image: python:3.11 variables: PIP_CACHE_DIR: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.cache/pip" PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT: 1 UPDATE_WINDOWS_DEPS: description: "Set to \"1\" to update windows deps" value: "0" cache: paths: - .cache/pip - .venv/ workflow: rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG when: always - if: $CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR == "Gitlab CI " when: never - when: always prepare: before_script: - pip install setuptools_scm>=6.2 script: - PYTHON_VERSION=$(python --version | cut -d " " -f2) - echo "PYTHON_VERSION=${PYTHON_VERSION}" | tee -a build.env - VERSION=$(python -m setuptools_scm) - echo "VERSION=${VERSION}" | tee -a build.env - echo "LINUX_AMD64_BINARY=fime_linux_amd64_${VERSION}" | tee -a build.env - echo "WINDOWS_AMD64_BINARY=fime_windows_amd64_${VERSION}" | tee -a build.env - echo "PACKAGE_REGISTRY_URL=${CI_API_V4_URL}/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/generic/fime/${VERSION}" | tee -a build.env artifacts: paths: - src/fime/ reports: dotenv: build.env update_windows_deps: tags: - shared-windows - windows - windows-1809 rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG when: never - if: $UPDATE_WINDOWS_DEPS == "1" when: always - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "main" changes: - Pipfile - Pipfile.lock when: always needs: - prepare before_script: - Import-Module "$env:ChocolateyInstall\helpers\chocolateyProfile.psm1" - choco install python --version=$PYTHON_VERSION -y --no-progress - refreshenv - python --version - pip install pipenv script: - pipenv lock --dev --keep-outdated artifacts: paths: - Pipfile.lock # commit from linux, because setting up SSH in Windows is a fucking nightmare commit_windows_deps: rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG when: never - if: $UPDATE_WINDOWS_DEPS == "1" - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "main" changes: - Pipfile - Pipfile.lock needs: - update_windows_deps image: alpine before_script: - apk add --update git openssh-client - eval $(ssh-agent -s) - echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_REPO_WRITE" | ssh-add - - git config --global "Gitlab CI" - git config --global "" - git remote rm origin && git remote add origin "${CI_PROJECT_PATH}.git" script: - dos2unix Pipfile.lock - git commit -m "Updated windows deps from CI" Pipfile.lock || echo "No changes" - GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" git push origin HEAD:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME package_linux: needs: - prepare before_script: - python --version - pip install pipenv - pipenv sync --dev script: - pipenv run python -m build -w - pipenv run pyinstaller --onefile --name "${LINUX_AMD64_BINARY}" src/fime/ artifacts: paths: - dist/*.whl - dist/fime_linux_* package_windows: needs: - prepare tags: - shared-windows - windows - windows-1809 # takes forever, so only run if it is worthwhile rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG before_script: - Import-Module "$env:ChocolateyInstall\helpers\chocolateyProfile.psm1" - choco install python --version=$PYTHON_VERSION -y --no-progress - refreshenv - python --version - pip install pipenv - pipenv sync --dev script: - pipenv run pyinstaller --onefile --windowed --name "${WINDOWS_AMD64_BINARY}" -i icon.ico src/fime/ artifacts: paths: - dist/fime_windows_* pypi_upload: needs: - package_linux environment: pypi rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG before_script: - pip install twine script: - twine upload dist/fime-*.whl gitlab_package_upload: needs: - prepare - package_linux - package_windows image: curlimages/curl:latest rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG script: - curl --version - | curl --header "JOB-TOKEN: $CI_JOB_TOKEN" --upload-file "dist/${LINUX_AMD64_BINARY}" "${PACKAGE_REGISTRY_URL}/${LINUX_AMD64_BINARY}" - | curl --header "JOB-TOKEN: $CI_JOB_TOKEN" --upload-file "dist/${WINDOWS_AMD64_BINARY}.exe" "${PACKAGE_REGISTRY_URL}/${WINDOWS_AMD64_BINARY}.exe" release_job: needs: - prepare - gitlab_package_upload image: rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG script: - echo "Running the release job." release: tag_name: $CI_COMMIT_TAG name: 'Release $CI_COMMIT_TAG' description: 'Release created using the release-cli.' assets: links: - name: "${LINUX_AMD64_BINARY}" url: "${PACKAGE_REGISTRY_URL}/${LINUX_AMD64_BINARY}" filepath: "/bin/fime_linux_amd64" link_type: package - name: "${WINDOWS_AMD64_BINARY}.exe" url: "${PACKAGE_REGISTRY_URL}/${WINDOWS_AMD64_BINARY}.exe" filepath: "/bin/fime_windows_amd64.exe" link_type: package