePath << " does not exist." << std::endl;
Model skydomeModel = Model(skydomeModelFileName, level->getSkydomeSize());
std::string skydomeTexture = queryString(skydomeElement, "texture");
std::string skydomeTexturePath = "../" + globalTexturePath + skydomeTexture;
if(stat(skydomeTexturePath.c_str(), &buf) != 0){
std::cout << "The texture file " << skydomeTexturePath << " does not exist." << std::endl;
Material skydomeMaterial = Material(skydomeTexture, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
std::string nightTexture = queryString(skydomeElement, "nightTexture");
std::string nightTexturePath = "../" + globalTexturePath + nightTexture;
if(stat(nightTexturePath.c_str(), &buf) != 0){
std::cout << "The texture file " << nightTexturePath << " does not exist." << std::endl;
Material nightMaterial = Material(nightTexture, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Skydome skydomeObject = Skydome(skydomeModel, skydomeMaterial, nightMaterial);
//load the waterPlane
XMLElement* waterElement = doc->FirstChildElement("waterPlane");
if (waterElement != NULL){
float waterHeight = queryFloat(waterElement, "yPosition");
std::string waterTexture = queryString(waterElement, "texture");
std::string waterTexturePath = "../" + globalTexturePath + waterTexture;
if(stat(waterTexturePath.c_str(), &buf) != 0){
std::cout << "The texture file " << waterTexturePath << " does not exist." << std::endl;
float heightmapHeight = level->getTerrain()->getHeightmapHeight();
float heightmapWidth = level->getTerrain()->getHeightmapWidth();
float planeData[] = {
-heightmapWidth/2.0f, waterHeight, -heightmapHeight/2.0f, 0.0f, heightmapHeight, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
-heightmapWidth/2.0f, waterHeight, heightmapHeight/2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
heightmapWidth/2.0f, waterHeight, -heightmapHeight/2.0f, heightmapWidth, heightmapHeight, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
heightmapWidth/2.0f, waterHeight, heightmapHeight/2.0f, heightmapWidth, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
-heightmapWidth/2.0f, waterHeight, heightmapHeight/2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
heightmapWidth/2.0f, waterHeight, -heightmapHeight/2.0f, heightmapWidth, heightmapHeight, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f
ACGL::OpenGL::SharedArrayBuffer water_ab = ACGL::OpenGL::SharedArrayBuffer(new ACGL::OpenGL::ArrayBuffer());
water_ab->defineAttribute("aPosition", GL_FLOAT, 3);
water_ab->defineAttribute("aTexCoord", GL_FLOAT, 2);
water_ab->defineAttribute("aNormal", GL_FLOAT, 3);
water_ab->setDataElements(6, planeData);
ACGL::OpenGL::SharedVertexArrayObject water_vao = ACGL::OpenGL::SharedVertexArrayObject(new ACGL::OpenGL::VertexArrayObject());
Material water_material = Material(waterTexture, 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.8f, 5.0f, true);
Object* water_object = new Object(water_vao, water_material, glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), true);
//load lighting parameters
float rColour, gColour, bColour, alpha, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, intensity;
XMLElement* ambientElement = doc->FirstChildElement("ambientLight");
rColour = queryFloat(ambientElement, "rColour");
gColour = queryFloat(ambientElement, "gColour");
bColour = queryFloat(ambientElement, "bColour");
XMLElement* fogElement = doc->FirstChildElement("fogColourDay");
rColour = queryFloat(fogElement, "rColour");
gColour = queryFloat(fogElement, "gColour");
bColour = queryFloat(fogElement, "bColour");
alpha = queryFloat(fogElement, "alpha");
level->setFogColourDay(glm::vec4(rColour,gColour,bColour, alpha));
fogElement = doc->FirstChildElement("fogColourRise");
rColour = queryFloat(fogElement, "rColour");
gColour = queryFloat(fogElement, "gColour");
bColour = queryFloat(fogElement, "bColour");
alpha = queryFloat(fogElement, "alpha");
level->setFogColourRise(glm::vec4(rColour,gColour,bColour, alpha));
fogElement = doc->FirstChildElement("fogColourNight");
rColour = queryFloat(fogElement, "rColour");
gColour = queryFloat(fogElement, "gColour");
bColour = queryFloat(fogElement, "bColour");
alpha = queryFloat(fogElement, "alpha");
level->setFogColourNight(glm::vec4(rColour,gColour,bColour, alpha));
XMLElement* directionalElement = doc->FirstChildElement("directionalLight");
xOffset = queryFloat(directionalElement, "xOffset");
yOffset = queryFloat(directionalElement, "yOffset");
zOffset = queryFloat(directionalElement, "zOffset");
rColour = queryFloat(directionalElement, "rColour");
gColour = queryFloat(directionalElement, "gColour");
bColour = queryFloat(directionalElement, "bColour");
intensity = queryFloat(directionalElement, "intensity");
level->setDirectionalLight(Light(glm::vec3(xOffset,yOffset,zOffset), glm::vec3(rColour,gColour,bColour), intensity));
//load Objects
std::vector<std::vector<int>> objectIdentifiers = std::vector<std::vector<int>>(); //The first entry is the index in objects, the second one the index in physicObjects, the others are idGreen, idBlue and objectNum.
XMLDocument* compositions = new XMLDocument();
const char* compositionsFile = compositionsPath.c_str();
if (compositions->ErrorID()!=0){
printf("Could not open Compositions!\n");
//iterate over all compositions in Level.xml
XMLElement* thisComposition = doc->FirstChildElement("composition");
for(; thisComposition; thisComposition=thisComposition->NextSiblingElement("composition")){
int thisType = queryInt(thisComposition, "typeID");
//iterate over all compositions in Compositions.xml to find the one corresponding to the current composition
XMLElement* composition = compositions->FirstChildElement("composition");
bool typeExists = false;
for(; composition; composition=composition->NextSiblingElement("composition")){
int compositionType = queryInt(composition, "typeID");
//corect composition found
if(thisType == compositionType){
typeExists = true;
//iterate over all objects of the composition
XMLElement* xmlObject = composition->FirstChildElement("object");
int objectNum = 0;
for(; xmlObject; xmlObject=xmlObject->NextSiblingElement("object")){
std::string modelPath = queryString(xmlObject, "modelPath");
float objectScale = queryFloat(xmlObject, "scale");
float compScale = queryFloat(thisComposition, "scale");
//find the objectData for the current object
XMLElement* objectData = compositions->FirstChildElement("objectData");
for(; objectData; objectData=objectData->NextSiblingElement("objectData")){
std::string dataModelPath = queryString(objectData, "modelPath");
//objectData found
if( == 0){
bool renderable = queryBool(objectData, "renderable");
//create the object
Material material;
Model model;
if (renderable) {
float ambientFactor = queryFloat(objectData, "ambientFactor");
float diffuseFactor = queryFloat(objectData, "diffuseFactor");
float specularFactor = queryFloat(objectData, "specularFactor");
float shininess = queryFloat(objectData, "shininess");
std::string texturePath = queryString(objectData, "texturePath");
std::string entireTexturePath = "../" + globalTexturePath + texturePath;
if(stat(entireTexturePath.c_str(), &buf) != 0){
std::cout << "The texture file " << entireTexturePath << " does not exist." << std::endl;
material = Material(texturePath, ambientFactor, diffuseFactor, specularFactor, shininess);
std::string entireModelPath = "../" + globalGeometryPath + modelPath;
if(stat(entireModelPath.c_str(), &buf) != 0){
std::cout << "The object file " << entireModelPath << " does not exist." << std::endl;
model = Model(modelPath, objectScale * compScale);
float compXPos = queryFloat(thisComposition, "xPos");
float compYOffset = queryFloat(thisComposition, "yOffset");
float compZPos = queryFloat(thisComposition, "zPos");
glm::vec3 objectOffset, compRot;
objectOffset[0] = queryFloat(xmlObject, "xOffset");
objectOffset[1] = queryFloat(xmlObject, "yOffset");
objectOffset[2] = queryFloat(xmlObject, "zOffset");
compRot[0] = queryFloat(thisComposition, "xRot");
compRot[1] = queryFloat(thisComposition, "yRot");
compRot[2] = queryFloat(thisComposition, "zRot");
compRot *= 0.0174532925; //transform degrees to radians
bool ignoreHeightmap = queryBool(composition, "ignoreHeightmap");
if (!ignoreHeightmap){
compYOffset = compYOffset+level->getTerrain()->getHeightmap()[int(compXPos-0.5+0.5*level->getTerrain()->getHeightmapHeight())]
glm::vec3 compPos = glm::vec3(compXPos, compYOffset, compZPos);
objectOffset = objectOffset * compScale;
glm::vec4 rotatedObjectOffset = glm::rotate(compRot.x, glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))
* glm::rotate(compRot.y, glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f))
* glm::rotate(compRot.z, glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f))
* glm::vec4(objectOffset, 0);
glm::vec3 objectPosition = compPos + glm::vec3(rotatedObjectOffset.x,rotatedObjectOffset.y,rotatedObjectOffset.z);
glm::vec3 objectRot;
objectRot[0] = queryFloat(xmlObject, "xRot");
objectRot[1] = queryFloat(xmlObject, "yRot");
objectRot[2] = queryFloat(xmlObject, "zRot");
objectRot *= 0.0174532925; //transform degrees to radians
Object* object = new Object(model, material, objectPosition, compRot+objectRot, renderable);
//add object to physics
std::string physicType = queryString(objectData, "physicType");
float mass = queryFloat(xmlObject, "mass");
XMLElement* constraint = thisComposition->FirstChildElement("positionConstraint");
bool rotate = (constraint == NULL);
float dampningL = 0.0f, dampningA = 0.0f;
if ("None") != 0){
dampningL = queryFloat(objectData, "dampningL");
dampningA = queryFloat(objectData, "dampningA");
if ("Player") == 0){
float radius = queryFloat(objectData, "radius");
radius *= objectScale*compScale;
level->getPhysics()->addPlayer(friction, radius, *object, mass, dampningL, dampningA, level->getPhysicsObjectsVectorSize());
}else if ("Box") == 0){
float width = queryFloat(objectData, "width");
float height = queryFloat(objectData, "height");
float length = queryFloat(objectData, "length");
width *= objectScale*compScale;
height *= objectScale*compScale;
length *= objectScale*compScale;
level->getPhysics()->addBox(width, height, length, *object, mass, dampningL, dampningA, level->getPhysicsObjectsVectorSize(), rotate);
}else if ("Button") == 0){
float width = queryFloat(objectData, "width");
float height = queryFloat(objectData, "height");
float length = queryFloat(objectData, "length");
width *= objectScale*compScale;
height *= objectScale*compScale;
length *= objectScale*compScale;
level->getPhysics()->addButton(width, height, length, *object, mass, dampningL, dampningA, level->getPhysicsObjectsVectorSize(), rotate);
}else if ("TriangleMesh") == 0){
level->getPhysics()->addTriangleMeshBody(*object, modelPath, mass, dampningL, dampningA, level->getPhysicsObjectsVectorSize(), objectScale*compScale, rotate);
}else if ("None") == 0){
} else{
printf("XMLError: Not a valid physicType.\n");
//create an identifier for this object
std::vector<int> objectIdentifier = std::vector<int>(5);
objectIdentifier[0] = level->getObjectsVectorSize()-1;
if ("None") == 0){
objectIdentifier[1] = 0;
objectIdentifier[1] = level->getPhysicsObjectsVectorSize()-1;
int idGreen = queryInt(thisComposition, "idGreen");
int idBlue = queryInt(thisComposition, "idBlue");
objectIdentifier[2] = idGreen;
objectIdentifier[3] = idBlue;
objectIdentifier[4] = objectNum;
if(compositionType == 20){
}//objectData found
}//finding the objectData
objectNum = objectNum + 1;
}//iterating over all objects of the composition
//iterate over all lights of the composition
XMLElement* xmlLight = composition->FirstChildElement("light");
for(; xmlLight; xmlLight=xmlLight->NextSiblingElement("light")){
glm::vec3 compRot, lightOffset, lightColour;
compRot[0] = queryFloat(thisComposition, "xRot");
compRot[1] = queryFloat(thisComposition, "yRot");
compRot[2] = queryFloat(thisComposition, "zRot");
lightOffset[0] = queryFloat(xmlLight, "xOffset");
lightOffset[1] = queryFloat(xmlLight, "yOffset");
lightOffset[2] = queryFloat(xmlLight, "zOffset");
lightColour[0] = queryFloat(xmlLight, "rColour");
lightColour[1] = queryFloat(xmlLight, "gColour");
lightColour[2] = queryFloat(xmlLight, "bColour");
float compScale = queryFloat(thisComposition, "scale");
float compXPos = queryFloat(thisComposition, "xPos");
float compYOffset = queryFloat(thisComposition, "yOffset");
float compZPos = queryFloat(thisComposition, "zPos");
float lightIntensity = queryFloat(xmlLight, "intensity");
glm::vec3 compPos = glm::vec3(compXPos,
lightOffset = lightOffset * compScale;
glm::vec4 rotatedLightOffset = glm::rotate(compRot.x, glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))
* glm::rotate(compRot.y, glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f))
* glm::rotate(compRot.z, glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f))
* glm::vec4(lightOffset, 0);
glm::vec3 lightPosition = compPos + glm::vec3(rotatedLightOffset.x,rotatedLightOffset.y,rotatedLightOffset.z);
XMLElement* flameOffset = NULL;
flameOffset = xmlLight->FirstChildElement("flameOffset");
if (flameOffset != NULL){
float offset = 0;
float flameHeight = queryFloat(xmlLight, "flameHeight");
float flameWidth = queryFloat(xmlLight, "flameWidth");
Light light = Light(lightPosition, lightColour, lightIntensity, offset, flameHeight, flameWidth);
else {
Light light = Light(lightPosition, lightColour, lightIntensity);
}//iterating over all lights of the composition
}//corect composition found
}//iterating over all compositions in Compositions.xml
if (!typeExists){
std::cout << "The typeID " << thisType << " exists in the level xml but is not a Compositions." << std::endl;
}//iterating over all compositions in Level.xml
//load triggers
// call init.lua to initialize the module load path in Lua
std::string initLuaPath = scriptPath + "init.lua";
luaL_dofile(level->getLuaState(), initLuaPath.c_str());
XMLElement* composition = doc->FirstChildElement("composition");
for(; composition; composition=composition->NextSiblingElement("composition")){
XMLElement* xmlTrigger = composition->FirstChildElement("trigger");
for(; xmlTrigger; xmlTrigger=xmlTrigger->NextSiblingElement("trigger")){
std::string name = queryString(xmlTrigger, "name");
if ("-") != 0){
float xPos = queryFloat(xmlTrigger, "xPosition");
float yPos = queryFloat(xmlTrigger, "yPosition");
float zPos = queryFloat(xmlTrigger, "zPosition");
bool undo = queryBool(xmlTrigger, "undo");
glm::vec3 position = glm::vec3(xPos, yPos, zPos);
std::string stringTarget = queryString(xmlTrigger, "targetIdGreen");
if ("-") != 0){
int targetIdGreen = queryInt(xmlTrigger, "targetIdGreen");
int targetIdBlue = queryInt(xmlTrigger, "targetIdBlue");
XMLElement* thisComposition = doc->FirstChildElement("composition");
for(; thisComposition; thisComposition=thisComposition->NextSiblingElement("composition")){
int thisIdGreen = queryInt(thisComposition, "idGreen");
int thisIdBlue = queryInt(thisComposition, "idBlue");
if (targetIdGreen == thisIdGreen && targetIdBlue == thisIdBlue){
glm::vec3 targetPosition;
targetPosition[0] = queryFloat(thisComposition, "xPos");
targetPosition[1] = queryFloat(thisComposition, "yOffset");
targetPosition[2] = queryFloat(thisComposition, "zPos");
targetPosition[1] += level->getTerrain()->getHeightmap()[int(targetPosition[0]-0.5+0.5*level->getTerrain()->getHeightmapHeight())]
position += targetPosition;
float distance = queryFloat(xmlTrigger, "distance");
bool isBigger = queryBool(xmlTrigger, "isBiggerThan");
int idGreen = queryInt(composition, "idGreen");
int idBlue = queryInt(composition, "idBlue");
int objectNum = queryInt(xmlTrigger, "objectNum");
Object* object=0;
bool ok = false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i<objectIdentifiers.size(); i++){
if (objectIdentifiers[i][2]==idGreen && objectIdentifiers[i][3]==idBlue && objectIdentifiers[i][4]==objectNum){
object = level->getPhysicsObjects()->at(objectIdentifiers[i][1]); //Index in physics objects
printf("2 objects have the same ID while loading triggers.");
ok = true;
printf("No index found for a trigger object while loading triggers.");
std::string luaScript = queryString(xmlTrigger, "luaScript");
int toChangeIdGreen = queryInt(xmlTrigger, "toChangeIdGreen");
int toChangeIdBlue = queryInt(xmlTrigger, "toChangeIdBlue");
int toChangeObjNum = queryInt(xmlTrigger, "toChangeObjNum");
int objectToChange=-1;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i<objectIdentifiers.size(); i++){
if (objectIdentifiers[i][2]==toChangeIdGreen && objectIdentifiers[i][3]==toChangeIdBlue && objectIdentifiers[i][4]==toChangeObjNum){
objectToChange = objectIdentifiers[i][1]; //Index in physic objects
if (objectToChange == -1){
printf("No Identifier found for an object that was to be changed by a trigger.\n");
if (object != 0) {
Trigger trigger = Trigger(position, distance, isBigger, object, luaScript, level->getLuaState(), objectToChange, scriptPath, undo);
else {
printf("Triggering object not found.\n");
//load positionConstraints
composition = doc->FirstChildElement("composition");
for(; composition; composition=composition->NextSiblingElement("composition")){
XMLElement* positionConstraint = composition->FirstChildElement("positionConstraint");
for(; positionConstraint; positionConstraint=positionConstraint->NextSiblingElement("positionConstraint")){
float xPos = queryFloat(positionConstraint, "xPosition");
float yPos = queryFloat(positionConstraint, "yPosition");
float zPos = queryFloat(positionConstraint, "zPosition");
float strength = queryFloat(positionConstraint, "strength");
int objectNum = queryInt(positionConstraint, "objectNum");
int idGreen = queryInt(composition, "idGreen");
int idBlue = queryInt(composition, "idBlue");
int objectIndex = 0;
bool ok = false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i<objectIdentifiers.size(); i++){
if (objectIdentifiers[i][2]==idGreen && objectIdentifiers[i][3]==idBlue && objectIdentifiers[i][4]==objectNum){
printf("2 objects have the same ID while loading constraints.");
objectIndex = objectIdentifiers[i][1]; //Index in physic objects
ok = true;
printf("No index found for a trigger object while loading constraints.");
glm::vec3 position = glm::vec3(xPos, yPos, zPos);
level->getPhysics()->addPositionConstraint(objectIndex, strength, position);
glm::vec3 Loader::reloadPlayerPosition(std::string filePath, Level* level){
XMLDocument* doc = new XMLDocument();
const char* xmlFile = filePath.c_str();
if (doc->ErrorID()!=0){
printf("Could not open ObjectSetupXml!\n");
//iterate over all compositions in Level.xml
XMLElement* thisComposition = doc->FirstChildElement("composition");
for(; thisComposition; thisComposition=thisComposition->NextSiblingElement("composition")){
int thisType = queryInt(thisComposition, "typeID");
if (thisType == 20){
float compXPos = queryFloat(thisComposition, "xPos");
float compYOffset = queryFloat(thisComposition, "yOffset");
float compZPos = queryFloat(thisComposition, "zPos");
compYOffset += level->getTerrain()->getHeightmap()[int(compXPos-0.5+0.5*level->getTerrain()->getHeightmapHeight())]
glm::vec3 position = glm::vec3(compXPos, compYOffset, compZPos);
return position;
printf("Level.xml contains no player.");
float Loader::queryFloat(XMLElement* element, const char* attribute){
XMLElement* attributeElement = element->FirstChildElement(attribute);
if (attributeElement == NULL){
std::cout << "XMLError: Attribute " << attribute << " does not exist." << std::endl;
float ret;
return ret;
float Loader::queryFloat(XMLDocument*& element, const char* attribute){
XMLElement* attributeElement = element->FirstChildElement(attribute);
if (attributeElement == NULL){
std::cout << "XMLError: Attribute " << attribute << " does not exist." << std::endl;
float ret;
return ret;
int Loader::queryInt(XMLElement* element, const char* attribute){
XMLElement* attributeElement = element->FirstChildElement(attribute);
if (attributeElement == NULL){
std::cout << "XMLError: Attribute " << attribute << " does not exist." << std::endl;
int ret;
return ret;
int Loader::queryInt(XMLDocument*& element, const char* attribute){
XMLElement* attributeElement = element->FirstChildElement(attribute);
if (attributeElement == NULL){
std::cout << "XMLError: Attribute " << attribute << " does not exist." << std::endl;
int ret;
return ret;
bool Loader::queryBool(XMLElement* element, const char* attribute){
XMLElement* attributeElement = element->FirstChildElement(attribute);
if (attributeElement == NULL){
std::cout << "XMLError: Attribute " << attribute << " does not exist." << std::endl;
bool ret;
return ret;
bool Loader::queryBool(XMLDocument*& element, const char* attribute){
XMLElement* attributeElement = element->FirstChildElement(attribute);
if (attributeElement == NULL){
std::cout << "XMLError: Attribute " << attribute << " does not exist." << std::endl;
bool ret;
return ret;
std::string Loader::queryString(XMLElement* element, const char* attribute){
XMLElement* attributeElement = element->FirstChildElement(attribute);
if (attributeElement == NULL){
std::cout << "XMLError: Attribute " << attribute << " does not exist." << std::endl;
const char* charRet = attributeElement->GetText();
if(charRet == NULL){
std::cout << "XMLError: Attribute " << attribute << " could not be loaded." << std::endl;
std::string ret = charRet;
return ret;
std::string Loader::queryString(XMLDocument*& element, const char* attribute){
XMLElement* attributeElement = element->FirstChildElement(attribute);
if (attributeElement == NULL){
std::cout << "XMLError: Attribute " << attribute << " does not exist." << std::endl;
const char* charRet = attributeElement->GetText();
if(charRet == NULL){
std::cout << "XMLError: Attribute " << attribute << " could not be loaded." << std::endl;
std::string ret = charRet;
return ret;
void Loader::errorCheck(XMLError error){
if (error) {
printf("XMLError: ");
printf("Wrong attribute type.\n");
else if (error == XML_NO_ATTRIBUTE) {
printf("No attribute.\n");
else if (error == XML_CAN_NOT_CONVERT_TEXT) {
printf("Can not convert text.\n");
else if (error == XML_NO_TEXT_NODE) {
printf("No text.\n");
else {
printf("Unknown error.\n");