2014-10-20 17:31:26 +02:00

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* Copyright 2011-2012 Computer Graphics Group RWTH Aachen University. *
* All rights reserved. *
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License (see LICENSE.TXT). *
* Some OpenGL related helper functions.
* All the error checking functions are in here.
#include <ACGL/ACGL.hh>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/GL.hh>
#include <ACGL/OpenGL/Debug.hh>
namespace ACGL{
namespace OpenGL{
//! queries some limits of the runtime which are used in ACGL internally. Client apps should not rely on these values, they are subject to changes. Gets called by ACGL::init()
void initRuntimeDependentLimits();
//! returns the size in bytes of the common gl types named by there GLenums.
inline GLint getGLTypeSize ( GLenum _type )
case GL_BYTE: return sizeof(GLbyte);
case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: return sizeof(GLubyte);
case GL_SHORT: return sizeof(GLshort);
case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: return sizeof(GLushort);
case GL_INT: return sizeof(GLint);
case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: return sizeof(GLuint);
case GL_FLOAT: return sizeof(GLfloat);
case GL_DOUBLE: return sizeof(GLdouble);
//case GL_INT64_NV: return sizeof(GLint64);
//case GL_UNSIGNED_INT64_NV: return sizeof(GLuint64);
//case GL_HALF_FLOAT: return sizeof(GLhalf);
case GL_FIXED: return 4; // fixed are packed in a 32bit int (see 2.1.2 of the spec.)
return 0;
inline GLuint getNumberOfChannels( GLenum _format )
// GLES formats:
if (_format == GL_ALPHA || _format == GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT) return 1;
if (_format == GL_RGB) return 3;
if (_format == GL_RGBA) return 4;
// removed from core:
if (_format == GL_LUMINANCE) return 1;
if (_format == GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA) return 2;
// additional desktop formats:
if ( _format == GL_R8I || _format == GL_R16I || _format == GL_R32I
|| _format == GL_R8UI || _format == GL_R16UI || _format == GL_R32UI
|| _format == GL_R16F || _format == GL_R32F ) return 1;
if (_format == GL_RED_INTEGER || _format == GL_GREEN_INTEGER || _format == GL_BLUE_INTEGER ) return 1;
if (_format == GL_RG || _format == GL_RG8I || _format == GL_RG16I || _format == GL_RG32I
|| _format == GL_RG8UI || _format == GL_RG16UI || _format == GL_RG32UI
|| _format == GL_RG16F || _format == GL_RG32F ) return 2;
if (_format == GL_RG_INTEGER ) return 2;
if (_format == GL_RGB8I || _format == GL_RGB16I || _format == GL_RGB32I
|| _format == GL_RGB8UI || _format == GL_RGB16UI || _format == GL_RGB32UI
|| _format == GL_RGB16F || _format == GL_RGB32F ) return 3;
if (_format == GL_BGR || _format == GL_RGB_INTEGER || _format == GL_BGR_INTEGER) return 3;
if ( _format == GL_RGBA8I || _format == GL_RGBA16I || _format == GL_RGBA32I
|| _format == GL_RGBA8UI || _format == GL_RGBA16UI || _format == GL_RGBA32UI
|| _format == GL_RGBA16F || _format == GL_RGBA32F ) return 4;
if (_format == GL_BGRA || _format == GL_RGBA_INTEGER || _format == GL_BGRA_INTEGER) return 4;
return 1; // unknown number of channels, assume 1
uint32_t getOpenGLMinorVersionNumber();
uint32_t getOpenGLMajorVersionNumber();
// returns the combined version number as 10*major + minor for easy comparing
uint32_t getOpenGLVersionNumber();
// query support for specific shader stages:
bool doesSupportGeometryShader();
bool doesSupportTessellationShader();
bool doesSupportComputeShader();
// Define the shader kinds for older and embedded GL versions so the file extension detection
// can work correctly.
#define GL_COMPUTE_SHADER 0x91B9
struct ShaderEndings
const char *ending;
GLenum type;
const ShaderEndings sShaderEndings[ ] = {
// GL_VERTEX_SHADER GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER or GL_INVALID_VALUE in case the shadertype was not detected
// if _ignoreUnsupportedShaderTypes is true, types unsupported by the current runtime will return
// an GL_INVALID_ENUM also.
GLenum getShaderTypeByFileEnding( const std::string _fileName, bool _ignoreUnsupportedShaderTypes = true );
// looks up the enum and gives a human readable version
const GLubyte* acglShaderTypeString( GLenum _shaderType );
// for every OpenGL error enum this will return a human readable version of it
// similar to gluErrorString, but that function is not available on all plattforms
// (read: iOS)
const GLubyte* acglErrorString( GLenum _errorCode );
* This function can be used outside of the ACGL framework to check always(!) for
* OpenGL errors. It will print the errors and return the error code of the last one.
* Each OpenGL command can only throw one error, errors can only stack up if this
* function or glGetError was not called often enough (and some OpenGL implementations
* will forget old errors if new ones occur).
#define openGLError() openGLError_( __FILE__, __LINE__ )
* This function is used internally in ACGL - but not directly. It gets called from all
* other rare/common/critical error checks. The __FILE__ __LINE macros have to be used in
* those to get the correct values from the caller file, if we would use the macro
* above we could get the file/line from this file, which isn't helping.
GLenum openGLError_( const char *_fileName, const unsigned long _lineNumber );
* NOTE: Explicit error checks are not needed anymore on desktop systems! Use KHR_debug
* callback instead (ACGL registers a default callback automatically).
* Inside of ACGL we distinguish between rare, common and critical errors. Each kind can be
* switched off which turns the function into nothing after compiler optimization. If an
* error check is turned off it will always behave as if there was no error, even if there
* is one...
* Per default a debug build enables critical and common errors, a release build only critical
* ones.
* We have two functions for each kind:
* openGL____Error() will print error messages and return the last error (or GL_NO_ERROR)
* openGL____ErrorOccured() will print error messages and retrun true if there was an error
* The definition of rare/common/critical is a bit fuzzy:
* critical: Errors which can occur even in a bug-free app, like out-of-memory errors.
* These checks are rare, stuff like glCreate calls get checked here.
* Tests for critical errors should not impact the performance of the app measurably.
* common:
* Errors which are quite common while developing. Misuse of the library etc.
* Setting uniforms which don't exist or shader compile errors are candidates for
* common errors. Places where OpenGL resources are calles by a string etc.
* rare: Errors which are so uncommon that we don't even check those ina normal debug build.
* Switching these on can impact performance as there can be alot of them. If theres a
* OpenGL error somewhere in the code, switch these checks on to find the correct spot.
* OpenGL error checks that are more complicated than just a glGetError call will be wrapped in the
* same defines, this can be used in application code as well.
inline GLenum openGLErrorDummy() { return GL_NO_ERROR; }
inline bool openGLErrorOccuredDummy() { return false; }
#define openGLCheckError() ACGL::OpenGL::openGLError_( __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define openGLErrorOccured() (ACGL::OpenGL::openGLError_( __FILE__, __LINE__ ) != GL_NO_ERROR)
# define openGLCriticalError() ACGL::OpenGL::openGLError_( __FILE__, __LINE__ )
# define openGLCriticalErrorOccured() (ACGL::OpenGL::openGLError_( __FILE__, __LINE__ ) != GL_NO_ERROR)
# define openGLCriticalError() ACGL::OpenGL::openGLErrorDummy()
# define openGLCriticalErrorOccured() ACGL::OpenGL::openGLErrorOccuredDummy()
# define openGLCommonError() ACGL::OpenGL::openGLError_( __FILE__, __LINE__ )
# define openGLCommonErrorOccured() (ACGL::OpenGL::openGLError_( __FILE__, __LINE__ ) != GL_NO_ERROR)
# define openGLCommonError() ACGL::OpenGL::openGLErrorDummy()
# define openGLCommonErrorOccured() ACGL::OpenGL::openGLErrorOccuredDummy()
# define openGLRareError() ACGL::OpenGL::openGLError_( __FILE__, __LINE__ )
# define openGLRareErrorOccured() (ACGL::OpenGL::openGLError_( __FILE__, __LINE__ ) != GL_NO_ERROR)
# define openGLRareError() ACGL::OpenGL::openGLErrorDummy()
# define openGLRareErrorOccured() ACGL::OpenGL::openGLErrorOccuredDummy()
} // OpenGL
} // ACGL