Fabian Klemp aeb6218d2d Renaming.
2014-10-24 11:49:46 +02:00

125 lines
3.9 KiB

// File: ImeUi.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#ifndef _IMEUI_H_
#define _IMEUI_H_
#if _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0400
#error IMEUI requires _WIN32_WINNT to be 0x0400 or higher. Please add "_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400" to your project's preprocessor setting.
#include <windows.h>
class CImeUiFont_Base
virtual void SetHeight( UINT uHeight )
}; // for backward compatibility
virtual void SetColor( DWORD color ) = 0;
virtual void SetPosition( int x, int y ) = 0;
virtual void GetTextExtent( LPCTSTR szText, DWORD* puWidth, DWORD* puHeight ) = 0;
virtual void DrawText( LPCTSTR pszText ) = 0;
typedef struct
// symbol (Henkan-kyu)
DWORD symbolColor;
DWORD symbolColorOff;
DWORD symbolColorText;
BYTE symbolHeight;
BYTE symbolTranslucence;
BYTE symbolPlacement;
CImeUiFont_Base* symbolFont;
// candidate list
DWORD candColorBase;
DWORD candColorBorder;
DWORD candColorText;
// composition string
DWORD compColorInput;
DWORD compColorTargetConv;
DWORD compColorConverted;
DWORD compColorTargetNotConv;
DWORD compColorInputErr;
BYTE compTranslucence;
DWORD compColorText;
// caret
BYTE caretWidth;
BYTE caretYMargin;
typedef struct // D3DTLVERTEX compatible
float sx;
float sy;
float sz;
float rhw;
DWORD color;
DWORD specular;
float tu;
float tv;
// IME States
#define IMEUI_STATE_ON 1
// IME const
#define MAX_CANDLIST 10
// IME Flags
#define IMEUI_FLAG_SUPPORT_CARET 0x00000001
bool ImeUi_Initialize( HWND hwnd, bool bDisable = false );
void ImeUi_Uninitialize();
void ImeUi_SetAppearance( const IMEUI_APPEARANCE* pia );
void ImeUi_GetAppearance( IMEUI_APPEARANCE* pia );
bool ImeUi_IgnoreHotKey( const MSG* pmsg );
LPARAM ImeUi_ProcessMessage( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM& lParam, bool* trapped );
void ImeUi_SetScreenDimension( UINT width, UINT height );
void ImeUi_RenderUI( bool bDrawCompAttr = true, bool bDrawOtherUi = true );
void ImeUi_SetCaretPosition( UINT x, UINT y );
void ImeUi_SetCompStringAppearance( CImeUiFont_Base* pFont, DWORD color, const RECT* prc );
bool ImeUi_GetCaretStatus();
void ImeUi_SetInsertMode( bool bInsert );
void ImeUi_SetState( DWORD dwState );
DWORD ImeUi_GetState();
void ImeUi_EnableIme( bool bEnable );
bool ImeUi_IsEnabled( void );
void ImeUi_FinalizeString( bool bSend = false );
void ImeUi_ToggleLanguageBar( BOOL bRestore );
bool ImeUi_IsSendingKeyMessage();
void ImeUi_SetWindow( HWND hwnd );
UINT ImeUi_GetInputCodePage();
DWORD ImeUi_GetFlags();
void ImeUi_SetFlags( DWORD dwFlags, bool bSet );
WORD ImeUi_GetPrimaryLanguage();
DWORD ImeUi_GetImeId( UINT uIndex );
WORD ImeUi_GetLanguage();
LPTSTR ImeUi_GetIndicatior();
bool ImeUi_IsShowReadingWindow();
bool ImeUi_IsShowCandListWindow();
bool ImeUi_IsVerticalCand();
bool ImeUi_IsHorizontalReading();
TCHAR* ImeUi_GetCandidate( UINT idx );
TCHAR* ImeUi_GetCompositionString();
DWORD ImeUi_GetCandidateSelection();
DWORD ImeUi_GetCandidateCount();
BYTE* ImeUi_GetCompStringAttr();
DWORD ImeUi_GetImeCursorChars();
extern void ( CALLBACK*ImeUiCallback_DrawRect )( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, DWORD color );
extern void* ( __cdecl*ImeUiCallback_Malloc )( size_t bytes );
extern void ( __cdecl*ImeUiCallback_Free )( void* ptr );
extern void ( CALLBACK*ImeUiCallback_DrawFans )( const IMEUI_VERTEX* paVertex, UINT uNum );
extern void ( CALLBACK*ImeUiCallback_OnChar )( WCHAR wc );
#endif //_IMEUI_H_