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147 lines
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* OPCODE - Optimized Collision Detection
* http://www.codercorner.com/Opcode.htm
* Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Pierre Terdiman, pierre@codercorner.com
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
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subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* Contains code for a versatile AABB tree.
* \file OPC_AABBTree.h
* \author Pierre Terdiman
* \date March, 20, 2001
// Include Guard
#ifndef __OPC_AABBTREE_H__
#define __OPC_AABBTREE_H__
#define IMPLEMENT_TREE(base_class, volume) \
public: \
/* Constructor / Destructor */ \
base_class(); \
~base_class(); \
/* Data access */ \
inline_ const volume* Get##volume() const { return &mBV; } \
/* Clear the last bit */ \
inline_ const base_class* GetPos() const { return (const base_class*)(mPos&~1); } \
inline_ const base_class* GetNeg() const { const base_class* P = GetPos(); return P ? P+1 : null;} \
/* We don't need to test both nodes since we can't have one without the other */ \
inline_ bool IsLeaf() const { return !GetPos(); } \
/* Stats */ \
inline_ udword GetNodeSize() const { return SIZEOFOBJECT; } \
protected: \
/* Tree-independent data */ \
/* Following data always belong to the BV-tree, regardless of what the tree actually contains.*/ \
/* Whatever happens we need the two children and the enclosing volume.*/ \
volume mBV; /* Global bounding-volume enclosing all the node-related primitives */ \
udword mPos; /* "Positive" & "Negative" children */
#define IMPLEMENT_TREE(base_class, volume) \
public: \
/* Constructor / Destructor */ \
base_class(); \
~base_class(); \
/* Data access */ \
inline_ const volume* Get##volume() const { return &mBV; } \
/* Clear the last bit */ \
inline_ const base_class* GetPos() const { return (const base_class*)(mPos&~1); } \
inline_ const base_class* GetNeg() const { return (const base_class*)(mNeg&~1); } \
/* inline_ bool IsLeaf() const { return (!GetPos() && !GetNeg()); } */ \
/* We don't need to test both nodes since we can't have one without the other */ \
inline_ bool IsLeaf() const { return !GetPos(); } \
/* Stats */ \
inline_ udword GetNodeSize() const { return SIZEOFOBJECT; } \
protected: \
/* Tree-independent data */ \
/* Following data always belong to the BV-tree, regardless of what the tree actually contains.*/ \
/* Whatever happens we need the two children and the enclosing volume.*/ \
volume mBV; /* Global bounding-volume enclosing all the node-related primitives */ \
udword mPos; /* "Positive" child */ \
udword mNeg; /* "Negative" child */
typedef void (*CullingCallback) (udword nb_primitives, udword* node_primitives, BOOL need_clipping, void* user_data);
// Data access
inline_ const udword* GetPrimitives() const { return mNodePrimitives; }
inline_ udword GetNbPrimitives() const { return mNbPrimitives; }
// Tree-dependent data
udword* mNodePrimitives; //!< Node-related primitives (shortcut to a position in mIndices below)
udword mNbPrimitives; //!< Number of primitives for this node
// Internal methods
udword Split(udword axis, AABBTreeBuilder* builder);
bool Subdivide(AABBTreeBuilder* builder);
void _BuildHierarchy(AABBTreeBuilder* builder);
void _Refit(AABBTreeBuilder* builder);
* User-callback, called for each node by the walking code.
* \param current [in] current node
* \param depth [in] current node's depth
* \param user_data [in] user-defined data
* \return true to recurse through children, else false to bypass them
typedef bool (*WalkingCallback) (const AABBTreeNode* current, udword depth, void* user_data);
class OPCODE_API AABBTree : public AABBTreeNode
// Constructor / Destructor
// Build
bool Build(AABBTreeBuilder* builder);
void Release();
// Data access
inline_ const udword* GetIndices() const { return mIndices; } //!< Catch the indices
inline_ udword GetNbNodes() const { return mTotalNbNodes; } //!< Catch the number of nodes
// Infos
bool IsComplete() const;
// Stats
udword ComputeDepth() const;
udword GetUsedBytes() const;
udword Walk(WalkingCallback callback, void* user_data) const;
bool Refit(AABBTreeBuilder* builder);
bool Refit2(AABBTreeBuilder* builder);
udword* mIndices; //!< Indices in the app list. Indices are reorganized during build (permutation).
AABBTreeNode* mPool; //!< Linear pool of nodes for complete trees. Null otherwise. [Opcode 1.3]
// Stats
udword mTotalNbNodes; //!< Number of nodes in the tree.
#endif // __OPC_AABBTREE_H__