Fabian Klemp aeb6218d2d Renaming.
2014-10-24 11:49:46 +02:00

118 lines
5.2 KiB

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @file TwDirect3D11.h
// @brief Direct3D11 graphic functions
// @author Philippe Decaudin -
// @license This file is part of the AntTweakBar library.
// For conditions of distribution and use, see License.txt
// note: Private header
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "TwGraph.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CTwGraphDirect3D11 : public ITwGraph
virtual int Init();
virtual int Shut();
virtual void BeginDraw(int _WndWidth, int _WndHeight);
virtual void EndDraw();
virtual bool IsDrawing();
virtual void Restore();
virtual void DrawLine(int _X0, int _Y0, int _X1, int _Y1, color32 _Color0, color32 _Color1, bool _AntiAliased=false);
virtual void DrawLine(int _X0, int _Y0, int _X1, int _Y1, color32 _Color, bool _AntiAliased=false) { DrawLine(_X0, _Y0, _X1, _Y1, _Color, _Color, _AntiAliased); }
virtual void DrawRect(int _X0, int _Y0, int _X1, int _Y1, color32 _Color00, color32 _Color10, color32 _Color01, color32 _Color11);
virtual void DrawRect(int _X0, int _Y0, int _X1, int _Y1, color32 _Color) { DrawRect(_X0, _Y0, _X1, _Y1, _Color, _Color, _Color, _Color); }
virtual void DrawTriangles(int _NumTriangles, int *_Vertices, color32 *_Colors, Cull _CullMode);
virtual void * NewTextObj();
virtual void DeleteTextObj(void *_TextObj);
virtual void BuildText(void *_TextObj, const std::string *_TextLines, color32 *_LineColors, color32 *_LineBgColors, int _NbLines, const CTexFont *_Font, int _Sep, int _BgWidth);
virtual void DrawText(void *_TextObj, int _X, int _Y, color32 _Color, color32 _BgColor);
virtual void ChangeViewport(int _X0, int _Y0, int _Width, int _Height, int _OffsetX, int _OffsetY);
virtual void RestoreViewport();
virtual void SetScissor(int _X0, int _Y0, int _Width, int _Height);
struct ID3D11Device * m_D3DDev;
struct ID3D11DeviceContext *m_D3DDevImmContext;
unsigned int m_D3DDevInitialRefCount;
bool m_Drawing;
const CTexFont * m_FontTex;
struct ID3D11Texture2D * m_FontD3DTex;
struct ID3D11ShaderResourceView *m_FontD3DTexRV;
int m_WndWidth;
int m_WndHeight;
int m_OffsetX;
int m_OffsetY;
void * m_ViewportInit;
RECT m_ViewportAndScissorRects[2];
struct CLineRectVtx
float m_Pos[3];
color32 m_Color;
struct CTextVtx
float m_Pos[3];
color32 m_Color;
float m_UV[2];
struct CConstants
float m_Offset[4];
float m_CstColor[4];
struct CTextObj
struct ID3D11Buffer * m_TextVertexBuffer;
struct ID3D11Buffer * m_BgVertexBuffer;
int m_NbTextVerts;
int m_NbBgVerts;
int m_TextVertexBufferSize;
int m_BgVertexBufferSize;
bool m_LineColors;
bool m_LineBgColors;
struct CState11 * m_State;
struct ID3D11DepthStencilState *m_DepthStencilState;
struct ID3D11BlendState * m_BlendState;
struct ID3D11RasterizerState * m_RasterState;
struct ID3D11RasterizerState * m_RasterStateAntialiased;
struct ID3D11RasterizerState * m_RasterStateMultisample;
struct ID3D11RasterizerState * m_RasterStateCullCW;
struct ID3D11RasterizerState * m_RasterStateCullCCW;
struct ID3D11VertexShader * m_LineRectVS;
struct ID3D11VertexShader * m_LineRectCstColorVS;
struct ID3D11PixelShader * m_LineRectPS;
struct ID3D11InputLayout * m_LineRectVertexLayout;
struct ID3D11VertexShader * m_TextVS;
struct ID3D11VertexShader * m_TextCstColorVS;
struct ID3D11PixelShader * m_TextPS;
struct ID3D11InputLayout * m_TextVertexLayout;
struct ID3D11Buffer * m_LineVertexBuffer;
struct ID3D11Buffer * m_RectVertexBuffer;
struct ID3D11Buffer * m_TrianglesVertexBuffer;
int m_TrianglesVertexBufferCount;
struct ID3D11Buffer * m_ConstantBuffer;
struct ID3D11SamplerState * m_SamplerState;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#endif // !defined ANT_TW_DIRECT3D11_INCLUDED