* open-vm-tools package, vmtoolsd.service and vmware-vmblock-fuse.service for VMware.
* hyperv package, hv_fcopy_daemon.service, hv_kvp_daemon.service and hv_vss_daemon.service for Hyper-V.
Related to #118.
"rescue/installation actions for {grub,refind} should be run from
within a chroot" is a false statement. See --boot-directory of
grub-install and --root of refind-install. (In the case of grub,
there are people that do not use the ugly grub-mkconfig at all.)
* virtualbox-guest-utils-nox package and vboxservice.service for VirtualBox.
* qemu-guest-agent package and qemu-guest-agent.service for QEMU & libvirt.
Implements #118.
Add libusb-compat and pcsclite as optional dependencies for gnupg to be able to interact with smartcards out-of-the-box.
Add usbmuxd to list of packages, so that users have the option to use iOS devices out-of-the-box for data connection
during installation.
- fatresize is a utility to resize FAT filesystems using libparted.
- gpart is partition table rescue/guessing tool.
- tmux is a terminal multiplexer. Requested in https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/68252 .
Add GPL-3.0 license.
Add SPDX license identifier.
Add SPDX license identifier.
Install the `run_archiso.sh` script as global executable `run_archiso`.
Use -D and -t flags to install to install files more generically (without a previous call to install the directory).
Add README outlining the project's scope, how to build images from the profiles and how to test.
Add list of all direct contributors to the repository.
Add basic contribution guidelines, explaining the linter and the license in use.
Copy custom files to airootfs before installing packages.
Instead of calling `mkarchiso init`, list all required packages in packages.x86_64 and install them all at once with `mkarchiso install`. The mkdir command which `mkarchiso init` performs is now done by make_custom_airootfs.
Don't copy configs/releng/pacman.conf to airootfs, it is only meant to provide a unmodified pacman.conf durring pacstrap. In airootfs, an unmodified /etc/pacman.conf will be installed with the pacman package.
Add a convenience script which opens the installation guide in lynx.
Provide a message with minimal instructions for connecting to internet and inform about the Installation_guide convenience script.
When built with CONFIG_FONT_TER16x32, the Linux kernel includes a TER16x32 font based on ter-i32b from terminus-font. The kernel will automatically choose this font on screen resolutions larger than 1920×1080.
The terminus-font package includes fonts for other character sets, which may be useful during installation.
Due to dropping netctl from the image, no packgae currently directly
pulls in a resolvconf provider.
The systemd-resolvconf package is compatible with systemd-resolved which
is in use on the image now and the preferred choice.
Removing packages:
* grub :rescue/ installation actions for grub should be run from within
a chroot
* lsscsi: lsblk provides the same functionality
* netctl: we have systemd-networkd enabled by default
* ntp: we have systemd-timesyncd
* refind: rescue/ installation actions for refind should be run from
within a chroot
* vi: we have vim
Adding nvme-cli to the list of packages for working with NVME drives in
a live environment (as discussed in FS#63769).
Replacing wget with curl for the use-case of downloading a
pre-specified remote startup script (changing flags where needed).
Removing wget from the list of installed packages, as
.automated_script.sh was the only reason for it being installed.
As the refind-efi package has been renamed to refind, the package
required for the releng image needs to be renamed as well.