953 lines
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953 lines
38 KiB
* OPCODE - Optimized Collision Detection
* http://www.codercorner.com/Opcode.htm
* Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Pierre Terdiman, pierre@codercorner.com
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* Contains code for a tree collider.
* \file OPC_TreeCollider.cpp
* \author Pierre Terdiman
* \date March, 20, 2001
* Contains an AABB tree collider.
* This class performs a collision test between two AABB trees.
* \class AABBTreeCollider
* \author Pierre Terdiman
* \version 1.3
* \date March, 20, 2001
// Precompiled Header
#include "Stdafx.h"
using namespace Opcode;
#include "OPC_BoxBoxOverlap.h"
#include "OPC_TriBoxOverlap.h"
#include "OPC_TriTriOverlap.h"
* Constructor.
AABBTreeCollider::AABBTreeCollider() :
mNbBVBVTests (0),
mNbPrimPrimTests (0),
mNbBVPrimTests (0),
mFullBoxBoxTest (true),
mFullPrimBoxTest (true),
mIMesh0 (null),
mIMesh1 (null)
* Destructor.
* Validates current settings. You should call this method after all the settings and callbacks have been defined.
* \return null if everything is ok, else a string describing the problem
const char* AABBTreeCollider::ValidateSettings()
if(TemporalCoherenceEnabled() && !FirstContactEnabled()) return "Temporal coherence only works with ""First contact"" mode!";
return null;
* Generic collision query for generic OPCODE models. After the call, access the results with:
* - GetContactStatus()
* - GetNbPairs()
* - GetPairs()
* \param cache [in] collision cache for model pointers and a colliding pair of primitives
* \param world0 [in] world matrix for first object
* \param world1 [in] world matrix for second object
* \return true if success
* \warning SCALE NOT SUPPORTED. The matrices must contain rotation & translation parts only.
bool AABBTreeCollider::Collide(BVTCache& cache, const Matrix4x4* world0, const Matrix4x4* world1)
// Checkings
if(!cache.Model0 || !cache.Model1) return false;
if(cache.Model0->HasLeafNodes()!=cache.Model1->HasLeafNodes()) return false;
if(cache.Model0->IsQuantized()!=cache.Model1->IsQuantized()) return false;
- perform hull test
- when hulls collide, disable hull test
- if meshes overlap, reset countdown
- if countdown reaches 0, enable hull test
#ifdef __MESHMERIZER_H__
// Handle hulls
if(cache.Model0->GetHull() && cache.Model1->GetHull())
struct Local
static Point* SVCallback(const Point& sv, udword& previndex, udword user_data)
CollisionHull* Hull = (CollisionHull*)user_data;
previndex = Hull->ComputeSupportingVertex(sv, previndex);
return (Point*)&Hull->GetVerts()[previndex];
bool Collide;
static GJKEngine GJK;
static bool GJKInitDone=false;
GJKInitDone = true;
Collide = GJK.Collide(*world0, *world1, &cache.SepVector);
static SVEngine SVE;
Collide = SVE.Collide(*world0, *world1, &cache.SepVector);
// Reset stats & contact status
mFlags &= ~OPC_CONTACT;
mNbBVBVTests = 0;
mNbPrimPrimTests = 0;
mNbBVPrimTests = 0;
return true;
// Here, hulls collide
cache.HullTest = false;
#endif // __MESHMERIZER_H__
// Checkings
if(!Setup(cache.Model0->GetMeshInterface(), cache.Model1->GetMeshInterface())) return false;
// Simple double-dispatch
bool Status;
const AABBQuantizedNoLeafTree* T0 = (const AABBQuantizedNoLeafTree*)cache.Model0->GetTree();
const AABBQuantizedNoLeafTree* T1 = (const AABBQuantizedNoLeafTree*)cache.Model1->GetTree();
Status = Collide(T0, T1, world0, world1, &cache);
const AABBNoLeafTree* T0 = (const AABBNoLeafTree*)cache.Model0->GetTree();
const AABBNoLeafTree* T1 = (const AABBNoLeafTree*)cache.Model1->GetTree();
Status = Collide(T0, T1, world0, world1, &cache);
const AABBQuantizedTree* T0 = (const AABBQuantizedTree*)cache.Model0->GetTree();
const AABBQuantizedTree* T1 = (const AABBQuantizedTree*)cache.Model1->GetTree();
Status = Collide(T0, T1, world0, world1, &cache);
const AABBCollisionTree* T0 = (const AABBCollisionTree*)cache.Model0->GetTree();
const AABBCollisionTree* T1 = (const AABBCollisionTree*)cache.Model1->GetTree();
Status = Collide(T0, T1, world0, world1, &cache);
#ifdef __MESHMERIZER_H__
// Reset counter as long as overlap occurs
if(GetContactStatus()) cache.ResetCountDown();
// Enable hull test again when counter reaches zero
cache.HullTest = true;
return Status;
* Initializes a collision query :
* - reset stats & contact status
* - setup matrices
* \param world0 [in] world matrix for first object
* \param world1 [in] world matrix for second object
* \warning SCALE NOT SUPPORTED. The matrices must contain rotation & translation parts only.
void AABBTreeCollider::InitQuery(const Matrix4x4* world0, const Matrix4x4* world1)
// Reset stats & contact status
mNbBVBVTests = 0;
mNbPrimPrimTests = 0;
mNbBVPrimTests = 0;
// Setup matrices
Matrix4x4 InvWorld0, InvWorld1;
if(world0) InvertPRMatrix(InvWorld0, *world0);
else InvWorld0.Identity();
if(world1) InvertPRMatrix(InvWorld1, *world1);
else InvWorld1.Identity();
Matrix4x4 World0to1 = world0 ? (*world0 * InvWorld1) : InvWorld1;
Matrix4x4 World1to0 = world1 ? (*world1 * InvWorld0) : InvWorld0;
mR0to1 = World0to1; World0to1.GetTrans(mT0to1);
mR1to0 = World1to0; World1to0.GetTrans(mT1to0);
// Precompute absolute 1-to-0 rotation matrix
for(udword i=0;i<3;i++)
for(udword j=0;j<3;j++)
// Epsilon value prevents floating-point inaccuracies (strategy borrowed from RAPID)
mAR.m[i][j] = 1e-6f + fabsf(mR1to0.m[i][j]);
* Takes advantage of temporal coherence.
* \param cache [in] cache for a pair of previously colliding primitives
* \return true if we can return immediately
* \warning only works for "First Contact" mode
bool AABBTreeCollider::CheckTemporalCoherence(Pair* cache)
// Checkings
if(!cache) return false;
// Test previously colliding primitives first
if(TemporalCoherenceEnabled() && FirstContactEnabled())
PrimTest(cache->id0, cache->id1);
if(GetContactStatus()) return true;
return false;
#define UPDATE_CACHE \
if(cache && GetContactStatus()) \
{ \
cache->id0 = mPairs.GetEntry(0); \
cache->id1 = mPairs.GetEntry(1); \
* Collision query for normal AABB trees.
* \param tree0 [in] AABB tree from first object
* \param tree1 [in] AABB tree from second object
* \param world0 [in] world matrix for first object
* \param world1 [in] world matrix for second object
* \param cache [in/out] cache for a pair of previously colliding primitives
* \return true if success
* \warning SCALE NOT SUPPORTED. The matrices must contain rotation & translation parts only.
bool AABBTreeCollider::Collide(const AABBCollisionTree* tree0, const AABBCollisionTree* tree1, const Matrix4x4* world0, const Matrix4x4* world1, Pair* cache)
// Init collision query
InitQuery(world0, world1);
// Check previous state
if(CheckTemporalCoherence(cache)) return true;
// Perform collision query
_Collide(tree0->GetNodes(), tree1->GetNodes());
return true;
* Collision query for no-leaf AABB trees.
* \param tree0 [in] AABB tree from first object
* \param tree1 [in] AABB tree from second object
* \param world0 [in] world matrix for first object
* \param world1 [in] world matrix for second object
* \param cache [in/out] cache for a pair of previously colliding primitives
* \return true if success
* \warning SCALE NOT SUPPORTED. The matrices must contain rotation & translation parts only.
bool AABBTreeCollider::Collide(const AABBNoLeafTree* tree0, const AABBNoLeafTree* tree1, const Matrix4x4* world0, const Matrix4x4* world1, Pair* cache)
// Init collision query
InitQuery(world0, world1);
// Check previous state
if(CheckTemporalCoherence(cache)) return true;
// Perform collision query
_Collide(tree0->GetNodes(), tree1->GetNodes());
return true;
* Collision query for quantized AABB trees.
* \param tree0 [in] AABB tree from first object
* \param tree1 [in] AABB tree from second object
* \param world0 [in] world matrix for first object
* \param world1 [in] world matrix for second object
* \param cache [in/out] cache for a pair of previously colliding primitives
* \return true if success
* \warning SCALE NOT SUPPORTED. The matrices must contain rotation & translation parts only.
bool AABBTreeCollider::Collide(const AABBQuantizedTree* tree0, const AABBQuantizedTree* tree1, const Matrix4x4* world0, const Matrix4x4* world1, Pair* cache)
// Init collision query
InitQuery(world0, world1);
// Check previous state
if(CheckTemporalCoherence(cache)) return true;
// Setup dequantization coeffs
mCenterCoeff0 = tree0->mCenterCoeff;
mExtentsCoeff0 = tree0->mExtentsCoeff;
mCenterCoeff1 = tree1->mCenterCoeff;
mExtentsCoeff1 = tree1->mExtentsCoeff;
// Dequantize box A
const AABBQuantizedNode* N0 = tree0->GetNodes();
const Point a(float(N0->mAABB.mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff0.x, float(N0->mAABB.mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff0.y, float(N0->mAABB.mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff0.z);
const Point Pa(float(N0->mAABB.mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff0.x, float(N0->mAABB.mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff0.y, float(N0->mAABB.mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff0.z);
// Dequantize box B
const AABBQuantizedNode* N1 = tree1->GetNodes();
const Point b(float(N1->mAABB.mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff1.x, float(N1->mAABB.mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff1.y, float(N1->mAABB.mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff1.z);
const Point Pb(float(N1->mAABB.mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff1.x, float(N1->mAABB.mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff1.y, float(N1->mAABB.mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff1.z);
// Perform collision query
_Collide(N0, N1, a, Pa, b, Pb);
return true;
* Collision query for quantized no-leaf AABB trees.
* \param tree0 [in] AABB tree from first object
* \param tree1 [in] AABB tree from second object
* \param world0 [in] world matrix for first object
* \param world1 [in] world matrix for second object
* \param cache [in/out] cache for a pair of previously colliding primitives
* \return true if success
* \warning SCALE NOT SUPPORTED. The matrices must contain rotation & translation parts only.
bool AABBTreeCollider::Collide(const AABBQuantizedNoLeafTree* tree0, const AABBQuantizedNoLeafTree* tree1, const Matrix4x4* world0, const Matrix4x4* world1, Pair* cache)
// Init collision query
InitQuery(world0, world1);
// Check previous state
if(CheckTemporalCoherence(cache)) return true;
// Setup dequantization coeffs
mCenterCoeff0 = tree0->mCenterCoeff;
mExtentsCoeff0 = tree0->mExtentsCoeff;
mCenterCoeff1 = tree1->mCenterCoeff;
mExtentsCoeff1 = tree1->mExtentsCoeff;
// Perform collision query
_Collide(tree0->GetNodes(), tree1->GetNodes());
return true;
// Standard trees
// The normal AABB tree can use 2 different descent rules (with different performances)
//#define ORIGINAL_CODE //!< UNC-like descent rules
#define ALTERNATIVE_CODE //!< Alternative descent rules
* Recursive collision query for normal AABB trees.
* \param b0 [in] collision node from first tree
* \param b1 [in] collision node from second tree
void AABBTreeCollider::_Collide(const AABBCollisionNode* b0, const AABBCollisionNode* b1)
// Perform BV-BV overlap test
if(!BoxBoxOverlap(b0->mAABB.mExtents, b0->mAABB.mCenter, b1->mAABB.mExtents, b1->mAABB.mCenter)) return;
if(b0->IsLeaf() && b1->IsLeaf()) { PrimTest(b0->GetPrimitive(), b1->GetPrimitive()); return; }
if(b1->IsLeaf() || (!b0->IsLeaf() && (b0->GetSize() > b1->GetSize())))
_Collide(b0->GetNeg(), b1);
if(ContactFound()) return;
_Collide(b0->GetPos(), b1);
_Collide(b0, b1->GetNeg());
if(ContactFound()) return;
_Collide(b0, b1->GetPos());
* Recursive collision query for normal AABB trees.
* \param b0 [in] collision node from first tree
* \param b1 [in] collision node from second tree
void AABBTreeCollider::_Collide(const AABBCollisionNode* b0, const AABBCollisionNode* b1)
// Perform BV-BV overlap test
if(!BoxBoxOverlap(b0->mAABB.mExtents, b0->mAABB.mCenter, b1->mAABB.mExtents, b1->mAABB.mCenter))
PrimTest(b0->GetPrimitive(), b1->GetPrimitive());
_Collide(b0, b1->GetNeg());
if(ContactFound()) return;
_Collide(b0, b1->GetPos());
else if(b1->IsLeaf())
_Collide(b0->GetNeg(), b1);
if(ContactFound()) return;
_Collide(b0->GetPos(), b1);
_Collide(b0->GetNeg(), b1->GetNeg());
if(ContactFound()) return;
_Collide(b0->GetNeg(), b1->GetPos());
if(ContactFound()) return;
_Collide(b0->GetPos(), b1->GetNeg());
if(ContactFound()) return;
_Collide(b0->GetPos(), b1->GetPos());
// No-leaf trees
* Leaf-leaf test for two primitive indices.
* \param id0 [in] index from first leaf-triangle
* \param id1 [in] index from second leaf-triangle
void AABBTreeCollider::PrimTest(udword id0, udword id1)
// Request vertices from the app
VertexPointers VP0;
VertexPointers VP1;
mIMesh0->GetTriangle(VP0, id0);
mIMesh1->GetTriangle(VP1, id1);
// Transform from space 1 to space 0
Point u0,u1,u2;
TransformPoint(u0, *VP1.Vertex[0], mR1to0, mT1to0);
TransformPoint(u1, *VP1.Vertex[1], mR1to0, mT1to0);
TransformPoint(u2, *VP1.Vertex[2], mR1to0, mT1to0);
// Perform triangle-triangle overlap test
if(TriTriOverlap(*VP0.Vertex[0], *VP0.Vertex[1], *VP0.Vertex[2], u0, u1, u2))
// Keep track of colliding pairs
// Set contact status
mFlags |= OPC_CONTACT;
* Leaf-leaf test for a previously fetched triangle from tree A (in B's space) and a new leaf from B.
* \param id1 [in] leaf-triangle index from tree B
inline_ void AABBTreeCollider::PrimTestTriIndex(udword id1)
// Request vertices from the app
VertexPointers VP;
mIMesh1->GetTriangle(VP, id1);
// Perform triangle-triangle overlap test
if(TriTriOverlap(mLeafVerts[0], mLeafVerts[1], mLeafVerts[2], *VP.Vertex[0], *VP.Vertex[1], *VP.Vertex[2]))
// Keep track of colliding pairs
// Set contact status
mFlags |= OPC_CONTACT;
* Leaf-leaf test for a previously fetched triangle from tree B (in A's space) and a new leaf from A.
* \param id0 [in] leaf-triangle index from tree A
inline_ void AABBTreeCollider::PrimTestIndexTri(udword id0)
// Request vertices from the app
VertexPointers VP;
mIMesh0->GetTriangle(VP, id0);
// Perform triangle-triangle overlap test
if(TriTriOverlap(mLeafVerts[0], mLeafVerts[1], mLeafVerts[2], *VP.Vertex[0], *VP.Vertex[1], *VP.Vertex[2]))
// Keep track of colliding pairs
// Set contact status
mFlags |= OPC_CONTACT;
* Recursive collision of a leaf node from A and a branch from B.
* \param b [in] collision node from second tree
void AABBTreeCollider::_CollideTriBox(const AABBNoLeafNode* b)
// Perform triangle-box overlap test
if(!TriBoxOverlap(b->mAABB.mCenter, b->mAABB.mExtents)) return;
// Keep same triangle, deal with first child
if(b->HasPosLeaf()) PrimTestTriIndex(b->GetPosPrimitive());
else _CollideTriBox(b->GetPos());
if(ContactFound()) return;
// Keep same triangle, deal with second child
if(b->HasNegLeaf()) PrimTestTriIndex(b->GetNegPrimitive());
else _CollideTriBox(b->GetNeg());
* Recursive collision of a leaf node from B and a branch from A.
* \param b [in] collision node from first tree
void AABBTreeCollider::_CollideBoxTri(const AABBNoLeafNode* b)
// Perform triangle-box overlap test
if(!TriBoxOverlap(b->mAABB.mCenter, b->mAABB.mExtents)) return;
// Keep same triangle, deal with first child
if(b->HasPosLeaf()) PrimTestIndexTri(b->GetPosPrimitive());
else _CollideBoxTri(b->GetPos());
if(ContactFound()) return;
// Keep same triangle, deal with second child
if(b->HasNegLeaf()) PrimTestIndexTri(b->GetNegPrimitive());
else _CollideBoxTri(b->GetNeg());
//! Request triangle vertices from the app and transform them
#define FETCH_LEAF(prim_index, imesh, rot, trans) \
mLeafIndex = prim_index; \
/* Request vertices from the app */ \
VertexPointers VP; imesh->GetTriangle(VP, prim_index); \
/* Transform them in a common space */ \
TransformPoint(mLeafVerts[0], *VP.Vertex[0], rot, trans); \
TransformPoint(mLeafVerts[1], *VP.Vertex[1], rot, trans); \
TransformPoint(mLeafVerts[2], *VP.Vertex[2], rot, trans);
* Recursive collision query for no-leaf AABB trees.
* \param a [in] collision node from first tree
* \param b [in] collision node from second tree
void AABBTreeCollider::_Collide(const AABBNoLeafNode* a, const AABBNoLeafNode* b)
// Perform BV-BV overlap test
if(!BoxBoxOverlap(a->mAABB.mExtents, a->mAABB.mCenter, b->mAABB.mExtents, b->mAABB.mCenter)) return;
// Catch leaf status
BOOL BHasPosLeaf = b->HasPosLeaf();
BOOL BHasNegLeaf = b->HasNegLeaf();
FETCH_LEAF(a->GetPosPrimitive(), mIMesh0, mR0to1, mT0to1)
if(BHasPosLeaf) PrimTestTriIndex(b->GetPosPrimitive());
else _CollideTriBox(b->GetPos());
if(ContactFound()) return;
if(BHasNegLeaf) PrimTestTriIndex(b->GetNegPrimitive());
else _CollideTriBox(b->GetNeg());
FETCH_LEAF(b->GetPosPrimitive(), mIMesh1, mR1to0, mT1to0)
else _Collide(a->GetPos(), b->GetPos());
if(ContactFound()) return;
FETCH_LEAF(b->GetNegPrimitive(), mIMesh1, mR1to0, mT1to0)
else _Collide(a->GetPos(), b->GetNeg());
if(ContactFound()) return;
FETCH_LEAF(a->GetNegPrimitive(), mIMesh0, mR0to1, mT0to1)
if(BHasPosLeaf) PrimTestTriIndex(b->GetPosPrimitive());
else _CollideTriBox(b->GetPos());
if(ContactFound()) return;
if(BHasNegLeaf) PrimTestTriIndex(b->GetNegPrimitive());
else _CollideTriBox(b->GetNeg());
// ### That leaf has possibly already been fetched
FETCH_LEAF(b->GetPosPrimitive(), mIMesh1, mR1to0, mT1to0)
else _Collide(a->GetNeg(), b->GetPos());
if(ContactFound()) return;
// ### That leaf has possibly already been fetched
FETCH_LEAF(b->GetNegPrimitive(), mIMesh1, mR1to0, mT1to0)
else _Collide(a->GetNeg(), b->GetNeg());
// Quantized trees
* Recursive collision query for quantized AABB trees.
* \param b0 [in] collision node from first tree
* \param b1 [in] collision node from second tree
* \param a [in] extent from box A
* \param Pa [in] center from box A
* \param b [in] extent from box B
* \param Pb [in] center from box B
void AABBTreeCollider::_Collide(const AABBQuantizedNode* b0, const AABBQuantizedNode* b1, const Point& a, const Point& Pa, const Point& b, const Point& Pb)
// Perform BV-BV overlap test
if(!BoxBoxOverlap(a, Pa, b, Pb)) return;
if(b0->IsLeaf() && b1->IsLeaf()) { PrimTest(b0->GetPrimitive(), b1->GetPrimitive()); return; }
if(b1->IsLeaf() || (!b0->IsLeaf() && (b0->GetSize() > b1->GetSize())))
// Dequantize box
const QuantizedAABB* Box = &b0->GetNeg()->mAABB;
const Point negPa(float(Box->mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff0.x, float(Box->mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff0.y, float(Box->mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff0.z);
const Point nega(float(Box->mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff0.x, float(Box->mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff0.y, float(Box->mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff0.z);
_Collide(b0->GetNeg(), b1, nega, negPa, b, Pb);
if(ContactFound()) return;
// Dequantize box
Box = &b0->GetPos()->mAABB;
const Point posPa(float(Box->mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff0.x, float(Box->mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff0.y, float(Box->mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff0.z);
const Point posa(float(Box->mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff0.x, float(Box->mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff0.y, float(Box->mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff0.z);
_Collide(b0->GetPos(), b1, posa, posPa, b, Pb);
// Dequantize box
const QuantizedAABB* Box = &b1->GetNeg()->mAABB;
const Point negPb(float(Box->mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff1.x, float(Box->mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff1.y, float(Box->mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff1.z);
const Point negb(float(Box->mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff1.x, float(Box->mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff1.y, float(Box->mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff1.z);
_Collide(b0, b1->GetNeg(), a, Pa, negb, negPb);
if(ContactFound()) return;
// Dequantize box
Box = &b1->GetPos()->mAABB;
const Point posPb(float(Box->mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff1.x, float(Box->mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff1.y, float(Box->mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff1.z);
const Point posb(float(Box->mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff1.x, float(Box->mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff1.y, float(Box->mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff1.z);
_Collide(b0, b1->GetPos(), a, Pa, posb, posPb);
// Quantized no-leaf trees
* Recursive collision of a leaf node from A and a quantized branch from B.
* \param leaf [in] leaf triangle from first tree
* \param b [in] collision node from second tree
void AABBTreeCollider::_CollideTriBox(const AABBQuantizedNoLeafNode* b)
// Dequantize box
const QuantizedAABB* bb = &b->mAABB;
const Point Pb(float(bb->mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff1.x, float(bb->mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff1.y, float(bb->mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff1.z);
const Point eb(float(bb->mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff1.x, float(bb->mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff1.y, float(bb->mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff1.z);
// Perform triangle-box overlap test
if(!TriBoxOverlap(Pb, eb)) return;
if(b->HasPosLeaf()) PrimTestTriIndex(b->GetPosPrimitive());
else _CollideTriBox(b->GetPos());
if(ContactFound()) return;
if(b->HasNegLeaf()) PrimTestTriIndex(b->GetNegPrimitive());
else _CollideTriBox(b->GetNeg());
* Recursive collision of a leaf node from B and a quantized branch from A.
* \param b [in] collision node from first tree
* \param leaf [in] leaf triangle from second tree
void AABBTreeCollider::_CollideBoxTri(const AABBQuantizedNoLeafNode* b)
// Dequantize box
const QuantizedAABB* bb = &b->mAABB;
const Point Pa(float(bb->mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff0.x, float(bb->mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff0.y, float(bb->mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff0.z);
const Point ea(float(bb->mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff0.x, float(bb->mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff0.y, float(bb->mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff0.z);
// Perform triangle-box overlap test
if(!TriBoxOverlap(Pa, ea)) return;
if(b->HasPosLeaf()) PrimTestIndexTri(b->GetPosPrimitive());
else _CollideBoxTri(b->GetPos());
if(ContactFound()) return;
if(b->HasNegLeaf()) PrimTestIndexTri(b->GetNegPrimitive());
else _CollideBoxTri(b->GetNeg());
* Recursive collision query for quantized no-leaf AABB trees.
* \param a [in] collision node from first tree
* \param b [in] collision node from second tree
void AABBTreeCollider::_Collide(const AABBQuantizedNoLeafNode* a, const AABBQuantizedNoLeafNode* b)
// Dequantize box A
const QuantizedAABB* ab = &a->mAABB;
const Point Pa(float(ab->mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff0.x, float(ab->mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff0.y, float(ab->mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff0.z);
const Point ea(float(ab->mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff0.x, float(ab->mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff0.y, float(ab->mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff0.z);
// Dequantize box B
const QuantizedAABB* bb = &b->mAABB;
const Point Pb(float(bb->mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff1.x, float(bb->mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff1.y, float(bb->mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff1.z);
const Point eb(float(bb->mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff1.x, float(bb->mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff1.y, float(bb->mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff1.z);
// Perform BV-BV overlap test
if(!BoxBoxOverlap(ea, Pa, eb, Pb)) return;
// Catch leaf status
BOOL BHasPosLeaf = b->HasPosLeaf();
BOOL BHasNegLeaf = b->HasNegLeaf();
FETCH_LEAF(a->GetPosPrimitive(), mIMesh0, mR0to1, mT0to1)
if(BHasPosLeaf) PrimTestTriIndex(b->GetPosPrimitive());
else _CollideTriBox(b->GetPos());
if(ContactFound()) return;
if(BHasNegLeaf) PrimTestTriIndex(b->GetNegPrimitive());
else _CollideTriBox(b->GetNeg());
FETCH_LEAF(b->GetPosPrimitive(), mIMesh1, mR1to0, mT1to0)
else _Collide(a->GetPos(), b->GetPos());
if(ContactFound()) return;
FETCH_LEAF(b->GetNegPrimitive(), mIMesh1, mR1to0, mT1to0)
else _Collide(a->GetPos(), b->GetNeg());
if(ContactFound()) return;
FETCH_LEAF(a->GetNegPrimitive(), mIMesh0, mR0to1, mT0to1)
if(BHasPosLeaf) PrimTestTriIndex(b->GetPosPrimitive());
else _CollideTriBox(b->GetPos());
if(ContactFound()) return;
if(BHasNegLeaf) PrimTestTriIndex(b->GetNegPrimitive());
else _CollideTriBox(b->GetNeg());
// ### That leaf has possibly already been fetched
FETCH_LEAF(b->GetPosPrimitive(), mIMesh1, mR1to0, mT1to0)
else _Collide(a->GetNeg(), b->GetPos());
if(ContactFound()) return;
// ### That leaf has possibly already been fetched
FETCH_LEAF(b->GetNegPrimitive(), mIMesh1, mR1to0, mT1to0)
else _Collide(a->GetNeg(), b->GetNeg());