2014-10-20 17:31:26 +02:00

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* Copyright 2011-2013 Computer Graphics Group RWTH Aachen University. *
* All rights reserved. *
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License (see LICENSE.TXT). *
#pragma once
* Used to create a ShaderProgram from a given set of file names:
* e.g.:
* SharedShaderProgram prog = ShaderProgramCreator("file.vsh").andFile("foobar.fsh").create();
* The shadertype will be guessed by the extensions.
#include <ACGL/ACGL.hh>
#include <ACGL/Resource/MultiFileBasedCreator.hh>
#include <ACGL/Resource/SingleFileBasedCreator.hh>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/Objects/ShaderProgram.hh>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/GL.hh>
#include <ACGL/Base/Settings.hh>
#include <vector>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/Data/LocationMappings.hh>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/Creator/ShaderParserFactory.hh>
namespace ACGL{
namespace OpenGL{
class ShaderProgramCreator : public Resource::MultiFileBasedCreator<ShaderProgram>
// ========================================================================================================= \/
// ============================================================================================ CONSTRUCTORS \/
// ========================================================================================================= \/
//! The filenames (sorted and concatenated) will also be the name of the resource (can be changed by setResourceName() below).
//! If the filename has a dot in it (or _type is set), it will be treated as a single file, otherwise all
//! files starting with that string will be used.
//! The empty c'tor is supported for containers and everything that needs one
ShaderProgramCreator(const std::string& _fileName = "", GLenum _type = GL_INVALID_VALUE )
: Resource::MultiFileBasedCreator<ShaderProgram>(),
mAttributeLocations(new LocationMappings),
mFragmentDataLocations(new LocationMappings),
mUniformBufferLocations(new LocationMappings) //,
//mShaderParserFactory(std::make_shared<SimpleShaderParserFactory<IncludingShaderParser> >())
mShaderParserFactory = SharedShaderParserFactory( new SimpleShaderParserFactory<IncludingShaderParser>() );
// the base path is only needed for updating the time stamps, as the shaders itself get loaded via ShaderCreators
// which itself will add the base path! (read: mFileNames will _NOT_ store the base path!)
mBasePath = Base::Settings::the()->getFullShaderPath();
if ( _type != GL_INVALID_VALUE ) {
andFile( _fileName, _type );
// only add the first name if it is a valid file name
if ( _fileName.find( "." ) != std::string::npos ) {
andFile( _fileName );
} else {
autoFiles( _fileName );
virtual ~ShaderProgramCreator() {}
// ==================================================================================================== \/
// ============================================================================================ METHODS \/
// ==================================================================================================== \/
ShaderProgramCreator& setResourceName(const std::string &_resourceName) { mResourceName = _resourceName; return *this; }
// Override shader processing
/// Sets the shader parser factory
/// For more detailed documentation, see ShaderParser.hh
inline ShaderProgramCreator& shaderParserFactory(SharedShaderParserFactory const& _factory) { mShaderParserFactory = _factory; return *this; }
// Adding files:
//! adds a single file, the shader type will be guessed by the ending:
inline ShaderProgramCreator& andFile (const std::string &_fileName) { addFile( _fileName ); mShaderType.push_back( GL_INVALID_VALUE ); return *this; }
//! adds a single file, the shader type is explicitly given and must be one of:
inline ShaderProgramCreator& andFile (const std::string &_fileName, GLenum _type) { addFile( _fileName ); mShaderType.push_back( _type ); return *this; }
//! adds all files begining with the given name, the shader type will be guessed by the ending:
ShaderProgramCreator& autoFiles (const std::string &_fileName);
// Adding attribute locations:
//! adds an attribute location to the next free location number:
inline ShaderProgramCreator& attributeLocation (const std::string &_attributeName) { mAttributeLocations->setLocation(_attributeName); return *this; }
//! adds an attribute location to the given location number:
inline ShaderProgramCreator& attributeLocation (const std::string &_attributeName, GLuint _location) { mAttributeLocations->setLocation(_attributeName,_location); return *this; }
//! adds a whole list of mappings
inline ShaderProgramCreator& attributeLocations (const SharedLocationMappings &_mapping) { mAttributeLocations->addLocations(_mapping); return *this; }
//! links to the external mapping object, earlyer mapping definitions get ignored, following
//! mappings will also change the external object!
inline ShaderProgramCreator& externAttributeLocations (SharedLocationMappings _mapping) { mAttributeLocations = _mapping; return *this; }
// Adding fragment output locations:
//! adds a fragment output location to the next free location number:
inline ShaderProgramCreator& fragmentDataLocation (const std::string &_fragmentDataName) { mFragmentDataLocations->setLocation(_fragmentDataName); return *this; }
//! adds a fragment output location to the given location number:
inline ShaderProgramCreator& fragmentDataLocation (const std::string &_fragmentDataName, GLuint _location) { mFragmentDataLocations->setLocation(_fragmentDataName,_location); return *this; }
//! adds a whole list of mappings
inline ShaderProgramCreator& fragmentDataLocations(const SharedLocationMappings &_mapping) { mFragmentDataLocations->addLocations(_mapping); return *this; }
//! links to the external mapping object, earlyer mapping definitions get ignored, following
//! mappings will also change the external object!
inline ShaderProgramCreator& externFragmentDataLocations (SharedLocationMappings _mapping) { mFragmentDataLocations = _mapping; return *this; }
// Adding uniform buffer locations:
//! adds an attribute location to the next free location number:
inline ShaderProgramCreator& uniformBufferLocation(const std::string &_uniformBufferName) { mUniformBufferLocations->setLocation(_uniformBufferName); return *this; }
//! adds an attribute location to the given location number:
inline ShaderProgramCreator& uniformBufferLocation(const std::string &_uniformBufferName, GLuint _location){ mUniformBufferLocations->setLocation(_uniformBufferName,_location);return *this; }
//! adds a whole list of mappings
inline ShaderProgramCreator& uniformBufferLocations(SharedLocationMappings _mapping) { mUniformBufferLocations->addLocations(_mapping);return *this; }
inline ShaderProgramCreator& externUniformBufferLocations(SharedLocationMappings _mapping) { mUniformBufferLocations = _mapping; return *this; }
// ===================================================================================================== \/
// ============================================================================================ OVERRIDE \/
// ===================================================================================================== \/
virtual SharedShaderProgram create();
virtual bool update(SharedShaderProgram &_shaderProgram);
// =================================================================================================== \/
// ============================================================================================ FIELDS \/
// =================================================================================================== \/
std::vector<GLenum> mShaderType;
SharedLocationMappings mAttributeLocations;
SharedLocationMappings mFragmentDataLocations;
SharedLocationMappings mUniformBufferLocations;
SharedShaderParserFactory mShaderParserFactory;
// set attribute, UBO & fragdata locations and links the program
bool setBindings(SharedShaderProgram &_shaderProgram);
} // OpenGL
} // ACGL