+++ title = "Buttons" description = "" weight = 2 +++ The button shortcode allows you to add a button to the page. This button is a HTML *anchor* element and can thus be used to link to another page or website. {{< button style="primary" >}} Button {{< /button >}} {{< button style="secondary" >}} Button {{< /button >}} {{< button style="outline-primary" >}} Button {{< /button >}} {{< button style="danger" >}} Button {{< /button >}} {{< button style="warning" >}} Button {{< /button >}} {{< button style="success" >}} Button {{< /button >}} {{< button style="info" >}} Button {{< /button >}} ## Usage Place the following shortcode on the page {{< code lang="html" >}} {{}} [content] {{}} {{< /code >}} ### Parameters #### *style* The style parameter is directly applied to the alert as a class in the format *"btn-{STYLE}"*. Bootstrap comes with a variety of styles that can be used with this: - primary - secondary - danger - warning - success - info Each style can also be presented as an 'outline' variant by prefixing the style with 'outline-'. Example: style="outline-primary". #### *link* The link parameter may consist of an URL leading to a page or other website. Simply use it by defining a URL for the button to link to. Example: link="https://google.com".