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* OPCODE - Optimized Collision Detection
* Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Pierre Terdiman,
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* Contains code for an OBB collider.
* \file OPC_OBBCollider.cpp
* \author Pierre Terdiman
* \date January, 1st, 2002
* Contains an OBB-vs-tree collider.
* \class OBBCollider
* \author Pierre Terdiman
* \version 1.3
* \date January, 1st, 2002
// Precompiled Header
#include "Stdafx.h"
using namespace Opcode;
#include "OPC_BoxBoxOverlap.h"
#include "OPC_TriBoxOverlap.h"
#define SET_CONTACT(prim_index, flag) \
/* Set contact status */ \
mFlags |= flag; \
//! OBB-triangle test
#define OBB_PRIM(prim_index, flag) \
/* Request vertices from the app */ \
VertexPointers VP; mIMesh->GetTriangle(VP, prim_index); \
/* Transform them in a common space */ \
TransformPoint(mLeafVerts[0], *VP.Vertex[0], mRModelToBox, mTModelToBox); \
TransformPoint(mLeafVerts[1], *VP.Vertex[1], mRModelToBox, mTModelToBox); \
TransformPoint(mLeafVerts[2], *VP.Vertex[2], mRModelToBox, mTModelToBox); \
/* Perform triangle-box overlap test */ \
if(TriBoxOverlap()) \
{ \
SET_CONTACT(prim_index, flag) \
* Constructor.
OBBCollider::OBBCollider() : mFullBoxBoxTest(true)
* Destructor.
* Validates current settings. You should call this method after all the settings and callbacks have been defined.
* \return null if everything is ok, else a string describing the problem
const char* OBBCollider::ValidateSettings()
if(TemporalCoherenceEnabled() && !FirstContactEnabled()) return "Temporal coherence only works with ""First contact"" mode!";
return VolumeCollider::ValidateSettings();
* Generic collision query for generic OPCODE models. After the call, access the results:
* - with GetContactStatus()
* - with GetNbTouchedPrimitives()
* - with GetTouchedPrimitives()
* \param cache [in/out] a box cache
* \param box [in] collision OBB in local space
* \param model [in] Opcode model to collide with
* \param worldb [in] OBB's world matrix, or null
* \param worldm [in] model's world matrix, or null
* \return true if success
* \warning SCALE NOT SUPPORTED. The matrices must contain rotation & translation parts only.
bool OBBCollider::Collide(OBBCache& cache, const OBB& box, const Model& model, const Matrix4x4* worldb, const Matrix4x4* worldm)
// Checkings
if(!Setup(&model)) return false;
// Init collision query
if(InitQuery(cache, box, worldb, worldm)) return true;
const AABBQuantizedNoLeafTree* Tree = (const AABBQuantizedNoLeafTree*)model.GetTree();
// Setup dequantization coeffs
mCenterCoeff = Tree->mCenterCoeff;
mExtentsCoeff = Tree->mExtentsCoeff;
// Perform collision query
if(SkipPrimitiveTests()) _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes());
else _Collide(Tree->GetNodes());
const AABBNoLeafTree* Tree = (const AABBNoLeafTree*)model.GetTree();
// Perform collision query
if(SkipPrimitiveTests()) _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes());
else _Collide(Tree->GetNodes());
const AABBQuantizedTree* Tree = (const AABBQuantizedTree*)model.GetTree();
// Setup dequantization coeffs
mCenterCoeff = Tree->mCenterCoeff;
mExtentsCoeff = Tree->mExtentsCoeff;
// Perform collision query
if(SkipPrimitiveTests()) _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes());
else _Collide(Tree->GetNodes());
const AABBCollisionTree* Tree = (const AABBCollisionTree*)model.GetTree();
// Perform collision query
if(SkipPrimitiveTests()) _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(Tree->GetNodes());
else _Collide(Tree->GetNodes());
return true;
* Initializes a collision query :
* - reset stats & contact status
* - setup matrices
* - check temporal coherence
* \param cache [in/out] a box cache
* \param box [in] obb in local space
* \param worldb [in] obb's world matrix, or null
* \param worldm [in] model's world matrix, or null
* \return TRUE if we can return immediately
* \warning SCALE NOT SUPPORTED. The matrices must contain rotation & translation parts only.
BOOL OBBCollider::InitQuery(OBBCache& cache, const OBB& box, const Matrix4x4* worldb, const Matrix4x4* worldm)
// 1) Call the base method
// 2) Compute obb in world space
mBoxExtents = box.mExtents;
Matrix4x4 WorldB;
WorldB = Matrix4x4( box.mRot * Matrix3x3(*worldb) );
WorldB.SetTrans(box.mCenter * *worldb);
WorldB = box.mRot;
// Setup matrices
Matrix4x4 InvWorldB;
InvertPRMatrix(InvWorldB, WorldB);
Matrix4x4 InvWorldM;
InvertPRMatrix(InvWorldM, *worldm);
Matrix4x4 WorldBtoM = WorldB * InvWorldM;
Matrix4x4 WorldMtoB = *worldm * InvWorldB;
mRModelToBox = WorldMtoB; WorldMtoB.GetTrans(mTModelToBox);
mRBoxToModel = WorldBtoM; WorldBtoM.GetTrans(mTBoxToModel);
mRModelToBox = InvWorldB; InvWorldB.GetTrans(mTModelToBox);
mRBoxToModel = WorldB; WorldB.GetTrans(mTBoxToModel);
// 3) Setup destination pointer
mTouchedPrimitives = &cache.TouchedPrimitives;
// 4) Special case: 1-triangle meshes [Opcode 1.3]
if(mCurrentModel && mCurrentModel->HasSingleNode())
// We simply perform the BV-Prim overlap test each time. We assume single triangle has index 0.
// Perform overlap test between the unique triangle and the box (and set contact status if needed)
// Return immediately regardless of status
return TRUE;
// 5) Check temporal coherence:
// Here we use temporal coherence
// => check results from previous frame before performing the collision query
// We're only interested in the first contact found => test the unique previously touched face
// Get index of previously touched face = the first entry in the array
udword PreviouslyTouchedFace = mTouchedPrimitives->GetEntry(0);
// Then reset the array:
// - if the overlap test below is successful, the index we'll get added back anyway
// - if it isn't, then the array should be reset anyway for the normal query
// Perform overlap test between the cached triangle and the box (and set contact status if needed)
// Return immediately if possible
if(GetContactStatus()) return TRUE;
// else no face has been touched during previous query
// => we'll have to perform a normal query
// ### rewrite this
OBB TestBox(mTBoxToModel, mBoxExtents, mRBoxToModel);
// We're interested in all contacts =>test the new real box N(ew) against the previous fat box P(revious):
if(IsCacheValid(cache) && TestBox.IsInside(cache.FatBox))
// - if N is included in P, return previous list
// => we simply leave the list (mTouchedFaces) unchanged
// Set contact status if needed
if(mTouchedPrimitives->GetNbEntries()) mFlags |= OPC_TEMPORAL_CONTACT;
// In any case we don't need to do a query
return TRUE;
// - else do the query using a fat N
// Reset cache since we'll about to perform a real query
// Make a fat box so that coherence will work for subsequent frames
TestBox.mExtents *= cache.FatCoeff;
mBoxExtents *= cache.FatCoeff;
// Update cache with query data (signature for cached faces)
cache.FatBox = TestBox;
// Here we don't use temporal coherence => do a normal query
// Now we can precompute box-box data
// Precompute absolute box-to-model rotation matrix
for(udword i=0;i<3;i++)
for(udword j=0;j<3;j++)
// Epsilon value prevents floating-point inaccuracies (strategy borrowed from RAPID)
mAR.m[i][j] = 1e-6f + fabsf(mRBoxToModel.m[i][j]);
// Precompute bounds for box-in-box test
mB0 = mBoxExtents - mTModelToBox;
mB1 = - mBoxExtents - mTModelToBox;
// Precompute box-box data - Courtesy of Erwin de Vries
mBBx1 = mBoxExtents.x*mAR.m[0][0] + mBoxExtents.y*mAR.m[1][0] + mBoxExtents.z*mAR.m[2][0];
mBBy1 = mBoxExtents.x*mAR.m[0][1] + mBoxExtents.y*mAR.m[1][1] + mBoxExtents.z*mAR.m[2][1];
mBBz1 = mBoxExtents.x*mAR.m[0][2] + mBoxExtents.y*mAR.m[1][2] + mBoxExtents.z*mAR.m[2][2];
mBB_1 = mBoxExtents.y*mAR.m[2][0] + mBoxExtents.z*mAR.m[1][0];
mBB_2 = mBoxExtents.x*mAR.m[2][0] + mBoxExtents.z*mAR.m[0][0];
mBB_3 = mBoxExtents.x*mAR.m[1][0] + mBoxExtents.y*mAR.m[0][0];
mBB_4 = mBoxExtents.y*mAR.m[2][1] + mBoxExtents.z*mAR.m[1][1];
mBB_5 = mBoxExtents.x*mAR.m[2][1] + mBoxExtents.z*mAR.m[0][1];
mBB_6 = mBoxExtents.x*mAR.m[1][1] + mBoxExtents.y*mAR.m[0][1];
mBB_7 = mBoxExtents.y*mAR.m[2][2] + mBoxExtents.z*mAR.m[1][2];
mBB_8 = mBoxExtents.x*mAR.m[2][2] + mBoxExtents.z*mAR.m[0][2];
mBB_9 = mBoxExtents.x*mAR.m[1][2] + mBoxExtents.y*mAR.m[0][2];
return FALSE;
* Checks the OBB completely contains the box. In which case we can end the query sooner.
* \param bc [in] box center
* \param be [in] box extents
* \return true if the OBB contains the whole box
inline_ BOOL OBBCollider::OBBContainsBox(const Point& bc, const Point& be)
// I assume if all 8 box vertices are inside the OBB, so does the whole box.
// Sounds ok but maybe there's a better way?
#define TEST_PT(a,b,c) \
p.x=a; p.y=b; p.z=c; p+=bc; \
f = p.x * mRModelToBox.m[0][0] + p.y * mRModelToBox.m[1][0] + p.z * mRModelToBox.m[2][0]; if(f>mB0.x || f<mB1.x) return FALSE;\
f = p.x * mRModelToBox.m[0][1] + p.y * mRModelToBox.m[1][1] + p.z * mRModelToBox.m[2][1]; if(f>mB0.y || f<mB1.y) return FALSE;\
f = p.x * mRModelToBox.m[0][2] + p.y * mRModelToBox.m[1][2] + p.z * mRModelToBox.m[2][2]; if(f>mB0.z || f<mB1.z) return FALSE;
Point p;
float f;
TEST_PT(be.x, be.y, be.z)
TEST_PT(-be.x, be.y, be.z)
TEST_PT(be.x, -be.y, be.z)
TEST_PT(-be.x, -be.y, be.z)
TEST_PT(be.x, be.y, -be.z)
TEST_PT(-be.x, be.y, -be.z)
TEST_PT(be.x, -be.y, -be.z)
TEST_PT(-be.x, -be.y, -be.z)
return TRUE;
// Yes there is:
// - compute model-box's AABB in OBB space
// - test AABB-in-AABB
float NCx = bc.x * mRModelToBox.m[0][0] + bc.y * mRModelToBox.m[1][0] + bc.z * mRModelToBox.m[2][0];
float NEx = fabsf(mRModelToBox.m[0][0] * be.x) + fabsf(mRModelToBox.m[1][0] * be.y) + fabsf(mRModelToBox.m[2][0] * be.z);
if(mB0.x < NCx+NEx) return FALSE;
if(mB1.x > NCx-NEx) return FALSE;
float NCy = bc.x * mRModelToBox.m[0][1] + bc.y * mRModelToBox.m[1][1] + bc.z * mRModelToBox.m[2][1];
float NEy = fabsf(mRModelToBox.m[0][1] * be.x) + fabsf(mRModelToBox.m[1][1] * be.y) + fabsf(mRModelToBox.m[2][1] * be.z);
if(mB0.y < NCy+NEy) return FALSE;
if(mB1.y > NCy-NEy) return FALSE;
float NCz = bc.x * mRModelToBox.m[0][2] + bc.y * mRModelToBox.m[1][2] + bc.z * mRModelToBox.m[2][2];
float NEz = fabsf(mRModelToBox.m[0][2] * be.x) + fabsf(mRModelToBox.m[1][2] * be.y) + fabsf(mRModelToBox.m[2][2] * be.z);
if(mB0.z < NCz+NEz) return FALSE;
if(mB1.z > NCz-NEz) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
#define TEST_BOX_IN_OBB(center, extents) \
if(OBBContainsBox(center, extents)) \
{ \
/* Set contact status */ \
mFlags |= OPC_CONTACT; \
_Dump(node); \
return; \
* Recursive collision query for normal AABB trees.
* \param node [in] current collision node
void OBBCollider::_Collide(const AABBCollisionNode* node)
// Perform OBB-AABB overlap test
if(!BoxBoxOverlap(node->mAABB.mExtents, node->mAABB.mCenter)) return;
TEST_BOX_IN_OBB(node->mAABB.mCenter, node->mAABB.mExtents)
OBB_PRIM(node->GetPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT)
if(ContactFound()) return;
* Recursive collision query for normal AABB trees, without primitive tests.
* \param node [in] current collision node
void OBBCollider::_CollideNoPrimitiveTest(const AABBCollisionNode* node)
// Perform OBB-AABB overlap test
if(!BoxBoxOverlap(node->mAABB.mExtents, node->mAABB.mCenter)) return;
TEST_BOX_IN_OBB(node->mAABB.mCenter, node->mAABB.mExtents)
SET_CONTACT(node->GetPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT)
if(ContactFound()) return;
* Recursive collision query for quantized AABB trees.
* \param node [in] current collision node
void OBBCollider::_Collide(const AABBQuantizedNode* node)
// Dequantize box
const QuantizedAABB& Box = node->mAABB;
const Point Center(float(Box.mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff.x, float(Box.mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff.y, float(Box.mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff.z);
const Point Extents(float(Box.mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff.x, float(Box.mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff.y, float(Box.mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff.z);
// Perform OBB-AABB overlap test
if(!BoxBoxOverlap(Extents, Center)) return;
TEST_BOX_IN_OBB(Center, Extents)
OBB_PRIM(node->GetPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT)
if(ContactFound()) return;
* Recursive collision query for quantized AABB trees, without primitive tests.
* \param node [in] current collision node
void OBBCollider::_CollideNoPrimitiveTest(const AABBQuantizedNode* node)
// Dequantize box
const QuantizedAABB& Box = node->mAABB;
const Point Center(float(Box.mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff.x, float(Box.mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff.y, float(Box.mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff.z);
const Point Extents(float(Box.mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff.x, float(Box.mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff.y, float(Box.mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff.z);
// Perform OBB-AABB overlap test
if(!BoxBoxOverlap(Extents, Center)) return;
TEST_BOX_IN_OBB(Center, Extents)
SET_CONTACT(node->GetPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT)
if(ContactFound()) return;
* Recursive collision query for no-leaf AABB trees.
* \param node [in] current collision node
void OBBCollider::_Collide(const AABBNoLeafNode* node)
// Perform OBB-AABB overlap test
if(!BoxBoxOverlap(node->mAABB.mExtents, node->mAABB.mCenter)) return;
TEST_BOX_IN_OBB(node->mAABB.mCenter, node->mAABB.mExtents)
if(node->HasPosLeaf()) { OBB_PRIM(node->GetPosPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
else _Collide(node->GetPos());
if(ContactFound()) return;
if(node->HasNegLeaf()) { OBB_PRIM(node->GetNegPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
else _Collide(node->GetNeg());
* Recursive collision query for no-leaf AABB trees, without primitive tests.
* \param node [in] current collision node
void OBBCollider::_CollideNoPrimitiveTest(const AABBNoLeafNode* node)
// Perform OBB-AABB overlap test
if(!BoxBoxOverlap(node->mAABB.mExtents, node->mAABB.mCenter)) return;
TEST_BOX_IN_OBB(node->mAABB.mCenter, node->mAABB.mExtents)
if(node->HasPosLeaf()) { SET_CONTACT(node->GetPosPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
else _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetPos());
if(ContactFound()) return;
if(node->HasNegLeaf()) { SET_CONTACT(node->GetNegPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
else _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetNeg());
* Recursive collision query for quantized no-leaf AABB trees.
* \param node [in] current collision node
void OBBCollider::_Collide(const AABBQuantizedNoLeafNode* node)
// Dequantize box
const QuantizedAABB& Box = node->mAABB;
const Point Center(float(Box.mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff.x, float(Box.mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff.y, float(Box.mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff.z);
const Point Extents(float(Box.mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff.x, float(Box.mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff.y, float(Box.mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff.z);
// Perform OBB-AABB overlap test
if(!BoxBoxOverlap(Extents, Center)) return;
TEST_BOX_IN_OBB(Center, Extents)
if(node->HasPosLeaf()) { OBB_PRIM(node->GetPosPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
else _Collide(node->GetPos());
if(ContactFound()) return;
if(node->HasNegLeaf()) { OBB_PRIM(node->GetNegPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
else _Collide(node->GetNeg());
* Recursive collision query for quantized no-leaf AABB trees, without primitive tests.
* \param node [in] current collision node
void OBBCollider::_CollideNoPrimitiveTest(const AABBQuantizedNoLeafNode* node)
// Dequantize box
const QuantizedAABB& Box = node->mAABB;
const Point Center(float(Box.mCenter[0]) * mCenterCoeff.x, float(Box.mCenter[1]) * mCenterCoeff.y, float(Box.mCenter[2]) * mCenterCoeff.z);
const Point Extents(float(Box.mExtents[0]) * mExtentsCoeff.x, float(Box.mExtents[1]) * mExtentsCoeff.y, float(Box.mExtents[2]) * mExtentsCoeff.z);
// Perform OBB-AABB overlap test
if(!BoxBoxOverlap(Extents, Center)) return;
TEST_BOX_IN_OBB(Center, Extents)
if(node->HasPosLeaf()) { SET_CONTACT(node->GetPosPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
else _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetPos());
if(ContactFound()) return;
if(node->HasNegLeaf()) { SET_CONTACT(node->GetNegPrimitive(), OPC_CONTACT) }
else _CollideNoPrimitiveTest(node->GetNeg());
* Constructor.
* Destructor.
bool HybridOBBCollider::Collide(OBBCache& cache, const OBB& box, const HybridModel& model, const Matrix4x4* worldb, const Matrix4x4* worldm)
// We don't want primitive tests here!
// Checkings
if(!Setup(&model)) return false;
// Init collision query
if(InitQuery(cache, box, worldb, worldm)) return true;
// Special case for 1-leaf trees
if(mCurrentModel && mCurrentModel->HasSingleNode())
// Here we're supposed to perform a normal query, except our tree has a single node, i.e. just a few triangles
udword Nb = mIMesh->GetNbTriangles();
// Loop through all triangles
for(udword i=0;i<Nb;i++)
return true;
// Override destination array since we're only going to get leaf boxes here
mTouchedPrimitives = &mTouchedBoxes;
// Now, do the actual query against leaf boxes
const AABBQuantizedNoLeafTree* Tree = (const AABBQuantizedNoLeafTree*)model.GetTree();
// Setup dequantization coeffs
mCenterCoeff = Tree->mCenterCoeff;
mExtentsCoeff = Tree->mExtentsCoeff;
// Perform collision query - we don't want primitive tests here!
const AABBNoLeafTree* Tree = (const AABBNoLeafTree*)model.GetTree();
// Perform collision query - we don't want primitive tests here!
const AABBQuantizedTree* Tree = (const AABBQuantizedTree*)model.GetTree();
// Setup dequantization coeffs
mCenterCoeff = Tree->mCenterCoeff;
mExtentsCoeff = Tree->mExtentsCoeff;
// Perform collision query - we don't want primitive tests here!
const AABBCollisionTree* Tree = (const AABBCollisionTree*)model.GetTree();
// Perform collision query - we don't want primitive tests here!
// We only have a list of boxes so far
// Reset contact status, since it currently only reflects collisions with leaf boxes
// Change dest container so that we can use built-in overlap tests and get collided primitives
mTouchedPrimitives = &cache.TouchedPrimitives;
// Read touched leaf boxes
udword Nb = mTouchedBoxes.GetNbEntries();
const udword* Touched = mTouchedBoxes.GetEntries();
const LeafTriangles* LT = model.GetLeafTriangles();
const udword* Indices = model.GetIndices();
// Loop through touched leaves
const LeafTriangles& CurrentLeaf = LT[*Touched++];
// Each leaf box has a set of triangles
udword NbTris = CurrentLeaf.GetNbTriangles();
const udword* T = &Indices[CurrentLeaf.GetTriangleIndex()];
// Loop through triangles and test each of them
udword TriangleIndex = *T++;
udword BaseIndex = CurrentLeaf.GetTriangleIndex();
// Loop through triangles and test each of them
udword TriangleIndex = BaseIndex++;
return true;